Why do democrats and obama want Iran to have nuclear weapons?


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2013
The Big Easy
It is quite clear that the "deal" being cooked up by obama and kerry will result in Iran having nuclear weapons. What is their motivation for wanting a nuclear Iran? Whose side are Obama and Kerry really on? Is the destruction of Israel one of obama's goals for his term of office? Is his early muslim indoctrination driving his decision making and foreign policy?
No....what obama wants is what the North Koreans have...since the North Koreans have nuclear weapons they are untouchable by the west....obama wants Iran to have nuclear weapons because that would make them unassailable by the west and western Imperialism......obama is driven by making up for past wrongs toward victims of western imperialism and this is one way to do that....

Of course, he doesn't believe them when they say they will use those weapons to destroy Israel....it just doesn't compute for him....it also doesn't compute for him that the Iranians having nuclear weapons will endanger that whole region and force the other countries to also acquire weapons......the problem being that when the Russians acquired the weapons, they were rational....the Iranians are nuts........
It is quite clear that the "deal" being cooked up by obama and kerry will result in Iran having nuclear weapons. What is their motivation for wanting a nuclear Iran? Whose side are Obama and Kerry really on? Is the destruction of Israel one of obama's goals for his term of office? Is his early muslim indoctrination driving his decision making and foreign policy?
What's the problem if they do, which they don't. Iran is a nation, it has the right to build nuclear weapons. Stop wetting your bed over it.
No....what obama wants is what the North Koreans have...since the North Koreans have nuclear weapons they are untouchable by the west....obama wants Iran to have nuclear weapons because that would make them unassailable by the west and western Imperialism......obama is driven by making up for past wrongs toward victims of western imperialism and this is one way to do that....

Of course, he doesn't believe them when they say they will use those weapons to destroy Israel....it just doesn't compute for him....it also doesn't compute for him that the Iranians having nuclear weapons will endanger that whole region and force the other countries to also acquire weapons......the problem being that when the Russians acquired the weapons, they were rational....the Iranians are nuts........

true, I also believe that obama's early indoctrination into islam is a factor. His biological father and his step father were muslims, he was sent to muslim madrassas in Indonesia as a youngster. His early training in his formative years was all muslim.

To ignore that reality is dangerous.
Great thread idea. It'll be enlightening to read what wild speculations that ODS stricken conservatives have come up with for why Obama wants a nuclear Iran. Points for creativity; extra credit if you can work in a theory about Obama being a member of the Muslim Brotherhood. :thup:
Great thread idea. It'll be enlightening to read what wild speculations that ODS stricken conservatives have come up with for why Obama wants a nuclear Iran. Points for creativity; extra credit if you can work in a theory about Obama being a member of the Muslim Brotherhood. :thup:

Don't expect a link proving their ASSSSinine position.
It is quite clear that the "deal" being cooked up by obama and kerry will result in Iran having nuclear weapons. What is their motivation for wanting a nuclear Iran? Whose side are Obama and Kerry really on? Is the destruction of Israel one of obama's goals for his term of office? Is his early muslim indoctrination driving his decision making and foreign policy?
What's the problem if they do, which they don't. Iran is a nation, it has the right to build nuclear weapons. Stop wetting your bed over it.

Haven't you heard?

The US is helpless against an attack by Iran and/or ISIS.

I have to agree with folks who think it is a little overboard to worry about Iran with a nuclear weapon.
Many countries have had them ... One country has used them.

If they want to dance ... Let's dance.

You know....you guys should pay attention to human history......it doesn't support your desire to let the Iranians have the most destructive weapon in the world.....after Japan was forced to open it's country to the world, the Japanese, a people still stuck in their feudal period, were given modern weapons........and they caused the 2nd World War and committed feudal era atrocities against their conquered subjects......now you guys want to give the most destructive weapon ever built to a country with the same feudal mind set......

Yeah....nothing wrong with that.....
It is quite clear that the "deal" being cooked up by obama and kerry will result in Iran having nuclear weapons. What is their motivation for wanting a nuclear Iran? Whose side are Obama and Kerry really on? Is the destruction of Israel one of obama's goals for his term of office? Is his early muslim indoctrination driving his decision making and foreign policy?

Um.... they don't.

This is way over your head.

Stay out of it.

Let the adults and smart people work it out.
It is quite clear that the "deal" being cooked up by obama and kerry will result in Iran having nuclear weapons. What is their motivation for wanting a nuclear Iran? Whose side are Obama and Kerry really on? Is the destruction of Israel one of obama's goals for his term of office? Is his early muslim indoctrination driving his decision making and foreign policy?

Um.... they don't.

This is way over your head.

Stay out of it.

Let the adults and smart people work it out.

And who would those smart people be....the geniuses who don't mind the biggest exporter of state sponsored terrorism to get the worlds most lethal weapon....those guys......:eusa_clap:
Democrats and Obama want Iran to have nuclear weapons for the same reason Republicans and Redfish want Putin to have the Ukraine...
It is quite clear that the "deal" being cooked up by obama and kerry will result in Iran having nuclear weapons. What is their motivation for wanting a nuclear Iran? Whose side are Obama and Kerry really on? Is the destruction of Israel one of obama's goals for his term of office? Is his early muslim indoctrination driving his decision making and foreign policy?
What's the problem if they do, which they don't. Iran is a nation, it has the right to build nuclear weapons. Stop wetting your bed over it.

Nuking Israel isn't a problem for you?
Have I read yet that Iran only wants Uranium for peaceful purposes?

Surely that will come up because -- Well, not only are dimocraps the scum of the earth, they're stupid and they're liars to boot.

1. You don't use ENRICHED Uranium to run a nuclear power plant.

2. Enriched Uranium serves but one purpose... Nuclear Weapons... Weapons-grade - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

3. dimocraps are the scum of the earth

4. Period
Should have said 'highly' (isotopic) enriched.

Forgot we're dealing with quibbling little bitches in here.
There are different levels of enriched uranium.

I don't think anyone is saying that Iran is NOT enriching uranium. Not even our own NIE. Everyone agrees that Iran is enriching uranium.

It has been on the table before to just give, or sell to, Iran the peaceful enriched uranium so they don't have to make it themselves. Now available in stores...Jesus Uranium®! Be the first in your bloc!

If you are us, selling Jesus Uranium to Iran doesn't mean they can't just take it and centrifuge it into Holy Jihad Uranium.

If you are Iran, buying Jesus Uranium from the Great Satan makes you dependent on them for your uranium. Sure, you could centrifuge it into Holy Jihad Uranium, but then there would be no way you could claim you were spinning uranium around for peaceful purposes if you get caught at it. There could only be one reason you were doing it. And you are going to get caught because it takes a lot of Jesus Uranium to make just a little Holy Jihad Uranium.

"What do you mean you are out of Jesus Uranium? We gave you enough to last a decade!"

So most of the advantage goes to the West by selling Jesus Uranium to Iran.
There are different levels of enriched uranium.

I don't think anyone is saying that Iran is NOT enriching uranium. Not even our own NIE. Everyone agrees that Iran is enriching uranium.

It has been on the table before to just give, or sell to, Iran the peaceful enriched uranium so they don't have to make it themselves. Now available in stores...Jesus Uranium®! Be the first in your bloc!

If you are us, selling Jesus Uranium to Iran doesn't mean they can't just take it and centrifuge it into Holy Jihad Uranium.

If you are Iran, buying Jesus Uranium from the Great Satan makes you dependent on them for your uranium. Sure, you could centrifuge it into Holy Jihad Uranium, but then there would be no way you could claim you were spinning uranium around for peaceful purposes if you get caught at it. There could only be one reason you were doing it. And you are going to get caught because it takes a lot of Jesus Uranium to make just a little Holy Jihad Uranium.

"What do you mean you are out of Jesus Uranium? We gave you enough to last a decade!"

So most of the advantage goes to the West by selling Jesus Uranium to Iran.

The rapist Clinton did that with the Norks.

How did that work out, dirtbag?

This is going to end very badly. But, then again, so does EVERYTHING scum of the earth dimocraps touch.
There are different levels of enriched uranium.

I don't think anyone is saying that Iran is NOT enriching uranium. Not even our own NIE. Everyone agrees that Iran is enriching uranium.

It has been on the table before to just give, or sell to, Iran the peaceful enriched uranium so they don't have to make it themselves. Now available in stores...Jesus Uranium®! Be the first in your bloc!

If you are us, selling Jesus Uranium to Iran doesn't mean they can't just take it and centrifuge it into Holy Jihad Uranium.

If you are Iran, buying Jesus Uranium from the Great Satan makes you dependent on them for your uranium. Sure, you could centrifuge it into Holy Jihad Uranium, but then there would be no way you could claim you were spinning uranium around for peaceful purposes if you get caught at it. There could only be one reason you were doing it. And you are going to get caught because it takes a lot of Jesus Uranium to make just a little Holy Jihad Uranium.

"What do you mean you are out of Jesus Uranium? We gave you enough to last a decade!"

So most of the advantage goes to the West by selling Jesus Uranium to Iran.

The rapist Clinton did that with the Norks.

How did that work out, dirtbag?

Actually it was Bush who failed to adequately prevent North Korea from enriching uranium.

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