Why Did You Get An Abortion?


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2017
Wasn't sure where to post this but I am genuinely interested. Please don't post about rapes or heinous crimes or health reasons. It would be interesting to hear why some women got abortions other than that.
Wasn't sure where to post this but I am genuinely interested. Please don't post about rapes or heinous crimes or health reasons. It would be interesting to hear why some women got abortions other than that.
Good question, Leo. Unfortunately I don't believe ANY women that post on these threads who HAVE had an abortion would have the guts to answer it. And it MAY be too private or too upsetting for them to reply to this.
Nearly 30 Years ago, my (then) wife was pregnant with our daughter. The first few months of the pregnancy went well. Uneventful. Then, my wife's blood pressure started climbing out of control.

At that time, we were both generally opposed to abortion, which is why abortion was not even considered, even though our relationship was on the rocks, even before we found out that she was pregnant.

My (then) wife was diagnosed with "Toxemia." Now days it is called "pre-eclampsia." Basically, my wife's body was trying to reject the baby.

The doctors and nurses grew increasingly frustrated trying to keep them both alive. They eventually informed us that it might require "taking the baby" (their words) - which is another way of suggesting an abortion.

We understood that an abortion might be necessary to save the mom.

We did everything we could do to buy as much time as we could until, finally, they said they would have to induce her labor and deliver our daughter six and a half weeks preemie.

She was finally induced and delivered NOT able to breathe on her own and both were in the critical care unit, together. My daughter was just over 4 lbs but her weight fell below 4lbs before she started gaining it back. She was charcoal black / dark grey when she was delivered. Supposedly from the massive doses of magnesium being given to her mom.

Our daughter spent her first year, wearing an "apnea" monitor, because she would, for not apparent reason, just stop breathing.

Turns out, the wife started doing better as soon as our daughter was delivered. My daughter was so tiny that she could wear my size 10.5 wedding ring as a bracelet.

This is not my daughter, not my ring, but very much like this.


She's nearly 30 now.
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I was afraid they would be born retarded. There was no evidence they would be, but I wasn't taking any chances.
Wasn't sure where to post this but I am genuinely interested. Please don't post about rapes or heinous crimes or health reasons. It would be interesting to hear why some women got abortions other than that.
Good question, Leo. Unfortunately I don't believe ANY women that post on these threads who HAVE had an abortion would have the guts to answer it. And it MAY be too private or too upsetting for them to reply to this.
It's not a matter of having the "guts" to answer it. I personally have not had an abortion, but I should not even be divulging this. However, I believe that there is far too much snooping into people's private lives nowadays by people who somehow feel entitled to question other people about their personal lives, their sexual lives, their religious lives, their financial status, and more.

This is getting entirely out of hand..
Wasn't sure where to post this but I am genuinely interested. Please don't post about rapes or heinous crimes or health reasons. It would be interesting to hear why some women got abortions other than that.
Good question, Leo. Unfortunately I don't believe ANY women that post on these threads who HAVE had an abortion would have the guts to answer it. And it MAY be too private or too upsetting for them to reply to this.

Wrong, if I did I would say so, but its really no-ones business, esp yours. I am pro choice, if we live in a free republic that is the only way to be.
Obviously, in the end, we did not get an abortion. However, that is why we almost did.

I hope it helps.

You made a choice, other people make different choices.

Now, being a dude and all, I've never had to deal with this, but I did have a young lady I knew who got knocked up by her boyfriend.

She was 22 finishing college, and she decided to stop taking birth control because she claimed she didn't like the side effects, but really, I think she was trying to force the issue with her boyfriend on the marriage he promised her and never made good on.

Now, I should point out, this woman was college educated, grew up in a strict Catholic/Asian household. And the end of the day, she had an abortion because she didn't want her parents to know she wasn't still a virgin at 22.

She broke up with the guy, and then got back together with him a year later and got knocked up again.

So let's be honest here, because both sides on the abortion debate use really dishonest scenarios to promote their view. The Pro-Choice Side blabbers on and on about "Rape and Incest", but those are less than 1% of abortions performed. The "Pro-Life" (you know, when they aren't supporting wars and executions and letting Granny die of Covid19 because Trump might lose if we don't get people back to work) side babble on and on about "late term" abortions and show us pictures of Fetus Porn they dug out of a medical waste container.

Most abortions are performed in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy when the fetus is a glob of meat the size of a kidney bean, on women who willingly had sex with a guy they knew darned well wasn't good father material when she spread her legs.

Personally, I wish these women would show a lot more sense. But if the alternative is a police state where we are treating every miscarriage as a homicide investigation, I can live with them being kind of stupid.
Obviously, people get an abortion for the same reason they don't get pregnant; they don't want to bring another person into the world.
Wasn't sure where to post this but I am genuinely interested. Please don't post about rapes or heinous crimes or health reasons. It would be interesting to hear why some women got abortions other than that.
Good question, Leo. Unfortunately I don't believe ANY women that post on these threads who HAVE had an abortion would have the guts to answer it. And it MAY be too private or too upsetting for them to reply to this.
It's not a matter of having the "guts" to answer it. I personally have not had an abortion, but I should not even be divulging this. However, I believe that there is far too much snooping into people's private lives nowadays by people who somehow feel entitled to question other people about their personal lives, their sexual lives, their religious lives, their financial status, and more.

This is getting entirely out of hand..
That’s like saying hey I would have slaves but they keep snooping in on me lol WHAT!? You lefties are sick,, these are humans your killing
Obviously, people get an abortion for the same reason they don't get pregnant; they don't want to bring another person into the world.
Doesn’t mean you can kill a human with its own DNA
Changing the subject to killing or not killing human beings is something of a diversion. Wars are now the subject?
Abortion is killing, war is to protect babies.
Now the military comes under fire, aren't they killers of life, innocent life?

When you guys are anti wars or sanctions which kill, then I know you are serious.
, and lets not talk about being anti Medicaid and anti the ACA.

and get rid of your frickin rifles and guns.
Obviously, people get an abortion for the same reason they don't get pregnant; they don't want to bring another person into the world.
Doesn’t mean you can kill a human with its own DNA
Changing the subject to killing or not killing human beings is something of a diversion. Wars are now the subject?
Abortion is killing, war is to protect babies.
Now the military comes under fire, aren't they killers of life, innocent life?

When you guys are anti wars or sanctions which kill, then I know you are serious.
, and lets not talk about being anti Medicaid and anti the ACA.

and get rid of your frickin rifles and guns.
Stop trolling
Obviously, people get an abortion for the same reason they don't get pregnant; they don't want to bring another person into the world.
Doesn’t mean you can kill a human with its own DNA
Changing the subject to killing or not killing human beings is something of a diversion. Wars are now the subject?
Abortion is killing, war is to protect babies.
Only your infants.
Obviously, people get an abortion for the same reason they don't get pregnant; they don't want to bring another person into the world.
Doesn’t mean you can kill a human with its own DNA
Changing the subject to killing or not killing human beings is something of a diversion. Wars are now the subject?
Abortion is killing, war is to protect babies.
Now the military comes under fire, aren't they killers of life, innocent life?

When you guys are anti wars or sanctions which kill, then I know you are serious.
, and lets not talk about being anti Medicaid and anti the ACA.

and get rid of your frickin rifles and guns.
Stop trolling

I'm not but you are.
Wasn't sure where to post this but I am genuinely interested. Please don't post about rapes or heinous crimes or health reasons. It would be interesting to hear why some women got abortions other than that.
Good question, Leo. Unfortunately I don't believe ANY women that post on these threads who HAVE had an abortion would have the guts to answer it. And it MAY be too private or too upsetting for them to reply to this.

Wrong, if I did I would say so, but its really no-ones business, esp yours. I am pro choice, if we live in a free republic that is the only way to be.
If my taxes are being taken from me, so some slut could abort her baby, it is all my right to know how my money is spent. If the bitch uses her own money, then no need to tell.
Obviously, people get an abortion for the same reason they don't get pregnant; they don't want to bring another person into the world.
Doesn’t mean you can kill a human with its own DNA
Changing the subject to killing or not killing human beings is something of a diversion. Wars are now the subject?
Abortion is killing, war is to protect babies.
Now the military comes under fire, aren't they killers of life, innocent life?

When you guys are anti wars or sanctions which kill, then I know you are serious.
, and lets not talk about being anti Medicaid and anti the ACA.

and get rid of your frickin rifles and guns.
Stop trolling

I'm not but you are.
Are you mad no one wanted you?

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