Why do leftists think Trump gave tax breaks to the wealthy only?

What's the primary reason leftists believe Trump's tax cuts are for the wealthy only?

  • They don't have jobs so don't know any better.

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • They have jobs but don't pay income taxes, so they don't see a difference.

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • They pay income taxes but are unable to distinguish a difference.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The truth is inconvenient & prefer to share lies. Possibly because they're short on material.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • They're intellectually dishonest.

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • They don't think for themselves and parrot what others tell them.

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2019
Funny all their narratives and beliefs. Who knew the mega-wealthy are primarily liberals. Same with the make-up of the wealthiest zip codes. I guess Republicans have "their" best interests in mind.

At any rate, what's the primary reason leftists believe Trump's tax cuts are for the wealthy only?
Funny when then Hussein decided to keep the “Bush Tax Cuts” that the left screamed about for years, we didn’t hear them screaming that the Hussein was giving tax breaks to the rich.

With the left, it’s always a double standard.
Everyone got a tax break. The 1 percent always benefit the most as they control most all the wealth. There's just not much left for the working masses. That's why social security and Medicare are so vital for 99 percent of the population.
Who pays the taxes? We have a progressive tax system that taxes the richest the most and very little or not at all for the poorest. Of course tax cuts benefit the wealthiest. What Democrats want is tax redistribution. The Democratic mantra "Tax cuts for the rich" is intentionally dishonest.
The rich tax cuts are permanant, everyone else gets sunsetted. Everyone gets something now but in the long run it's a clear giveaway for the wealthy. It's bait-and-switch. Add to that what the tarriffs will end up costing consumers as well as dozens of other ways all this chaos can cost us real money and Trump has not given the working class anything.
Why do leftists think Trump gave tax breaks to the wealthy only?
Study Finds Trump Tax Cuts Failed to Do Anything But Give Rich People Money

The biggest effect of the Trump tax cuts is obvious: People who own businesses and other sources of concentrated wealth will have a lot more money, and the federal budget will have less. But the advocates of the tax cuts insisted it wasn’t about letting the makers keep their hard-earned money rather than handing it over to the takers. It was about incentivizing business to repatriate funds and ramp up its investments, thereby increasing growth and wages.

At any rate, what's the primary reason leftists believe Trump's tax cuts are for the wealthy only?
Actually, Trump's tax package gave short term tax cuts to most, but only the wealthy got PERMANENT tax cuts. That's what has so many taxpayers with a fucking brain to see the inequality objectively pissed. Being a TRUE Conservative, I can understand the angst and fury of the lower 95% of taxpayers!
Funny all their narratives and beliefs. Who knew the mega-wealthy are primarily liberals. Same with the make-up of the wealthiest zip codes. I guess Republicans have "their" best interests in mind.

At any rate, what's the primary reason leftists believe Trump's tax cuts are for the wealthy only?
Most of the people I do taxes for got no tax reduction. Very few paid less. That is the facts of it and it is the reason liberals know who got fat on rumpys plan.
Getting ahead for working class folk who aren't wealthy is very difficult. Always has been. A hard working person shouldn't expect to get all that far ahead.
The rich tax cuts are permanant, everyone else gets sunsetted. Everyone gets something now but in the long run it's a clear giveaway for the wealthy. It's bait-and-switch. Add to that what the tarriffs will end up costing consumers as well as dozens of other ways all this chaos can cost us real money and Trump has not given the working class anything.

How will the tariffs cost me money if I dont buy Chinese goods?
Getting ahead for working class folk who aren't wealthy is very difficult. Always has been. A hard working person shouldn't expect to get all that far ahead.
Until fairly recently a working person could afford to live where their jobs are and have a stable life. Now we must take on massive unaffordable debt at every turn just to have anything worthwhile. Where is the middle-class carrot that made us the most productive country on earth? The American dream is dead and capitalism killed it.
The rich tax cuts are permanant, everyone else gets sunsetted. Everyone gets something now but in the long run it's a clear giveaway for the wealthy. It's bait-and-switch. Add to that what the tarriffs will end up costing consumers as well as dozens of other ways all this chaos can cost us real money and Trump has not given the working class anything.

How will the tariffs cost me money if I dont buy Chinese goods?
Not possible but let's just say that you could. Chinese goods are often the cheapest option. Paying for stuff made elsewhere, especially here, costs more.
The rich tax cuts are permanant, everyone else gets sunsetted. Everyone gets something now but in the long run it's a clear giveaway for the wealthy. It's bait-and-switch. Add to that what the tarriffs will end up costing consumers as well as dozens of other ways all this chaos can cost us real money and Trump has not given the working class anything.

How will the tariffs cost me money if I dont buy Chinese goods?

They really won't. The left wants you to believe that only the Chinese can manufacture products at low wages. The truth is many countries are just like China, and some even cheaper.

When it comes to manufacturing cheap goods, China has plenty of competition. However when it comes to buying goods, nobody comes close to the USA. Therefore Trump knows we have the upper hand in the trade war. Not only because of competition, but because our economy is the envy of the world right now.
The rich tax cuts are permanant, everyone else gets sunsetted. Everyone gets something now but in the long run it's a clear giveaway for the wealthy. It's bait-and-switch. Add to that what the tarriffs will end up costing consumers as well as dozens of other ways all this chaos can cost us real money and Trump has not given the working class anything.

I can't think of any better example of the working class than myself. Blue collar worker who puts in 8 or more hours every day. I'm not poor, but very far from rich.

I take home more money every paycheck now. Perhaps it's more noticeable to me since I get paid every two weeks instead of every week. Plus I got more of an income tax return for my 2018, and in 2019, no more Commie Care fines either.

So what did the rich do with their new money? They created more jobs. Now we are at the lowest unemployment level in 50 years. We actually have more jobs than Americans that can work them.

So I'm happy with my tax cuts, and I'm happy my employer has more work for us to do since that's how I make a living. As for the so-called middle-class that claim they didn't get anything, I have no idea how I did and they didn't.
Funny all their narratives and beliefs. Who knew the mega-wealthy are primarily liberals. Same with the make-up of the wealthiest zip codes. I guess Republicans have "their" best interests in mind.

At any rate, what's the primary reason leftists believe Trump's tax cuts are for the wealthy only?

Same reason the rightys think Obama was born in Kenya...their party masters told them what to think
The rich tax cuts are permanant, everyone else gets sunsetted. Everyone gets something now but in the long run it's a clear giveaway for the wealthy. It's bait-and-switch. Add to that what the tarriffs will end up costing consumers as well as dozens of other ways all this chaos can cost us real money and Trump has not given the working class anything.

I can't think of any better example of the working class than myself. Blue collar worker who puts in 8 or more hours every day. I'm not poor, but very far from rich.

I take home more money every paycheck now. Perhaps it's more noticeable to me since I get paid every two weeks instead of every week. Plus I got more of an income tax return for my 2018, and in 2019, no more Commie Care fines either.

So what did the rich do with their new money? They created more jobs. Now we are at the lowest unemployment level in 50 years. We actually have more jobs than Americans that can work them.

So I'm happy with my tax cuts, and I'm happy my employer has more work for us to do since that's how I make a living. As for the so-called middle-class that claim they didn't get anything, I have no idea how I am and they're not.
So you are broke with no healthcare, and you love it.
They're intellectually dishonest AND only parrot what they're told.
They don't have the capacity to think.

I've been saying it for years, I am not joking, playing around, being jovial or facetious. These "people" are drones, NPC's, animated genetic waste. If they have souls at all they're rotten to the core and belong to lucifer. They're a malignancy to our species and only exist because God is testing our will power to obey His commandments and not murder them no matter how annoying they are.

The ones who are lucifer's minions still have to cross a line that justifies self defense, and even then after their deeds are done, Vengeance is Mine Sayeth The Lord.

Funny all their narratives and beliefs. Who knew the mega-wealthy are primarily liberals. Same with the make-up of the wealthiest zip codes. I guess Republicans have "their" best interests in mind.

At any rate, what's the primary reason leftists believe Trump's tax cuts are for the wealthy only?

Democrats are told what to believe, not why they should believe it. There are still those running around on USMB claiming that Trump colluded with Russia, and cheated Hillary out of her win.

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