Why are white people so happy?


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
Why are white people so happy and so full of BS all the time?

They are always smiling, acting like you have to have a good time all the time. They show off. They pretend they have the answers to everything - eat right this, exercise that. Look at my stupid blog and my pictures. Didn't you watch so and so tv show or movie? What do you mean you haven't been to that country or run a marathon or donated to that charity? What are you, some sort of loser?

America! We're number one!

Don't white people know that life isn't a celebration? Have they not realized this yet.

Let me tell white people what life on this planet is about: you are born, you crap, you grow up, you reproduce, you work like a dog, you grow old and die. There's nothing else. Everything else is the BS stories we tell each to pretend that there is something more.
I used to be white. I had everything going for me..

Then I became a tranny.

Why are white people so happy and so full of BS all the time?

They are always smiling, acting like you have to have a good time all the time. They show off. They pretend they have the answers to everything - eat right this, exercise that. Look at my stupid blog and my pictures. Didn't you watch so and so tv show or movie? What do you mean you haven't been to that country or run a marathon or donated to that charity? What are you, some sort of loser?

America! We're number one!

Don't white people know that life isn't a celebration? Have they not realized this yet.

Let me tell white people what life on this planet is about: you are born, you crap, you grow up, you reproduce, you work like a dog, you grow old and die. There's nothing else. Everything else is the BS stories we tell each to pretend that there is something more.

You never worked for an Italian, did you?
Why are white people so happy and so full of BS all the time?

They are always smiling, acting like you have to have a good time all the time. They show off. They pretend they have the answers to everything - eat right this, exercise that. Look at my stupid blog and my pictures. Didn't you watch so and so tv show or movie? What do you mean you haven't been to that country or run a marathon or donated to that charity? What are you, some sort of loser?

America! We're number one!

Don't white people know that life isn't a celebration? Have they not realized this yet.

Let me tell white people what life on this planet is about: you are born, you crap, you grow up, you reproduce, you work like a dog, you grow old and die. There's nothing else. Everything else is the BS stories we tell each to pretend that there is something more.

I dont think that the majority of white people that have been mass shooters were very happy individuals.....furthermore, have you ever been to theu Appalachia region of Kentucky?

I guarantee that they are not partying up in there.
Why are white people so happy and so full of BS all the time?

They are always smiling, acting like you have to have a good time all the time. They show off. They pretend they have the answers to everything - eat right this, exercise that. Look at my stupid blog and my pictures. Didn't you watch so and so tv show or movie? What do you mean you haven't been to that country or run a marathon or donated to that charity? What are you, some sort of loser?

America! We're number one!

Don't white people know that life isn't a celebration? Have they not realized this yet.

Let me tell white people what life on this planet is about: you are born, you crap, you grow up, you reproduce, you work like a dog, you grow old and die. There's nothing else. Everything else is the BS stories we tell each to pretend that there is something more.

I dont think that the majority of white people that have been mass shooters were very happy individuals.....furthermore, have you ever been to theu Appalachia region of Kentucky?

I guarantee that they are not partying up in there.
They were laughing as they pulled the trigger. In that moment, they were in bliss.
Why are white people so happy and so full of BS all the time?

They are always smiling, acting like you have to have a good time all the time. They show off. They pretend they have the answers to everything - eat right this, exercise that. Look at my stupid blog and my pictures. Didn't you watch so and so tv show or movie? What do you mean you haven't been to that country or run a marathon or donated to that charity? What are you, some sort of loser?

America! We're number one!

Don't white people know that life isn't a celebration? Have they not realized this yet.

Let me tell white people what life on this planet is about: you are born, you crap, you grow up, you reproduce, you work like a dog, you grow old and die. There's nothing else. Everything else is the BS stories we tell each to pretend that there is something more.

I dont think that the majority of white people that have been mass shooters were very happy individuals.....furthermore, have you ever been to theu Appalachia region of Kentucky?

I guarantee that they are not partying up in there.
They were laughing as they pulled the trigger. In that moment, they were in bliss.
Why are white people so happy and so full of BS all the time?

They are always smiling, acting like you have to have a good time all the time. They show off. They pretend they have the answers to everything - eat right this, exercise that. Look at my stupid blog and my pictures. Didn't you watch so and so tv show or movie? What do you mean you haven't been to that country or run a marathon or donated to that charity? What are you, some sort of loser?

America! We're number one!

Don't white people know that life isn't a celebration? Have they not realized this yet.

Let me tell white people what life on this planet is about: you are born, you crap, you grow up, you reproduce, you work like a dog, you grow old and die. There's nothing else. Everything else is the BS stories we tell each to pretend that there is something more.
On the other hand, the current Trump campaign and supporters have made out the US to be in a terrible state, an economy comparable with a third world country, about to be taken over by Muslims or already having a Muslim dynasty ruling it, and everyone infringing on the white people's right to cut down black people and all other races, plus infringing on men's rights to grope and offend women.
Why are white people so happy and so full of BS all the time?

They are always smiling, acting like you have to have a good time all the time. They show off. They pretend they have the answers to everything - eat right this, exercise that. Look at my stupid blog and my pictures. Didn't you watch so and so tv show or movie? What do you mean you haven't been to that country or run a marathon or donated to that charity? What are you, some sort of loser?

America! We're number one!

Don't white people know that life isn't a celebration? Have they not realized this yet.

Let me tell white people what life on this planet is about: you are born, you crap, you grow up, you reproduce, you work like a dog, you grow old and die. There's nothing else. Everything else is the BS stories we tell each to pretend that there is something more.
Knowing white happiness causes you and others so much angst just makes me even happier!

But keep generalizing if it makes you...well, happy.
Why are white people so happy and so full of BS all the time?

They are always smiling, acting like you have to have a good time all the time. They show off. They pretend they have the answers to everything - eat right this, exercise that. Look at my stupid blog and my pictures. Didn't you watch so and so tv show or movie? What do you mean you haven't been to that country or run a marathon or donated to that charity? What are you, some sort of loser?

America! We're number one!

Don't white people know that life isn't a celebration? Have they not realized this yet.

Let me tell white people what life on this planet is about: you are born, you crap, you grow up, you reproduce, you work like a dog, you grow old and die. There's nothing else. Everything else is the BS stories we tell each to pretend that there is something more.
Because we're not idiots?
Whenever I'm feeling down, I take a minute, see my whiteness and am suddenly filled with gratitude that I'm not a total ahole like the OP and his minions
Why are white people so happy and so full of BS all the time?

They are always smiling, acting like you have to have a good time all the time. They show off. They pretend they have the answers to everything - eat right this, exercise that. Look at my stupid blog and my pictures. Didn't you watch so and so tv show or movie? What do you mean you haven't been to that country or run a marathon or donated to that charity? What are you, some sort of loser?

America! We're number one!

Don't white people know that life isn't a celebration? Have they not realized this yet.

Let me tell white people what life on this planet is about: you are born, you crap, you grow up, you reproduce, you work like a dog, you grow old and die. There's nothing else. Everything else is the BS stories we tell each to pretend that there is something more.
I beg to differ.......White People can be assholes just like you.:biggrin:
Why are white people so happy and so full of BS all the time?

They are always smiling, acting like you have to have a good time all the time. They show off. They pretend they have the answers to everything - eat right this, exercise that. Look at my stupid blog and my pictures. Didn't you watch so and so tv show or movie? What do you mean you haven't been to that country or run a marathon or donated to that charity? What are you, some sort of loser?

America! We're number one!

Don't white people know that life isn't a celebration? Have they not realized this yet.

Let me tell white people what life on this planet is about: you are born, you crap, you grow up, you reproduce, you work like a dog, you grow old and die. There's nothing else. Everything else is the BS stories we tell each to pretend that there is something more.

From what I understand, white people's suicide rate per capita doesn't rank them at the happiest by a long shot, but that's really neither here nor there.

Much more interesting is your disdain for happiness and a celebratory outlook. How miserable are you that the thought of other people being happy draws your ire? Do you understand what kind of crab-in-a-bucket, pathetically jealous, pitifully bitter racist you're making yourself out to be with this post? If you honestly believe that happiness is contemptible and the proper, no, ONLY way to live is with some sort of bland, joyless detachment, how do you reconcile working like a dog? What's the point? Why wouldn't you just sling your belt over your doorknob and David Carradine yourself into permanent oblivion?

Facebook mood manipulation experiments are a fun place to start looking into this, but there's a growing body of psychological evidence that happiness isn't some inevitable result of good things happening to you. Happiness is a mindset, largely a choice. Inundating yourself with negativity will induce negative emotions, and inundating yourself with positivity will induce positive emotions. Circumstance has the power to determine whether you live or die, but not the power to determine whether you're happy or not. You hold that power.

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