Why do Americans hate hippies?


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
Go to federal prison just for smoking a plant. Why do you guys hate hippies? I personally think the world would be a better place with more of them. So if I want to be a true American I have to fear this entity called God and I have to eat fried food?
Go to federal prison just for smoking a plant. Why do you guys hate hippies? I personally think the world would be a better place with more of them. So if I want to be a true American I have to fear this entity called God and I have to eat fried food?
Because the Hippies were 50 years ahead of the Right, who still haven't caught up and are insanely jealous!

Jealous that they have found real freedom, puzzled that it is not a materialistic rat race, scared that their own rat race is not going to lead to happiness.
Because they block off the gate every month or to demand "the truth" about the aliens they insist we're hiding and bitch about how drones aren't fair because US personnel don't die when terrorists shoot them down, sit down in front of traffic to make people an hour late for work, and generally make a pain in the ass out of themselves until Security Forces inevitably has to arrest them for trespassing on government property.
Well I'm a big Zappa fan. Where are we going with this? I'm from the Alice Cooper days.
Jealous that they have found real freedom, puzzled that it is not a materialistic rat race, scared that their own rat race is not going to lead to happiness.

Tell me you know Rubin's fate? I love him and forgive him for caving.
Go to federal prison just for smoking a plant. Why do you guys hate hippies? I personally think the world would be a better place with more of them. So if I want to be a true American I have to fear this entity called God and I have to eat fried food?
Because the Hippies were 50 years ahead of the Right, who still haven't caught up and are insanely jealous!

We were the freedom marchers. We rocked that world. We are the ones that look you in the eye and go we were the classical liberals.
Go to federal prison just for smoking a plant. Why do you guys hate hippies? I personally think the world would be a better place with more of them. So if I want to be a true American I have to fear this entity called God and I have to eat fried food?
Because the Hippies were 50 years ahead of the Right, who still haven't caught up and are insanely jealous!

We were the freedom marchers. We rocked that world. We are the ones that look you in the eye and go we were the classical liberals.


Do you have a nice muff?
Because hippies can't understand that world without war - is utopia... Because they're just pot smokers and funny people, nothing else. Of course our government will hate 'em(in spite of their own faults!)
Any dims that want to try to understand the 'new' movement to which they think they're attached need to understand it's roots.

The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test(a highly experimental account of Ken Kesey and the Merry Pranksters) and two collections of articles and essays, Radical Chic & Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers and The Kandy-Kolored Tangerine-Flake Streamline Baby

Tom Wolfe is not only brilliantly accurate, he is eminently readable

If that's too much for them, I suggest, at the minimum they read Wicked Dox IN THE LAND OF THE ROCOCO MARXISTS

Meanwhile, here's some actual history on actual hippies.

I know it's accurate. I lived through it. I lived through the hippie movement. Even thought about becoming one for a time

Civilization And Its Discontents
Ace of Spades HQ

You don't know what you've got 'til it's gone:

Dr. Dylan Evans, a respected behavioral psychologist, and an expert on robots and artificial intelligence...in 2006, sold his house in the Cotswolds and its contents, and moved to the Black Isle in Scotland to found a self-sufficient community in a remote valley, with a group of acolytes he had recruited on-line. The project was called the Utopia Experiment, and the idea was to attempt to imagine, through real-life role-playing, the conditions that might exist in the aftermath of society's collapse.

So was this an earnest attempt at Utopia, or an honest-to-goodness attempt at it? This reviewseems to think that Evans was a serious nutter who wanted to, and thought he could, create a utopian society out there in the wilderness.

But whatever it the case, it didn't work out so well:

Factions formed with different views about the future of the human race, and competition and fighting broke out. The yurts they lived in leaked rain. The vegetables they farmed wouldn't grow. Dylan began to fear for his sanity, and then his life.

Fighting? In Utopia? Whoever heard of such a thing?

...by the time he came to write this book [Evans] realized he was delusional. Though he had no difficulty recruiting like-minded eccentrics to join him in his 'experimental community'...Evans admits that his utopia was doomed to failure.

But he did write a book about this experiences, The Utopia Experiment, wherein he presumably learned to appreciate cooked food, clean sheets and a hot shower.

This appears to be a recurring conceit in modern life. Every now and then, someone gets bored with the comfort and prosperity they've grown accustomed to. and thinks they can just do away with civilization and everything will be just fine. Like 50 years ago when a group of people in California started experimenting with marijuana and LSD and soon the drugs so addled their brains that they began to delude themselves into thinking they could build a sustainable civilization on panhandling, free sex, and selling beads to tourists. They were like 3-year-old children who think they're actually flying when their Daddy lifts them up in the air and swings them around. A number of histories have been written about this cultural breaking point, for example, this one, which is a .pdf file you can download for free) and I think they tend to be a bit hagiographic, since "the 60s" are looked upon with great reverence by the culturally dominant baby-boomers. However, writer and critic Tom Wolfe observed things that the boomers would prefer to forget:

In 1968, in San Francisco, I came across a curious footnote to the hippie movement. At the Haight-Ashbury Free Clinic, there were doctors treating diseases no living doctor had ever encountered before, diseases that had disappeared so long ago they had never even picked up Latin names, diseases such as the mange, the grunge, the itch, the twitch, the thrush, the scroff, the rot. And how was it that they now returned?...The hippies sought nothing less than to sweep aside all codes and restraints of the past and start from zero...Among the codes and restraints that people in the communes swept aside...were those that said you shouldn’t use other people’s toothbrushes or sleep on other people’s mattresses without changing the sheets...or that you and five other people shouldn’t drink from the same bottle of Shasta or take tokes from the same cigarette. And now, in 1968, they were relearning…the laws of hygiene...by getting the mange, the grunge, the itch, the twitch, the thrush, the scroff, the rot.

All of this and bedbugs, too.

This was from his article 'The Great Relearning' which was reprinted in Hooking Up (Ceramic Transactions), an anthology of Wolfe's essays which can actually be read in its entirety onlinehere.
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Go to federal prison just for smoking a plant. Why do you guys hate hippies? I personally think the world would be a better place with more of them. So if I want to be a true American I have to fear this entity called God and I have to eat fried food?
I became a hippie in 1968 because their ideology was "Peace, love and brotherhood". Right wingers have always hated that stuff. They say it is weakness.....just like Hitler and Mussolini believed. But it really takes a strong person to carry that hippie flag all these years. "We shall overcome."
Go to federal prison just for smoking a plant. Why do you guys hate hippies? I personally think the world would be a better place with more of them. So if I want to be a true American I have to fear this entity called God and I have to eat fried food?

They're nonconforming losers who can't figure out how to support themselves or follow the most basic societal conventions.
Go to federal prison just for smoking a plant. Why do you guys hate hippies? I personally think the world would be a better place with more of them. So if I want to be a true American I have to fear this entity called God and I have to eat fried food?
I became a hippie in 1968 because their ideology was "Peace, love and brotherhood". Right wingers have always hated that stuff. They say it is weakness.....just like Hitler and Mussolini believed. But it really takes a strong person to carry that hippie flag all these years. "We shall overcome."
I've been a hippy since '66.
Go to federal prison just for smoking a plant. Why do you guys hate hippies? I personally think the world would be a better place with more of them. So if I want to be a true American I have to fear this entity called God and I have to eat fried food?

They're nonconforming losers who can't figure out how to support themselves or follow the most basic societal conventions.
Au contraire.

I raised three kids and earned decent pension.
Hippies=burned out pot heads? You made the connection. Americans have enough on their plate than being accused of "hating hippies". Bye the way you can go to jail these days for smoking a cigarette.
The 'hippie' movement wasn't about peace, love and happiness.

The truth is, it was about not contributing your fair share. Not pitching in, not serving in the defense of the Country and its ideals, not sacrificing for -- Anything or anybody.

Hippies (and virtually ALL dimocrap scum) are quite happy to share in the benefits of a society that gives them 'Innocent until proven guilty', Food Stamps, Equality of Opportunity, a virtual absence of racial and religious persecution, a society that sacrificed HUNDRED OF THOUSANDS OF ITS MEN to free slaves and to ban it from existence, to pursue sexual slavers to the ends of the world, a society that protects artistic expression, bans discrimination based on race, color, creed, sexual orientation, sex yada, yada.....

But ask them to give back?

All they got is to pass the Collection Tray to the person next to them. They aren't interested.

Somewhere, someone has it better than them. They are convinced of that. And they would be right because unless they get into a cushy Union or goobermint job, they invariably end up in the Trailer Park of life.

So -- Hippies? I'm with Eric

Well I'm a big Zappa fan. Where are we going with this? I'm from the Alice Cooper days.
Zappa hated hippies and other dope smokers.

Zappa did not hate hippies. He didn't do drugs because he thought they rendered people stupid, but he had great respect and regard for the people who had the good taste to be his fans. Zappa was VERY counter-culture.

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