Why Do Communist Libs Hate The Purity Of The Ballot??


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"In Texas, conservatives have been pushing a voting bill that included language from the state’s constitution that was used to justify disenfranchising the state’s Black voters, until a Democrat pointed out the wording’s racist roots, and the language was removed. “What was your motivation for using that term ‘purity at the ballot box’?” Democratic Rep. Rafael Anchía asked the bill’s sponsor and author, Republican Rep. Briscoe Cain, adding, “Did you look at the history before using that word?”

“No, no… I’m not familiar with… Article 6,” Cain said. “Well, you may have missed it then,” Anchía responded. “And this would have been very obvious, I think, to anybody who looked at that language. That provision was drafted specifically to disenfranchise black people, black voters, following the Civil War. Did you know that?” Anchía went on to ask Cain whether he realized that the language ‘purity at the ballot box ‘ … gave rise to all-white primaries” and was “used during the Jim Crow era to prevent black people from voting.” Cain said he did not know the history but that he found it “troubling.”

This is the problem with these uppity communists and their 1619-critical race theory crap.....Who cares if the term "purity of the ballot" or "voter integrity" were phrases that were cooked up by white supremacists over 150 yrs ago to outlaw darkies from voting...those were all things invented by Southern democrats; who cares if it a lot of the same arguments being made today by conservatives were being made by those same Democrats back then....that's just a coincidence.....

These commie woke-critical race theory cultural marxist communists are continuously trying to bring up the past to add context to current legislation and that isn't fair.

"In Texas, conservatives have been pushing a voting bill that included language from the state’s constitution that was used to justify disenfranchising the state’s Black voters, until a Democrat pointed out the wording’s racist roots, and the language was removed. “What was your motivation for using that term ‘purity at the ballot box’?” Democratic Rep. Rafael Anchía asked the bill’s sponsor and author, Republican Rep. Briscoe Cain, adding, “Did you look at the history before using that word?”

“No, no… I’m not familiar with… Article 6,” Cain said. “Well, you may have missed it then,” Anchía responded. “And this would have been very obvious, I think, to anybody who looked at that language. That provision was drafted specifically to disenfranchise black people, black voters, following the Civil War. Did you know that?” Anchía went on to ask Cain whether he realized that the language ‘purity at the ballot box ‘ … gave rise to all-white primaries” and was “used during the Jim Crow era to prevent black people from voting.” Cain said he did not know the history but that he found it “troubling.”

This is the problem with these uppity communists and their 1619-critical race theory crap.....Who cares if the term "purity of the ballot" or "voter integrity" were phrases that were cooked up by white supremacists over 150 yrs ago to outlaw darkies from voting...those were all things invented by Southern democrats; who cares if it a lot of the same arguments being made today by conservatives were being made by those same Democrats back then....that's just a coincidence.....

These commie woke-critical race theory cultural marxist communists are continuously trying to bring up the past to add context to current legislation and that isn't fair.

Yeah, like RWNJ's bring the past to add context to current legislation and that isn't fair.

See: The 2nd amendment.

"In Texas, conservatives have been pushing a voting bill that included language from the state’s constitution that was used to justify disenfranchising the state’s Black voters, until a Democrat pointed out the wording’s racist roots, and the language was removed. “What was your motivation for using that term ‘purity at the ballot box’?” Democratic Rep. Rafael Anchía asked the bill’s sponsor and author, Republican Rep. Briscoe Cain, adding, “Did you look at the history before using that word?”

“No, no… I’m not familiar with… Article 6,” Cain said. “Well, you may have missed it then,” Anchía responded. “And this would have been very obvious, I think, to anybody who looked at that language. That provision was drafted specifically to disenfranchise black people, black voters, following the Civil War. Did you know that?” Anchía went on to ask Cain whether he realized that the language ‘purity at the ballot box ‘ … gave rise to all-white primaries” and was “used during the Jim Crow era to prevent black people from voting.” Cain said he did not know the history but that he found it “troubling.”

This is the problem with these uppity communists and their 1619-critical race theory crap.....Who cares if the term "purity of the ballot" or "voter integrity" were phrases that were cooked up by white supremacists over 150 yrs ago to outlaw darkies from voting...those were all things invented by Southern democrats; who cares if it a lot of the same arguments being made today by conservatives were being made by those same Democrats back then....that's just a coincidence.....

These commie woke-critical race theory cultural marxist communists are continuously trying to bring up the past to add context to current legislation and that isn't fair.


The democrat rep. needs to explain why he belongs to the racist, democrat party....

What that democrat really wants to hide? It was the democrat party that enacted the jim crow laws in the first place......why he belongs to the political party of jim crow is the question that he should be asked........the democrat party was created by slave owners, they wanted to spread slavery into new states, they started the Civil War to keep slaves, they fought the Civil Rights movement every step of the way, they kept black children out of the good public schools...and today they refuse to allow black children to escape from horrible, democrat party run public schools, they enacted jim crow laws, poll taxes and literacy tests....

Of the two people you quoted...it is the democrat party Rep. that needs to explain himself and his participation in the racist democrat party.....
The best way I can convey what Voting Rights mean to the Left
is to compare them to what Gun Rights
mean to the Right as the
Parallel equivalent.

These represent the Sacred Line in the Sand that Govt cannot cross, where attempts to add more regulations
symbolize the Govt trying to exert authority and control over people.

The response NO to regulations is
just as symbolic. It isn't about the literal actual regulations per se, but making a political statement by people standing up to Govt.

"In Texas, conservatives have been pushing a voting bill that included language from the state’s constitution that was used to justify disenfranchising the state’s Black voters, until a Democrat pointed out the wording’s racist roots, and the language was removed. “What was your motivation for using that term ‘purity at the ballot box’?” Democratic Rep. Rafael Anchía asked the bill’s sponsor and author, Republican Rep. Briscoe Cain, adding, “Did you look at the history before using that word?”

“No, no… I’m not familiar with… Article 6,” Cain said. “Well, you may have missed it then,” Anchía responded. “And this would have been very obvious, I think, to anybody who looked at that language. That provision was drafted specifically to disenfranchise black people, black voters, following the Civil War. Did you know that?” Anchía went on to ask Cain whether he realized that the language ‘purity at the ballot box ‘ … gave rise to all-white primaries” and was “used during the Jim Crow era to prevent black people from voting.” Cain said he did not know the history but that he found it “troubling.”

This is the problem with these uppity communists and their 1619-critical race theory crap.....Who cares if the term "purity of the ballot" or "voter integrity" were phrases that were cooked up by white supremacists over 150 yrs ago to outlaw darkies from voting...those were all things invented by Southern democrats; who cares if it a lot of the same arguments being made today by conservatives were being made by those same Democrats back then....that's just a coincidence.....

These commie woke-critical race theory cultural marxist communists are continuously trying to bring up the past to add context to current legislation and that isn't fair.

Stop the BS and just keep auditing and recounting the ballots for the next three years, but Trump and the GOP needs to foot the bill.

"In Texas, conservatives have been pushing a voting bill that included language from the state’s constitution that was used to justify disenfranchising the state’s Black voters, until a Democrat pointed out the wording’s racist roots, and the language was removed. “What was your motivation for using that term ‘purity at the ballot box’?” Democratic Rep. Rafael Anchía asked the bill’s sponsor and author, Republican Rep. Briscoe Cain, adding, “Did you look at the history before using that word?”

“No, no… I’m not familiar with… Article 6,” Cain said. “Well, you may have missed it then,” Anchía responded. “And this would have been very obvious, I think, to anybody who looked at that language. That provision was drafted specifically to disenfranchise black people, black voters, following the Civil War. Did you know that?” Anchía went on to ask Cain whether he realized that the language ‘purity at the ballot box ‘ … gave rise to all-white primaries” and was “used during the Jim Crow era to prevent black people from voting.” Cain said he did not know the history but that he found it “troubling.”

This is the problem with these uppity communists and their 1619-critical race theory crap.....Who cares if the term "purity of the ballot" or "voter integrity" were phrases that were cooked up by white supremacists over 150 yrs ago to outlaw darkies from voting...those were all things invented by Southern democrats; who cares if it a lot of the same arguments being made today by conservatives were being made by those same Democrats back then....that's just a coincidence.....

These commie woke-critical race theory cultural marxist communists are continuously trying to bring up the past to add context to current legislation and that isn't fair.


The democrat rep. needs to explain why he belongs to the racist, democrat party....

What that democrat really wants to hide? It was the democrat party that enacted the jim crow laws in the first place......why he belongs to the political party of jim crow is the question that he should be asked........the democrat party was created by slave owners, they wanted to spread slavery into new states, they started the Civil War to keep slaves, they fought the Civil Rights movement every step of the way, they kept black children out of the good public schools...and today they refuse to allow black children to escape from horrible, democrat party run public schools, they enacted jim crow laws, poll taxes and literacy tests....

Of the two people you quoted...it is the democrat party Rep. that needs to explain himself and his participation in the racist democrat party.....

You clearly have no idea what context means.....

That Democrat you refer to is the same guy who OPPOSED the racially fueled legislation that was written by that REPUBLICAN moron who had to be educated by that Democrat....

Why do you conservatives keep referring to the conservatives of the past as Democrats -- expecting us to not know that they were still conservatives....

Which is why you conservatives keep repeating the same talking points that those Democrats in the past did
This is another attempt at that disimfranchisenation thing.

Damn Right-wingers. I don't need no stinking identification to vote. If I say I am somebody that's who I am. If I say I am a girl even if I look like a man, that's who I am. If I say I'm Black even though I look White, that's who I am. I do the identifying.

Too fking funny.

People who can't comprehend ideas or fix problems usually waste their time nit picking about words, useless bastards that they are. And make sure you don't misspell a word or misplace a comma while these dicks are looking.
Since the Trumpublicans declared war on American democracy nothing can be taken for granted, there is no such thing as an honest mistake. If they are using the language of Jim Crow it must be assumed it is on purpose.
This is another attempt at that disimfranchisenation thing.

Damn Right-wingers. I don't need no stinking identification to vote. If I say I am somebody that's who I am. If I say I am a girl even if I look like a man, that's who I am. If I say I'm Black even though I look White, that's who I am. I do the identifying.

Too fking funny.

By the way...

Has anyone claimed that 1 million dollar reward that the Lt. Gov of Texas offered for any proof of voter fraud yet??

If there is all of this rampant voter fraud, you would think someone would have claimed that money by now huh
People who can't comprehend ideas or fix problems usually waste their time nit picking about words, useless bastards that they are. And make sure you don't misspell a word or misplace a comma while these dicks are looking.
This week...reactionary right wing cucks....probably like you....are all freaking out about the words "birthing persons"

But tell us again about nit picking about words
This is another attempt at that disimfranchisenation thing.

Damn Right-wingers. I don't need no stinking identification to vote. If I say I am somebody that's who I am. If I say I am a girl even if I look like a man, that's who I am. If I say I'm Black even though I look White, that's who I am. I do the identifying.

Too fking funny.

By the way...

Has anyone claimed that 1 million dollar reward that the Lt. Gov of Texas offered for any proof of voter fraud yet??

If there is all of this rampant voter fraud, you would think someone would have claimed that money by now huh

I am the Governor of Texas, you can take my word for it. Any other questions???

This is another attempt at that disimfranchisenation thing.

Damn Right-wingers. I don't need no stinking identification to vote. If I say I am somebody that's who I am. If I say I am a girl even if I look like a man, that's who I am. If I say I'm Black even though I look White, that's who I am. I do the identifying.

Too fking funny.

By the way...

Has anyone claimed that 1 million dollar reward that the Lt. Gov of Texas offered for any proof of voter fraud yet??

If there is all of this rampant voter fraud, you would think someone would have claimed that money by now huh

I am the Governor of Texas, you can take my word for it. Any other questions???

When presented with a question you can't answer -- just say dumb shit to deflect....it's the conservative way
This is another attempt at that disimfranchisenation thing.

Damn Right-wingers. I don't need no stinking identification to vote. If I say I am somebody that's who I am. If I say I am a girl even if I look like a man, that's who I am. If I say I'm Black even though I look White, that's who I am. I do the identifying.

Too fking funny.

By the way...

Has anyone claimed that 1 million dollar reward that the Lt. Gov of Texas offered for any proof of voter fraud yet??

If there is all of this rampant voter fraud, you would think someone would have claimed that money by now huh

Lt. Gov. John Fetterman of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania asked his counterpart in Texas for the reward in Sheetz gift cards, but he unsurprisingly welched.

People who can't comprehend ideas or fix problems usually waste their time nit picking about words, useless bastards that they are. And make sure you don't misspell a word or misplace a comma while these dicks are looking.
This week...reactionary right wing cucks....probably like you....are all freaking out about the words "birthing persons"

But tell us again about nit picking about words
Thank you for making my case.

"In Texas, conservatives have been pushing a voting bill that included language from the state’s constitution that was used to justify disenfranchising the state’s Black voters, until a Democrat pointed out the wording’s racist roots, and the language was removed. “What was your motivation for using that term ‘purity at the ballot box’?” Democratic Rep. Rafael Anchía asked the bill’s sponsor and author, Republican Rep. Briscoe Cain, adding, “Did you look at the history before using that word?”

“No, no… I’m not familiar with… Article 6,” Cain said. “Well, you may have missed it then,” Anchía responded. “And this would have been very obvious, I think, to anybody who looked at that language. That provision was drafted specifically to disenfranchise black people, black voters, following the Civil War. Did you know that?” Anchía went on to ask Cain whether he realized that the language ‘purity at the ballot box ‘ … gave rise to all-white primaries” and was “used during the Jim Crow era to prevent black people from voting.” Cain said he did not know the history but that he found it “troubling.”

This is the problem with these uppity communists and their 1619-critical race theory crap.....Who cares if the term "purity of the ballot" or "voter integrity" were phrases that were cooked up by white supremacists over 150 yrs ago to outlaw darkies from voting...those were all things invented by Southern democrats; who cares if it a lot of the same arguments being made today by conservatives were being made by those same Democrats back then....that's just a coincidence.....

These commie woke-critical race theory cultural marxist communists are continuously trying to bring up the past to add context to current legislation and that isn't fair.


The democrat rep. needs to explain why he belongs to the racist, democrat party....

What that democrat really wants to hide? It was the democrat party that enacted the jim crow laws in the first place......why he belongs to the political party of jim crow is the question that he should be asked........the democrat party was created by slave owners, they wanted to spread slavery into new states, they started the Civil War to keep slaves, they fought the Civil Rights movement every step of the way, they kept black children out of the good public schools...and today they refuse to allow black children to escape from horrible, democrat party run public schools, they enacted jim crow laws, poll taxes and literacy tests....

Of the two people you quoted...it is the democrat party Rep. that needs to explain himself and his participation in the racist democrat party.....

Those were Democrats with the tiki torches and their Hitler salutes in Charlottesville?
People who can't comprehend ideas or fix problems usually waste their time nit picking about words, useless bastards that they are. And make sure you don't misspell a word or misplace a comma while these dicks are looking.
This week...reactionary right wing cucks....probably like you....are all freaking out about the words "birthing persons"

But tell us again about nit picking about words
Thank you for making my case.
Yea, thanks for not acknowledging that conservatives are the masters of manufacturing faux outrage over dumb shit...

MEANWHILE -- pointing out the fact that tons of these new voting restrictions use the same language and intentions that racist Jim Crow laws did; you can't minimize that by saying....."it's just nit-picking"

"In Texas, conservatives have been pushing a voting bill that included language from the state’s constitution that was used to justify disenfranchising the state’s Black voters, until a Democrat pointed out the wording’s racist roots, and the language was removed. “What was your motivation for using that term ‘purity at the ballot box’?” Democratic Rep. Rafael Anchía asked the bill’s sponsor and author, Republican Rep. Briscoe Cain, adding, “Did you look at the history before using that word?”

“No, no… I’m not familiar with… Article 6,” Cain said. “Well, you may have missed it then,” Anchía responded. “And this would have been very obvious, I think, to anybody who looked at that language. That provision was drafted specifically to disenfranchise black people, black voters, following the Civil War. Did you know that?” Anchía went on to ask Cain whether he realized that the language ‘purity at the ballot box ‘ … gave rise to all-white primaries” and was “used during the Jim Crow era to prevent black people from voting.” Cain said he did not know the history but that he found it “troubling.”

This is the problem with these uppity communists and their 1619-critical race theory crap.....Who cares if the term "purity of the ballot" or "voter integrity" were phrases that were cooked up by white supremacists over 150 yrs ago to outlaw darkies from voting...those were all things invented by Southern democrats; who cares if it a lot of the same arguments being made today by conservatives were being made by those same Democrats back then....that's just a coincidence.....

These commie woke-critical race theory cultural marxist communists are continuously trying to bring up the past to add context to current legislation and that isn't fair.

I can't roll my eyes far enough to justify the level of bullshitty this criticism has reached. Nitpicking is a communist marker.

Critical Race Theory originated in the Marxist organization called the Frankfurt School.

If you support Critical Race Theory, you are ignorant or a commie.

Which are you?

The democrat rep. needs to explain why he belongs to the racist, democrat party....

What that democrat really wants to hide? It was the democrat party that enacted the jim crow laws in the first place......why he belongs to the political party of jim crow is the question that he should be asked........the democrat party was created by slave owners, they wanted to spread slavery into new states, they started the Civil War to keep slaves, they fought the Civil Rights movement every step of the way, they kept black children out of the good public schools...and today they refuse to allow black children to escape from horrible, democrat party run public schools, they enacted jim crow laws, poll taxes and literacy tests....

Of the two people you quoted...it is the democrat party Rep. that needs to explain himself and his participation in the racist democrat party.....

I've seen some incredibly lame replies on this forum over the years, and this one ranks right up there with the worst of them.

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