Why COVID19 Kills.


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
Many years ago I attended college and in my studies learned about biological agents and how they are used as weapons. I am about to try and impart some of that knowledge so that most people can understand why COVID 19 kills, who it kills, and how.

COVID 19 attaches to tissues and blood in the human body. The primary tissue it affects is Lung Tissue. The primary route of infection is the mouth, nose, and eyes. Once absorbed into the blood stream from mucus membranes or inhalation into the lungs it begins replicating and attaching to lung tissues.

The human body reacts to the colonies of virus in the lung tissue by creating white bloods cells which begin attacking the virus in the lungs. In persons who are immune system compromised, they can not fight off the infection or they over compensate and the white blood cells attack the lung tissues itself. This causes pustuals to form inside the lungs which burst. You essentially drown in your own fluids.

This is why the elderly (who's lung tissues are more ridged and do not heal well), those with heart conditions (such as congestive heart problems), those who take immune system suppressants (like those with Crones disease taking drugs like Humara or others for skin disorders) are so susceptible to this virus. Anything that involves the ability of the human body to react to this virus or involves the lungs makes you high risk.

So why does the Malaria drug Hydroxycloriquin work on the COVID19 virus?

The process of drowning in your own fluids is the pustuals that form in the lungs. This is the process of the attack, by the human body, on the virus to kill and allow coughing to expel it. If your body can not expel it you will drown and this is why ventilators are needed to keep the aviola open and not allowing them to collapse. The only way to keep the process in control is to stop the virus's ability to replicate. IF you can do this you can win.

Hydroxycloriquin stops the COVID19 viruses ability to replicate just as it does with the Malaria virus.

Add to this treatment the use of Azithromicin, to clear up the bacterial infection (which forms secondary) in the lungs, and you see why this drug pair is so successful. Using them early in the symptom onset can stop the need for a ventilator in most patients.

Several Doctors in NY are treating their patients with this drug pair and are finding they shorten the duration from 14-24 days to 5-7 days. The number of treated is now over 2843 with a less than 0.1% failure rate.

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A doctor friend of mine told me to keep my damn hands in my pockets... Touching the face with your hands you have touched other surfaces or people with is the PRIMARY ROUTE OF INFECTIONS...

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Many years ago I attended college and in my studies learned about biological agents and how they are used as weapons. I am about to try and impart some of that knowledge so that most people can understand why COVID 19 kills who it kills and how.

COVID 19 attaches to tissues and blood in the human body. The primary tissue it affects is Lung Tissue. The primary route of infection is the mouth, nose, and eyes. Once absorbed into the blood stream from mucus membranes or inhalation into the lungs it begins replicating and attaching to lung tissues.

The human body reacts to the colonies of virus in the lung tissue by creating white bloods cells which begin attacking the virus in the lungs. In persons who are immune system compromised, they can not fight off the infection or they over compensate and the white blood cells attack the lung tissues itself. This causes pustuals to form inside the lungs which burst. You essentially drown in your own fluids.

This is why the elderly (who's lung tissues are more ridged and do not heal well), those with heart conditions (such as congestive heart problems), those who take immune system suppressants (like those with Crones disease taking drugs like Humara or others for skin disorders) are so susceptible to this virus. Anything that involves the ability of the human body to react to this virus or involves the lungs makes you high risk.

So why dose the Malaria drug Hydroxycloriquin work on the COVID19 virus?

The process of drowning in your own fluids is the pustuals that form in the lungs. This is the process of the attack, by the human body, on the virus to kill and allow coughing to expel it. If your body can not expel it you will drown and this is why ventilators are needed to keep the aviola open and not allowing them to collapse. The only way to keep the process in control is to stop the virus's ability to replicate. IF you can do this you can win.

Hydroxycloriquin stops the COVID19 viruses ability to replicate just as it does with the Malaria virus.

Add to this treatment the use of Azithromicin, to clear up the bacterial infection (which forms secondary) in the lungs, and you see why this drug pair is so successful. Using them early in the symptom onset can stop the need for a ventilator in most patients.

Several Doctors in NY are treating their patients with this drug pair and are finding they shorten the duration from 14-24 days to 5-7 days. The number of treated is now over 2843 with a less than 0.1% failure rate.

Thanks, that was very informative! Information and positive action is the key.



They are using the same receptors that the alkali kills to fool the virus...

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