Why cant we take away the political football that causes us such division?

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
We can rise up to have our voices heard on any multitude of issues in great masses. But when it comes to Mexico, the border and the people we all stick our heads in the sand and begin flailing about like idiots.

EVERYONE knows its not only impossible to Deport that many people, not to mention the cost of it.

EVERYONE knows WE CAN seal the border. If we can put a man on the moon and rovers on Mars their is NO EXCUSE for a haphazard border.

EVERYONE knows it cost us a fortune in entitlments and we lose the income tax revenue. Doubling the cost of having them here illegally.

EVERYONE knows the politicians use them as pawns every election cycle.

EVERYONE knows the steps are simple to fix the problem if we take the football away from the politicians.

1. Seal the border by whatever necessary and effective means it takes.

2. AFTER the border is sealed begin deportation of the real criminals and the ones with no family here. Simultaneously begin citizenship proceedings for those that willingly come forward who have been productive citizens with the condition that some civil rights (voting etc) will be phased in over a certain predetermined time after certain conditions are met (learn the constitution, English language etc) Levee a fine for illegal entry of whatever seems necessary.

Again, why should we continue with doing nothing when there is so much to gain for everyone by finally solving the problem? Remove the political borders and fix the damn problem. I for one am tired of construction prices being suppressed because of competition from those that pay unfair wages to illegals. And I'm sure those receiving shit wages would love to be paid a fair wage. It's a win/win for everyone including our treasury.

We are going to keep this up until one day it bites us in the ass much worse than it is now.
Because politics is what those in real power use to keep us distracted from the real game.
And it helps that most of us are pretty stupit and prefer following the lead of others to actually thinking and deciding for our selves.
Why cant we take away the political football that causes us such division?

Well first we need a ref to find the f'in football. It seems to buried under the pile.
EVERYONE knows its not only impossible to Deport that many people, not to mention the cost of it.
It's not impossible it's just Not Practical and IMO not needed.

EVERYONE knows WE CAN seal the border. If we can put a man on the moon and rovers on Mars their is NO EXCUSE for a haphazard border.
Yep. It is entirely possible for us to better control our Borders.

EVERYONE knows it cost us a fortune in entitlments and we lose the income tax revenue. Doubling the cost of having them here illegally.
Sure does

EVERYONE knows the politicians use them as pawns every election cycle.
Yep, The Democrats want loyal low income Voters that they can keep loyal and low income. The Republicans want the cheap labor, and also try and pander for their votes.

EVERYONE knows the steps are simple to fix the problem if we take the football away from the politicians.
Yep, the only thing standing in the way of it right now. Is that Obama and the Dems refuse to address real Border Security reform until we have Immigration Reform and blanket amnesty. The Republicans refuse to address Immigration reform till we fix the Border, lest we just invite a bunch more to come illegally.

1. Seal the border by whatever necessary and effective means it takes.

2. AFTER the border is sealed begin deportation of the real criminals and the ones with no family here. Simultaneously begin citizenship proceedings for those that willingly come forward who have been productive citizens with the condition that some civil rights (voting etc) will be phased in over a certain predetermined time after certain conditions are met (learn the constitution, English language etc) Levee a fine for illegal entry of whatever seems necessary.
They should be given Green Cards and resident status and wait the 7 years, and take the classes everyone who Immigrates here legally does. Then they are full voting citizens. However IMO we should only do this, if we tie into the law a provision that anyone who illegally enters the United States after the law goes into effect. Will not only be deported, but will be black listed from applying for legal entrance for a certain period. If they then enter illegally again and are caught again, there should be jail time. We must send the message that this is the last time were going to accept people breaking our laws, and jumping to the front of the line, when there are Millions of People all around the world who all want to come here legally.

Again, why should we continue with doing nothing when there is so much to gain for everyone by finally solving the problem? Remove the political borders and fix the damn problem. I for one am tired of construction prices being suppressed because of competition from those that pay unfair wages to illegals. And I'm sure those receiving shit wages would love to be paid a fair wage. It's a win/win for everyone including our treasury.
I would disagree with the Idea that there is so much in it for everyone to fix the Problem. I am sure the Democrats would hate the idea. See they are against Border control as a means to remaining in, and gaining power. They are addicted to importing Low Income, struggling immigrants because they know they traditionally Vote Democrat by a large Margin.

The Democrats are also Lobbied by Groups that openly want basically to let tens of millions of struggling people from south of the border come on in. Groups that openly declare that the American SW was "stolen" from Mexico and have a goal of flooding the area with Hispanics to "take it back" from white America. They are far to in bed with the Interests to support turning off the flow.

Republicans on the other hand only Let it go on because they are Lobbied by Business interests that rely on the Cheap labor. They could get behind Immigration Reform, and legally immigrating many More People yearly than we do now. Having a good Guest worker Program. ETC. However their base will not allow them to even talk about Immigration reform and increasing legal Immigration quotas. Unless the Border is secured. Period.
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You can't seal the border and remain America- even that wouldn't work-. You need an SS card with a computer chip to make illegal work impossible.

You gotta embed that chip in everyone's skin and get the black choppers hovering above to monitor the whole thing.
You can't seal the border and remain America- even that wouldn't work-. You need an SS card with a computer chip to make illegal work impossible.

You guys are so fucking stupid. We sure as hell can seriously reduce the Amount of Illegal work going on. We don't need your Delusional Micro chips to do it. Nobody is claiming we can make it "Impossible" however what is odd is you guys basically are claiming that because we can never stop it all, we should not even try to stop any of it.

Pure insanity.
Talk to native Americans. We are all illegals.

I don't know about you but my great grandfather had to go through all the legal mumbo jumbo. I think for his name's sake that gives me a right to demand the same.

Hey, you snuck in here? We have sneaky bastards already. Get the F out.

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