Why do so many libs think it's ok to break the law if it's done in the name of social protesting?


Diamond Member
Feb 25, 2015
The Law doesn't take a "TIME OUT" because Libs got their feelings hurt.

It's illegal to vandalize property and assault people at 8am on Christmas morning and it's illegal to vandalize property and assault people the night after an election you are crying about.

"PROTEST" and "RIOT" do NOT have to be synonymous.

Act like good citizens, you jackasses.
The left filth have no respect for the law, they use the law or break the law as needed to further their left filth agenda.
The Law doesn't take a "TIME OUT" because Libs got their feelings hurt.

It's illegal to vandalize property and assault people at 8am on Christmas morning and it's illegal to vandalize property and assault people the night after an election you are crying about.

"PROTEST" and "RIOT" do NOT have to be synonymous.

Act like good citizens, you jackasses.

Those protesters are just mad that they will be cut off their free sh*t pretty darn soon.
I think this will slowly change after a law respecting president assumes office.

I also think the flood of ILLEGALS will slow to a trickle for the same reason.

When our leaders don't respect the laws of the land, why should the potential lawbreakers.

When WE treat America with respect, so will foreigners.
I think this will slowly change after a law respecting president assumes office.

I also think the flood of ILLEGALS will slow to a trickle for the same reason.

When our leaders don't respect the laws of the land, why should the potential lawbreakers.

When WE treat America with respect, so will foreigners.
Let's hope so.
The Law doesn't take a "TIME OUT" because Libs got their feelings hurt.

It's illegal to vandalize property and assault people at 8am on Christmas morning and it's illegal to vandalize property and assault people the night after an election you are crying about.

"PROTEST" and "RIOT" do NOT have to be synonymous.

Act like good citizens, you jackasses.

Shucks that's easy:

1. They feel entitled to do so.
2. They lack respect for you and themselves.
3. They're bored.
4. They're dumb and/or have a screw loose.
5. They're emotionally unstrung.
6. They're immature.
7. They're decay and what does decay do folks? Simple, it spreads and infects to survive.

I challenge anyone to explain to me why I'm wrong. Thanks
The Law doesn't take a "TIME OUT" because Libs got their feelings hurt.

It's illegal to vandalize property and assault people at 8am on Christmas morning and it's illegal to vandalize property and assault people the night after an election you are crying about.

"PROTEST" and "RIOT" do NOT have to be synonymous.

Act like good citizens, you jackasses.

it is because of fucktards like that

that many people across the nation voted for trump
The Law doesn't take a "TIME OUT" because Libs got their feelings hurt.

It's illegal to vandalize property and assault people at 8am on Christmas morning and it's illegal to vandalize property and assault people the night after an election you are crying about.

"PROTEST" and "RIOT" do NOT have to be synonymous.

Act like good citizens, you jackasses.
I would agree with you post if you didn't use the word Libs... no need for that. Whether they are liberals, democrats, or anti trump conservatives/Reps, there is no need for violence. Some out there I'd bet don't even follow politics, they just want to raise hell.
Why? Liberals are criminals who believe what they want is more important than the law and do NOT believe in personal accountability.
Americans are generally smarter than the sycophant liberal media and the democrat party gives them credit for. Everything the Soros funded "Media Matters" and Huffington left wing blogs predicted would happen if republicans lost the election was really a text book case for left wing anarchy when Hillary lost.
Why? Liberals are criminals who believe what they want is more important than the law and do NOT believe in personal accountability.
You are so lame. Conservatives are blah blah blah I could make up a bunch of shity insults and be like you but why in the world would I do that? Blah Blah Blah....
Americans are generally smarter than the sycophant liberal media and the democrat party gives them credit for. Everything the Soros funded "Media Matters" and Huffington left wing blogs predicted would happen if republicans lost the election was really a text book case for left wing anarchy when Hillary lost.
Those protests are hardly anarchy. I don't agree with them but don't overblow it. Hillary was gracious, Obama has been gracious and dispite such an ugly campaign, Trump has been gracious. There is no doubt there would be similar demonstrations from Trump supporters if he would have lost. The rigged revolt was all ready to go. So lets all just be honest and point out that many dems and libs have taken the loss with integrity, and some are throwing a hissy fit. Just as some Reps and Cons have been gracious winners and others have been acting gloating children. We should ignore the children and acknowledge the ones that are acting respectable.
Why? Liberals are criminals who believe what they want is more important than the law and do NOT believe in personal accountability.
You are so lame. Conservatives are blah blah blah I could make up a bunch of shity insults and be like you but why in the world would I do that? Blah Blah Blah....
When Obama became President he IMMEDIATELY declared he personally did not like the DOMA, and because HE did not agree with the LAW he - FIDEL Obama ordered hos administration NOT to enforce the law.

What did I say? Liberals don't give a samn about the law, only what THEY want. This is what Obama did...his whole Presidency. This is what Hillary did...her whole life...and it caught up to her, which is why she lost the election.

I am not just saying it - Hillary and Barry have demonstrated this over and over and OVER. THEIR ACTIONS have spoken louder than MY words...
Why? Liberals are criminals who believe what they want is more important than the law and do NOT believe in personal accountability.
You are so lame. Conservatives are blah blah blah I could make up a bunch of shity insults and be like you but why in the world would I do that? Blah Blah Blah....
When Obama became President he IMMEDIATELY declared he personally did not like the DOMA, and because HE did not agree with the LAW he - FIDEL Obama ordered hos administration NOT to enforce the law.

What did I say? Liberals don't give a samn about the law, only what THEY want. This is what Obama did...his whole Presidency. This is what Hillary did...her whole life...and it caught up to her, which is why she lost the election.

I am not just saying it - Hillary and Barry have demonstrated this over and over and OVER. THEIR ACTIONS have spoken louder than MY words...
I'm assuming that you are a conservative, is that right? This is what confuses me about the DOMA situation. As a conservative isn't it your principle to fight for individual freedoms and less government interference? Basically, the government shouldn't be telling us how to live?? If this is true then how in the world can you justify, having the government telling the LGBT community who they can and can't marry? Limiting and differentiating their rights and freedoms to act like any other couple or family?? It makes no sense, conservative or liberal, i'd think this is just a common sense civil rights move independent of ideology, that came much much too late... much like abolishing slavery, black civil rights, and women's rights.
The Law doesn't take a "TIME OUT" because Libs got their feelings hurt.

It's illegal to vandalize property and assault people at 8am on Christmas morning and it's illegal to vandalize property and assault people the night after an election you are crying about.

"PROTEST" and "RIOT" do NOT have to be synonymous.

Act like good citizens, you jackasses.


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