Why do the God-haters persist?


Take a Memo:
Apr 21, 2012
Birmingham, AL
We see them here everyday, interjecting their hate-filled insultuous attacks on the religious, mocking and ridiculing to a bizarre extreme, anything and everything to do with God. They largely profess to be "Atheists" although some, as if to denote a hint of reluctance to go quite that far, will claim agnosticism instead. Best play it safe if we're dealing with a super-force who can send you to the pits of hell for all eternity, eh? But they have a dirty little secret they don't want any of us to know. They are not, in fact, Atheists or agnostic.

True Atheists have absolutely no inclination to attack people who profess religious belief. If anything, they are amused by the "believers" and find them a bit of a novelty. Much like an adult who encounters a child believing in Santa or the Easter Bunny. There is no harm to the adult in such beliefs, the adult knows these are not real entities, and it's simply an amusement to them. In fact, they may even 'play along' with the idea, just in the name of fun. What does it hurt? No, you don't see hoards of smart-assed punks at the mall where Santa visits, ridiculing and belittling the people standing in line to see him. Message boards aren't clogged up with degenerate misfits decrying the belief of a giant bunny who brings candy and hides eggs, because it doesn't really matter to anyone that some people entertain this notion.

Oh but it's because those are just kids, Boss! Well okay, let's take the thousands of nutty conspiracy theories out there. Do you see any evidence of people devoting every waking hour to go on message boards and forums to "inform" these people how they are crazy and misinformed? Nope. It doesn't matter. As long as you know something is too far-fetched to be true, you could care less what other people think. If someone wants to think Elvis is still alive on some remote island, what difference does that make to me? I might be inclined to casually comment that I don't believe it, but I am certainly not devoting the bulk of my energy and time online to categorically try and refute any inkling of thought pertaining to such a theory. And I am certainly not going to the extreme efforts to ridicule and insult the nuts who believe such theories. It's just not that important to me, nor to anyone else for that matter.

But with the God-haters and God, things are quite different. Although they claim to be Atheists or agnostics, my suspicion is they are anything but. It appears they are devout believers in God, who fully understand the power of God and how much God influences others who believe in Him. To put it in simple terms, they fear God. They are afraid if they do not stand up and fight God with all their might, God may become a bigger influence and that wouldn't be good for them, for whatever reason.

Most of the time, these reasons center around that person's life choices. They have totally abandoned the God they very much believe in, so they can be unaccountable for their moral behaviors. As long as there is "no god" to judge them, they can do whatever they please and there are no consequences. It's important that we understand, any time someone is doing something immoral or wrong, they had rather have company. This provides a codependency, a way they can somehow justify their behavior to themselves.

So this is why the God-haters persist on message boards and forums, to 'recruit' people over to their way of thinking. They believe they can ridicule and cajole people into being ashamed of their beliefs and those people will ultimately join their faction. If nothing else, it is 'therapeutic' for them to vent their anger and vitriol toward the God they know is real, and they are almost certain to meet up with others who are doing the same thing.
They are abject failures, whose only joy in life is to attack people who are able to squeeze a modicom of happiness out of life.

They don't approve of happiness. That's why they want to kill babies, euthanise teh elderly, make everybody poor, and turn our health system into crap.
I've never run across anyone who hates "god" but a lot of people don't like certain types of god's followers.
Dawsy's sig: extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence/ Carl Sagan.

"Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality. When we recognize our place in an immensity of light years and in the passage of ages, when we grasp the intricacy, beauty and subtlety of life, then that soaring feeling, that sense of elation and humility combined, is surely spiritual. So are our emotions in the presence of great art or music or literature, or of acts of exemplary selfless courage such as those of Mohandas Gandhi or Martin Luther King Jr. The notion that science and spirituality are somehow mutually exclusive does a disservice to both." ~Carl Sagan

Oh my.
Dawsy's sig: extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence/ Carl Sagan.

"Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality. When we recognize our place in an immensity of light years and in the passage of ages, when we grasp the intricacy, beauty and subtlety of life, then that soaring feeling, that sense of elation and humility combined, is surely spiritual. So are our emotions in the presence of great art or music or literature, or of acts of exemplary selfless courage such as those of Mohandas Gandhi or Martin Luther King Jr. The notion that science and spirituality are somehow mutually exclusive does a disservice to both." ~Carl Sagan

Oh my.

If you're saying that a person can be an atheist or agnostic and still be spiritual and not 'hate" God I totally agree. Sagan fits in this category. I imagine he would think it silly to hate Osiris or Zeus or Yahweh or whatever mythical being you could name.

Sagan quotes:

"If ‘fulfilled prophecy’ is your criterion, why do you not believe in materialistic science, which has an unparalleled record of fulfilled prophecy? Consider, for example, eclipses.”

"The idea that God is an oversized white male with a flowing beard who sits in the sky and tallies the fall of every sparrow is ludicrous. But if by God one means the set of physical laws that govern the universe, then clearly there is such a God. This God is emotionally unsatisfying... it does not make much sense to pray to the law of gravity."
I've never run across anyone who hates "god" but a lot of people don't like certain types of god's followers.

Exactly. I don't understand why boss thinks that God is being mocked when someone mocks him...

Kinda like when GISM says that someone is arguing with God when they are arguing with him.

At some level these jerks must think of themselves as gods.

are people are not supposed to poke fun at that?
Lol..you guys really do not understand how imbecilic and bigoted you sound...

Which doesn't say much for your allegedly superior understanding of the universe and its origins, lololol..
Dawsy's sig: extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence/ Carl Sagan.

"Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality. When we recognize our place in an immensity of light years and in the passage of ages, when we grasp the intricacy, beauty and subtlety of life, then that soaring feeling, that sense of elation and humility combined, is surely spiritual. So are our emotions in the presence of great art or music or literature, or of acts of exemplary selfless courage such as those of Mohandas Gandhi or Martin Luther King Jr. The notion that science and spirituality are somehow mutually exclusive does a disservice to both." ~Carl Sagan

Oh my.

If you're saying that a person can be an atheist or agnostic and still be spiritual and not 'hate" God I totally agree. Sagan fits in this category. I imagine he would think it silly to hate Osiris or Zeus or Yahweh or whatever mythical being you could name.

Sagan quotes:

"If ‘fulfilled prophecy’ is your criterion, why do you not believe in materialistic science, which has an unparalleled record of fulfilled prophecy? Consider, for example, eclipses.”

"The idea that God is an oversized white male with a flowing beard who sits in the sky and tallies the fall of every sparrow is ludicrous. But if by God one means the set of physical laws that govern the universe, then clearly there is such a God. This God is emotionally unsatisfying... it does not make much sense to pray to the law of gravity."

Carl Sagan actually wrote an entire book on Science and Spirituality. Many of the greatest scientific minds of our time, as well as generations past, have expressed belief in God or "oneness with the universe" and a deep sense of spiritual connection. Aside from Richard Dawkins and a few others, you don't see many scientists going out of their way to refute God or denounce religion.

No, this thread is not about atheists and agnostics. Some people in my family have categorized my views as "atheist or agnostic" although I don't identify as such. I am very much a Spiritualist who does believe in a spiritual energy which can be defined as God. I don't belong to a church or religion, and find most organized religions to be too political for me to ever consider. This thread is about the "God-haters" who spend an inordinate amount of their personal lives on a message board, denouncing a God they claim to not believe in. I'm calling them out, exposing them for the frauds they are.
"Aside from Richard Dawkins and a few others, you don't see many scientists going out of their way to refute God or denounce religion. " I've watched many debates between secular scientists and those who want Creationism taught as a valid origin theory.

I'll make a guess here (a guess mind you because I have no stats) that a large majority scientists are worried about religion and creation myths encroaching on the teaching of real science.

Back to the OP. I haven't been around these forums for very long but I have yet to witness what you call a "god hater". Unless you call defending science and denouncing the acceptance and teaching of Myth as truth "hating god".
"Aside from Richard Dawkins and a few others, you don't see many scientists going out of their way to refute God or denounce religion. " I've watched many debates between secular scientists and those who want Creationism taught as a valid origin theory.

I'll make a guess here (a guess mind you because I have no stats) that a large majority scientists are worried about religion and creation myths encroaching on the teaching of real science.

Back to the OP. I haven't been around these forums for very long but I have yet to witness what you call a "god hater". Unless you call defending science and denouncing the acceptance and teaching of Myth as truth "hating god".

A "myth" is a widely held but false belief or idea. If you have proof that God doesn't exist, or there wasn't an intelligent designer, then present that proof, or stop referring to belief in God as "myth." Also, you don't get to define what is "valid" in terms of a theory. People fight you on these things because you arrogantly make proclamations that simply are not true, and expect the world to acquiesce. Fuck you! You're not any different than anyone else with an opinion.

No, you don't see the God-haters because you're one of them.
Why do the God-haters persist?
No one ‘hates god,’ the notion is idiotic, but it is appropriate to be critical of the ignorance and hate that manifest among many theists as a consequence of religion.

Man created religion, and the concept of ‘god’ subsequently; where ‘god’ as perceived by theists – an omnipotent deity ‘controlling’ human events – doesn’t exist. And because ‘god’ is a creation of man, the concept is imbued with the failings, fears, and arrogance of man – we see proof of that arrogance exhibited by Christians on this very forum, and note the hypocrisy.

To note the hate, arrogance, and hypocrisy of theists, therefore, is not to ‘hate god,’ but to recognize the fact that humans are fallible, where no one person, group, religion, philosophy, or belief has all the ‘answers,’ nor a monopoly on ‘the truth.’
Why do the God-haters persist?
No one ‘hates god,’ the notion is idiotic, but it is appropriate to be critical of the ignorance and hate that manifest among many theists as a consequence of religion.

Man created religion, and the concept of ‘god’ subsequently; where ‘god’ as perceived by theists – an omnipotent deity ‘controlling’ human events – doesn’t exist. And because ‘god’ is a creation of man, the concept is imbued with the failings, fears, and arrogance of man – we see proof of that arrogance exhibited by Christians on this very forum, and note the hypocrisy.

To note the hate, arrogance, and hypocrisy of theists, therefore, is not to ‘hate god,’ but to recognize the fact that humans are fallible, where no one person, group, religion, philosophy, or belief has all the ‘answers,’ nor a monopoly on ‘the truth.’

You are factually wrong about a few things. Yes, man did create religion. Religion is the direct manifestation from raw human spirituality and spiritual connection. There is no evidence God doesn't exist in a spiritual sense. Something spiritual certainly does exist or humans wouldn't be spiritual creatures with spiritual inclinations, spiritually motivated to create religions.

Yes, people DO hate God, they hate the concept of God, they hate the people who profess belief in God. There are a myriad of reasons for every kind of hate, but hate is largely bigoted ignorance.

I am not a Christian, I am pretty much a non-theist, some would call that "atheist." I understand the Bible very well, I have read the entire thing, and done intensive studies on the Scriptures. I don't mind arguing with someone about what the Bible says or doesn't say, and because of that, I am often labeled a "religious zealot" or any number of other god-hating labels. I will defend Christians and their points of view sometimes, because I feel they make a valid point or at least have the right to their viewpoint. This gets me labeled a "Christian wacko" by the god-haters. I see these god-haters every day here, and for you to waddle in and claim they don't exist, is laughable.

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