Why Democrats Could Consider Registering Republican To Stop Trump


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
It’s a lot to digest but at the end of the day Democrats can realistically control Trump’s future.

If Democrats want to assure Donald Trump is a one-term president there’s a simple solution — register Republican, as appalling as they might sound to lifelong progressives.

There’s no telling if Trump will even make it to the 2020 election. Tony Schwartz — the ghostwriter of Trump’s Art of the Deal — predicts the president will resign by the end of this year. And there’s always the possibility of impeachment depending on the outcome of Robert Mueller’s investigation.

But assuming that Trump is still in office and continuing his assault on American decency, he could be stopped even before the 2020 general election.

No sitting president has received a serious challenge by his own party since Jimmy Carter held off Ted Kennedy in 1980. Four years earlier, incumbent Gerald Ford nearly lost to Ronald Reagan in the primaries.

While Ford and Carter survived inter-party war, they entered the general elections weakened. Both lost re-election and since then the prevailing notion is you don’t challenge a sitting president in a primary.

But if Trump runs again he will almost certainly receive Republican challengers. John Kasich, a leading contender, said on Sunday that Republicans are all rooting for Trump to “get it together.” But Kasich is no fool. He knows that will not happen. Trump is his own worst enemy and he’s only going to continue damaging the American psyche. Expect several mainstream Republicans to enter the race. The primaries might seem like a lifetime away but debates will begin two years from now.

Perhaps Republican voters will come to their senses and choose a candidate who at least seems mentally capable of leading the country. Democrats could ensure that happens if enough of them vote in the Republican primary. In closed or semi-closed primary states like Iowa, New Hampshire, Florida and Pennsylvania that means changing their party registration from Democrat to Republican after the 2018 midterm elections.

If enough Democrats made the one-time switch for the primary — and they were unified behind the least offensive Republican candidate — they could pack enough punch to knock Trump out before the general election. While an inspiring Democrat would be a strong favorite against Trump anyway, Democrats shouldn’t assume that Trump is unelectable if he makes it to the general election.

More: Why Democrats Could Consider Registering Republican To Stop Trump

Sounds interesting - but complicated. However, anything is worth considering to get rid of Trump.
The libtarded butthurt never ends. No one is going to Trump, Trump. No matter how many smoke signals you put up, Pocahontas.
The libtarded butthurt never ends. No one is going to Trump, Trump. No matter how many smoke signals you put up.

You can't out asshole Donald Trump. That is so true...

We need to focus on making a case that Trump is an asshole and his ideas are bad for this country...We need to do that in away that makes people realize that we don't need an asshole.
Sounds like the loons are already hand wringing over 2020.

Can't blame them, they have nobody
The libtarded butthurt never ends. No one is going to Trump, Trump. No matter how many smoke signals you put up.

You can't out asshole Donald Trump. That is so true...

We need to focus on making a case that Trump is an asshole and his ideas are bad for this country...We need to do that in away that makes people realize that we don't need an asshole.

That worked soooooo well in 2016
It’s a lot to digest but at the end of the day Democrats can realistically control Trump’s future.

If Democrats want to assure Donald Trump is a one-term president there’s a simple solution — register Republican, as appalling as they might sound to lifelong progressives.

There’s no telling if Trump will even make it to the 2020 election. Tony Schwartz — the ghostwriter of Trump’s Art of the Deal — predicts the president will resign by the end of this year. And there’s always the possibility of impeachment depending on the outcome of Robert Mueller’s investigation.

But assuming that Trump is still in office and continuing his assault on American decency, he could be stopped even before the 2020 general election.

No sitting president has received a serious challenge by his own party since Jimmy Carter held off Ted Kennedy in 1980. Four years earlier, incumbent Gerald Ford nearly lost to Ronald Reagan in the primaries.

While Ford and Carter survived inter-party war, they entered the general elections weakened. Both lost re-election and since then the prevailing notion is you don’t challenge a sitting president in a primary.

But if Trump runs again he will almost certainly receive Republican challengers. John Kasich, a leading contender, said on Sunday that Republicans are all rooting for Trump to “get it together.” But Kasich is no fool. He knows that will not happen. Trump is his own worst enemy and he’s only going to continue damaging the American psyche. Expect several mainstream Republicans to enter the race. The primaries might seem like a lifetime away but debates will begin two years from now.

Perhaps Republican voters will come to their senses and choose a candidate who at least seems mentally capable of leading the country. Democrats could ensure that happens if enough of them vote in the Republican primary. In closed or semi-closed primary states like Iowa, New Hampshire, Florida and Pennsylvania that means changing their party registration from Democrat to Republican after the 2018 midterm elections.

If enough Democrats made the one-time switch for the primary — and they were unified behind the least offensive Republican candidate — they could pack enough punch to knock Trump out before the general election. While an inspiring Democrat would be a strong favorite against Trump anyway, Democrats shouldn’t assume that Trump is unelectable if he makes it to the general election.

More: Why Democrats Could Consider Registering Republican To Stop Trump

Sounds interesting - but complicated. However, anything is worth considering to get rid of Trump.

Keep in mind that could work both ways. :laugh:
GOP, DFL. Whatever. Both parties are self serving and corrupt whose only difference is in name.
Maybe Lackota will one day realize that those supposed liberal leaders really don't give a rats ass about the " people".
I wonder if the libtardz are cognizant that republican strategists are taking notes on how Trump is being opposed by the dimz?

Just wait till you tardz actually win the whitehouse or a majority again.

Turnabout is fair play.
“Perhaps Republican voters will come to their senses and choose a candidate who at least seems mentally capable of leading the country.”

Republicans will always put party before country.

And if they haven’t come to their senses by now, they never will.

Such is the blind, partisan right.
“Perhaps Republican voters will come to their senses and choose a candidate who at least seems mentally capable of leading the country.”

Republicans will always put party before country.

And if they haven’t come to their senses by now, they never will.

Such is the blind, partisan right.

Um. What? The Democrats nominated Hillary Clinton, despite overwhelming evidence that she was Hillary Clinton. Despite enough baggage to require a full train to carry, Hillary was nominated.

Here's an idea. You might like it, and you might find it actually works. Try campaigning on issues, instead of the same lame argument that lost me, and a lot of other traditional Democratic Voters.

The Democratic Mantra since 2008 has been. "We suck, but the Republicans suck way more".
Liberals should defect to Russia then try to entrap Trump in collusion...hold on its the Putin red phone. Hello, Vlad buddy what's up...there's no way in hell you will allow our liberals into Russia? Okay good to know.

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