why blacks are killed by police


Diamond Member
Sep 1, 2017
hahahahh-NO, it's not because they are black---that's not only ridiculous, it can't be proven

.....blacks commit crime at high rates, are violent, and stupid--which can be proven
...they commit murder at four times the rate of whites...murder is violent...they commit rape at twice the rate ....
...crime at high rates
..graduate at low rates = poor thinking skills
..violent and stupid = problems......you have to be stupid to resist arrest
violent +stupid +commit a crime + resist = you will get hurt
it all crosschecks!!!!
In before the lock.
well done
I despise poor black culture. The idioms, the (gulp) "music". yo bitches? 'cap dat hommie! Is THIS trash the epitome or American culture? i can not understand why poor black culture has got so much gravitas? Did poor blacks stop the fucking NAZIS? Or put a man on the moon? Or cure polio? What the fuck is so GOOD about poor black culture?
I despise poor black culture. The idioms, the (gulp) "music". yo bitches? 'cap dat hommie! Is THIS trash the epitome or American culture? i can not understand why poor black culture has got so much gravitas? Did poor blacks stop the fucking NAZIS? Or put a man on the moon? Or cure polio? What the fuck is so GOOD about poor black culture?
You should have seen them in prison, animals.
I despise poor black culture. The idioms, the (gulp) "music". yo bitches? 'cap dat hommie! Is THIS trash the epitome or American culture? i can not understand why poor black culture has got so much gravitas? Did poor blacks stop the fucking NAZIS? Or put a man on the moon? Or cure polio? What the fuck is so GOOD about poor black culture?
You should have seen them in prison, animals.

In my short stays in the county in my youth they were always the worst.
Did the OP really feel that there were not enough stupid racist troll threads on this site? What exactly does anyone expect will come of these endless racist troll threads?
I've heard the statistic more than once...young-black-males make up 3% of the population in the USA.

That 3% commit 70% of all violent crimes.
..yes--here is a lot of it that confirms that--from the DOJ--but guess what? it's only up to 2008---because now the DOJ ''can't'' TELL THE TRUTH about blacks = not PC---hahahhahahahaha
..WIKI quoted the DOJ on how black youth commit a HUGE percentage of violent crimes....
pages 11, 12 and 13 tell the story
Did the OP really feel that there were not enough stupid racist troll threads on this site? What exactly does anyone expect will come of these endless racist troll threads?
until you people accept the TRUTH, blacks will keep MURDERING each other at FOUR times the national rate
..still will commit crime at high rates
STILL will graduate at lower rates

NOW, I ask you to prove blacks are killed by police because of their skin color .....either you do that or you are full of shit
...and there is no problem of police brutality--I have a thread that has the TRUE facts about it
In before the lock.
Poor back culture is stuck in a self wounding self destructive vicious cycle. How do you fix that? Free education? They drop out. Capitalism and open job structure? They choose unemployment and welfare. Instead sell drugs and feed to addiction the poor black community...Systemic racism my ass. Black culture (Whatever that IS) IS holding blacks back, not racism.

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