Why do Repubs distort Dem policy positions?


Diamond Member
Oct 28, 2017
Because they can't make credible arguments against what they really are.

Because they can't make credible arguments against what they really are.

View attachment 371417
More accurately:
D: We'd like cops to stop killing minorities.
R: So would we, we'd also like minorities to commit fewer crimes

D: Women should have the right to choose
R: The babies should have the right to choose...so we'll help them

D: We need reasonable immigration policies.
R: Dems do want open borders, that is a fact if you saw the democrat debates

D: We kneel in protest of inequality.
R: Dems do hate the flag, the anthem, and America, or they'd find another way to "protest"

D: We should wear masks to protect others.
R: We should wear masks to protect others.

D: We should have background checks
R: We do have background checks, just ask the FBI

D: Feds should not be policing in cities
R: Dems are encouraging rioting, or the local cops would arrest the rioters, the Feds need to protect Federal property

D: People should have a living wage.
R: Dems do want free stuff, free healthcare, free college, reparations, etc. also cheap migrant labor flooding the job market?!

D: We want religious freedom for everyone
R: Bullshit, rioters burned churches. Sharia Law is not a religion, it is a Law, "honor killings" are okay?

D: Taxes should be used for the benefit of everyone
R: Agreed. So everyone should also pay taxes, or it is socialism.

D: We want people to vote safely during the pandemic
R: We agree, so use absentee ballots uniformly without "ballot harvesting"

D: People need more unemployment assistance
R: We agree with UE assistence. But we are against state bailouts.
The babies should have the right to choose...so we'll help them
Gobs of protoplasmic goo aren't babies. Your word salad equates to taking away a woman's constitutional right of choice.
Because they can't make credible arguments against what they really are.

View attachment 371417
More accurately:
D: We'd like cops to stop killing minorities.
R: So would we, we'd also like minorities to commit fewer crimes

D: Women should have the right to choose
R: The babies should have the right to choose...so we'll help them

D: We need reasonable immigration policies.
R: Dems do want open borders, that is a fact if you saw the democrat debates

D: We kneel in protest of inequality.
R: Dems do hate the flag, the anthem, and America, or they'd find another way to "protest"

D: We should wear masks to protect others.
R: We should wear masks to protect others.

D: We should have background checks
R: We do have background checks, just ask the FBI

D: Feds should not be policing in cities
R: Dems are encouraging rioting, or the local cops would arrest the rioters, the Feds need to protect Federal property

D: People should have a living wage.
R: Dems do want free stuff, free healthcare, free college, reparations, etc. also cheap migrant labor flooding the job market?!

D: We want religious freedom for everyone
R: Bullshit, rioters burned churches. Sharia Law is not a religion, it is a Law, "honor killings" are okay?

D: Taxes should be used for the benefit of everyone
R: Agreed. So everyone should also pay taxes, or it is socialism.

D: We want people to vote safely during the pandemic
R: We agree, so use absentee ballots uniformly without "ballot harvesting"

D: People need more unemployment assistance
R: We agree with UE assistence. But we are against state bailouts.
Excellent job of calling out berg80 ’s straw man arguments.
Because they can't make credible arguments against what they really are.

View attachment 371417

In the republican response listed for many of these can be traced back to comments made by elected democrats...so the question becomes where are all the other elected democrats speaking out against the radical views of their party?
Dem policy FACTS they don't deny that are not in the best interests of the American people...

1. Dems have vowed to gift millions of ILLEGALS amnesty for their crimes and the right to vote in our elections, canceling out the votes of millions of Americans. A corrupt takeover of our country.

2. Dems have vowed to get rid of low cost oil, gas, coal energy screwing over the poor and middle class who can't afford the Dems pie in the sky utopian solar energy BS.

3. Dems have vowed to return to policies that favor China and Mexico gifting them our jobs in exchange for favors. Sucks to be the working class under Dem rule.

4. Dems no longer accept the will of the American people and election results. If they lose they corrupt government agencies to attack the representatives the American people send to Washington.

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