Why did God let coronavirus happen?


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
How could a loving, just, and powerful God allow a tragedy like the coronavirus pandemic? Doesn’t he care that innocent people are suffering and dying? It seems unjust. If God exists, isn't he strong enough to stop this madness?

I once was quite skeptical about faith matters and did not accept these ideas right away. It took time, interaction, reflection, and analysis. But exposure to this reasoning was a necessary start. Maybe this can get you thinking.

Stay safe. And inquisitive

How could a loving, just, and powerful God allow a tragedy like the coronavirus pandemic? Doesn’t he care that innocent people are suffering and dying? It seems unjust. If God exists, isn't he strong enough to stop this madness?

I once was quite skeptical about faith matters and did not accept these ideas right away. It took time, interaction, reflection, and analysis. But exposure to this reasoning was a necessary start. Maybe this can get you thinking.

Stay safe. And inquisitive

God created us in his image with all his ability, it is up to us to learn to use it wisely
How could a loving, just, and powerful God allow a tragedy like the coronavirus pandemic? Doesn’t he care that innocent people are suffering and dying? It seems unjust. If God exists, isn't he strong enough to stop this madness?

I once was quite skeptical about faith matters and did not accept these ideas right away. It took time, interaction, reflection, and analysis. But exposure to this reasoning was a necessary start. Maybe this can get you thinking.

Stay safe. And inquisitive

Because she doesn't care?
How could a loving, just, and powerful God allow a tragedy like the coronavirus pandemic? Doesn’t he care that innocent people are suffering and dying? It seems unjust. If God exists, isn't he strong enough to stop this madness?

I once was quite skeptical about faith matters and did not accept these ideas right away. It took time, interaction, reflection, and analysis. But exposure to this reasoning was a necessary start. Maybe this can get you thinking.

Stay safe. And inquisitive

God only knows.

You know, it says in the Bible that God is the Father, and the Earth is His bride. And, it also says in there that we are stewards of the Earth.

Maybe God is pissed that all His children have been abusing His bride, and He's starting to thin the herd. I mean, pollution has gone down SIGNIFICANTLY since this whole thing started, because we're not crapping up the planet on a daily basis.
How could a loving, just, and powerful God allow a tragedy like the coronavirus pandemic? Doesn’t he care that innocent people are suffering and dying? It seems unjust. If God exists, isn't he strong enough to stop this madness?

I once was quite skeptical about faith matters and did not accept these ideas right away. It took time, interaction, reflection, and analysis. But exposure to this reasoning was a necessary start. Maybe this can get you thinking.

Stay safe. And inquisitive

I figure he pretty much hates progressives too.
How could a loving, just, and powerful God allow a tragedy like the coronavirus pandemic? Doesn’t he care that innocent people are suffering and dying? It seems unjust. If God exists, isn't he strong enough to stop this madness?

I once was quite skeptical about faith matters and did not accept these ideas right away. It took time, interaction, reflection, and analysis. But exposure to this reasoning was a necessary start. Maybe this can get you thinking.

Stay safe. And inquisitive

You do know the story about Sodom and Gomorrah? God destroyed those 2 cities because they were immoral as can be. Maybe this is a wake up call to you assholes who want to fuck men's asses or do children or animals. Put your little prick where it doesnt belong not only will you get HIV but the Wuhan virus to finish you off.
To thin out the blue states..... :SMILEW~130:

To thin out the blue states? Hate to tell you, but the only people that are protesting in large groups without any kind of social distancing are Trump supporters that he told to "liberate" their states. Democrats are smart enough to follow the guidelines from the CDC.
Its true...the navy has no sense of humor....
How could a loving, just, and powerful God allow a tragedy like the coronavirus pandemic? Doesn’t he care that innocent people are suffering and dying? It seems unjust. If God exists, isn't he strong enough to stop this madness?

I once was quite skeptical about faith matters and did not accept these ideas right away. It took time, interaction, reflection, and analysis. But exposure to this reasoning was a necessary start. Maybe this can get you thinking.

Stay safe. And inquisitive

Loving...Unconditional? Conditional?
just...Justice is legislated; do you think mankind is just?
powerful God...Where is this phrase found in the Bible? The phrase is Compassionate Judge.

Look up the definitions of these words.
You know, it says in the Bible that God is the Father, and the Earth is His bride. And, it also says in there that we are stewards of the Earth.


The Bride of Christ is a prominent symbol and metaphor used in Scripture to describe God’s relationship with his beloved bride, the church. Portrayed as the bridegroom in this relationship, God reveals Himself to be faithful, loving, and committed to a covenant union with his church, comprised of all who believe in Jesus Christ and have accepted His atoning grace and gift of salvation.
You know, it says in the Bible that God is the Father, and the Earth is His bride. And, it also says in there that we are stewards of the Earth.


The Bride of Christ is a prominent symbol and metaphor used in Scripture to describe God’s relationship with his beloved bride, the church. Portrayed as the bridegroom in this relationship, God reveals Himself to be faithful, loving, and committed to a covenant union with his church, comprised of all who believe in Jesus Christ and have accepted His atoning grace and gift of salvation.
And that is why progstains want queer marriage.
How could a loving, just, and powerful God allow a tragedy like the coronavirus pandemic? Doesn’t he care that innocent people are suffering and dying? It seems unjust. If God exists, isn't he strong enough to stop this madness?

I once was quite skeptical about faith matters and did not accept these ideas right away. It took time, interaction, reflection, and analysis. But exposure to this reasoning was a necessary start. Maybe this can get you thinking.

Stay safe. And inquisitive

You do know the story about Sodom and Gomorrah? God destroyed those 2 cities because they were immoral as can be. Maybe this is a wake up call to you assholes who want to fuck men's asses or do children or animals. Put your little prick where it doesnt belong not only will you get HIV but the Wuhan virus to finish you off.
The Flood was caused by free sex and rape for all...right there in Genesis...Liberalism.
Jeremiah, in chapter 9, states that Sodom and it's associated cities were proudly selfish, greedy...Neo-Cons.
God has no compassion for either extreme.
We have no way of knowing how "innocent" the victims are. What people really are is what they're like when nobody is watching....God is always watching. And of course the Earth has it's ways of knocking off a portion of us to maintain itself....Personally I don't think we're anywhere near the end of this menace or have any idea what damage it's done to those who had it but never showed symptoms. I believe the Chinks let it spread to us because Trump kicked their smelly, yellow asses in the trade war and this is how they get even. They have a lot to answer for and to.
We have no way of knowing how "innocent" the victims are. What people really are is what they're like when nobody is watching....God is always watching. And of course the Earth has it's ways of knocking off a portion of us to maintain itself....Personally I don't think we're anywhere near the end of this menace or have any idea what damage it's done to those who had it but never showed symptoms. I believe the Chinks let it spread to us because Trump kicked their smelly, yellow asses in the trade war and this is how they get even. They have a lot to answer for and to.
My wife sent me a video of a wife who couldn't stand that she had no alone time.
God is always there; there is never alone time...for better or for worse.

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