Why are US citizens not watching Olympics? Liberal politics.


May 23, 2014
Asshole liberals disgrace our nation.
Or..or..or..or...just maybe, most people have other, more important things to worry about right now besides watching the Olympics.
I watched the US Women's soccer match the other night against New Zealand. That's been about it. It isn't that interesting to me.
I'm guessing that goes for a lot of others as well.

But you go and get all outraged by those nasty "libruls"....:)
The Olympics should be abolished.

It is nothing but a platform now for the CCP to convince the world of their racial communist superiority to the rest of the world as the dominate with more gold metals than everyone else and a platform for the DNC to disgrace what is left of the Disunited States by disrespecting their flag. Throw in all the gender BS with men competing against women and what you have is nothing more than a jerk off session for Leftists.

But before all this crap started, who can afford an Olympics? Countries that host them spend billions, and for what? There countries built these monstrous infrastructure to host the Olympics their people can't afford and will never use again. Why?

And now you have Japanese pissed that they are allowing these games to spread Covid.

Just wait till the CCP hosts the Olympics. The world should boycott them for how they handled the Covid outbreak, as well as their genocide against their own people, but Chairman Xiden will never do it. He will move the All Star game from Atlanta though, as if Georgia is worse than the totalitarian genocidal regime in China.
I used to love watching the Olympics. It was a real occasion and treat but I find the constant politicising of sports really off-putting.

I've not watched any of it and don't intend to.

Until the sponsors and organisers have the balls to say enough is enough and clap down on it all this shit, I won't watch it again.
I can't understand how one allows politics to have that much control over their life. I quit watching many years ago because as bear51 put it, they're boring as hell.

I wish they'd bring back The Wide World of Sports.
I am not watching the olympics because all of the stuff happening that I didn't see because I am not watching the olympics.
Have no desire to watch. Used to at least be interested in if the US got what medals. Now it is a team or single person against others from another country. The fact that they are somehow stuck in the US does not mean much.
The COVID pandemic reaction scratched some athletes. No spectators. And this:

“I don’t know the percentage of people that would be tuning out because of those protests,” Jones told Smith. “But I will say that there has to be a percentage of people that are doing that. I had so many people coming up to me after the Gwen Berry protests and saying, ‘I’m sorry, I cannot watch the Olympics after that.'”

"Last month, Berry earned a spot on the on the US track and field team after placing third in the hammer throw during Olympic qualifiers. While standing on the podium, Berry turned her back the the American flag as the national anthem played."
Sarah Huckabee Sanders Pens Op-Ed Encouraging Vaccines: ‘It’s Clear That the Trump Vaccine Works and Is Saving Lives’

Apparently Berry didn't care she was supposed to be representing America, not her political beliefs.
Or..or..or..or...just maybe, most people have other, more important things to worry about right now besides watching the Olympics.
I watched the US Women's soccer match the other night against New Zealand. That's been about it. It isn't that interesting to me.
I'm guessing that goes for a lot of others as well.

But you go and get all outraged by those nasty "libruls"....:)
If you were a real American you would be pumped-up for all our teams.

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