Why did Katie Porter invite a violent criminal and drug addict named Julian Willis to live with her and her children?

Drop Dead Fred

Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2020
She has three children. And she invited this scumbag to live with them. What a horrible parent. She makes extremely poor decisions. She is unfit to hold office. The voters should vote her out.

I don't care, she lives in a foreign country as far as I'm concerned but she's earned a reputation as one nasty mother fucker..... even by democrat standards... she's quick with racial slurs against her staff.... and basically cruising through life on her 3 chins....

katie porker 994.jpg
She has three children. And she invited this scumbag to live with them. What a horrible parent. She makes extremely poor decisions. She is unfit to hold office. The voters should vote her out.

She's out of Congress comes January

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