Why Are Our Children Being Forced To Read This Evil Racist Book??


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018

"The work of Nobel laureate Toni Morrison is at the center of the latest skirmish over education in the Virginia's governor's race, after an ad by Republican candidate Glenn Youngkin featured a parent upset that Morrison's 1987 novel "Beloved" was being taught to her son, a high school senior. Morrison's best-known work, is set in the Reconstruction and vividly portrays the horrors of slavery and its legacy -- The book won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 1988 and was a finalist for the National Book Award.

Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe and Virginia Democrats are calling the ad a "racist dog whistle" and accusing Youngkin of wanting to ban books. In the ad, Fairfax County mother Laura Murphy goes after McAuliffe for vetoing Virginia House Bill 516, the "Beloved bill" -- that would have required parents to be notified "if material used in class includes sexually explicit content." McAuliffe shot back at Youngkin and said no, "the bill would have given parents the right to veto … books, Glenn, not to be knowledgeable about it — also take them off the shelves -- I don't think parents should be telling schools what they should teach."

Why are we forcing our elementary and middle school children to read these disgusting racist books? This book is basically critical race theory....for those who haven't read it -- it is talks about rape, it involves the main character of the book killing her baby, just because she didn't want the child to be a slave....like WTF? You think death is better than being slave? ...Just because this woman is a Nobel Laureate doesn't erase the fact that she is most likely racist to have written a book like this..Our children should not be forced to read books written by racists who describe our nation in a negative way...

As for the woman in this ad....her son luckily survived the trauma of having to read that book in his AP course in which he could have opted out of reading the book but didn't....

Yes kids, you heard right....Her child
(who is now 27 and is a lawyer who works for the National Republican Committee and previously worked in the Trump admin) -- that child of hers did receive prior notification before reading the book and had the choice to opt out, but didn't....In other words, parents do have a choice to opt out....but what she ACTUALLY tried to do was ban the book completely.....the folks who scream the loudest about cancel culture have no problems with it when it is them who gets to decide what gets cancelled...and like clockwork, it is always black voices they want to cancel the most....If conservatives didn't have racist dog whistles to blow, they would only be left with blowing Trump....
Why does the right refuse to accept that slavery was inherently a bad thing ? They want their kids to live in ignorance and grow up with the same dinosaur mindset that they did.

Why do the leftist Democrats refuse to admit that they were the ones who had all the slaves and started a Civil War in order to keep them?

It was we Republicans whom you call "right-wingers", who abolished slavery.
Bullshit. It's left-wing Democrats who want to destroy all remaining remnants of their racist traitorous history, so everyone will forget. They should never be allowed to forget.

Oh and might I add, Fuck Joe Biden.
Idiot. Its right wing trash who celebrate the confederacy, slavery and all its horrors. They want to suppress the truth about it.
I am against any form of censorship. If the teacher wants students to read the book make sure they set time in class for a open discussion. Any study of history can be upsetting. You want a fictional story that will upset a teen read Romeo and Juliet.
When I was a teen we watched an actual film taken by the British army of the Death Camps in WW2. I hope I am not being too insensitive but maybe the lady needs to teach her son to toughen up a bit.
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Why do the leftist Democrats refuse to admit that they were the ones who had all the slaves and started a Civil War in order to keep them?

It was we Republicans whom you call "right-wingers", who abolished slavery.

Hate to tell you this, but YOU did not do a fucking thing. You are like the players at Norte Dame today taking credit for the great teams of the 1940s.
Slavery existed at one time in America. Yes slavery was an evil bad time in American history. It was a dark time. Everyone knows slavery is wrong is every way including the owners themselves. Why they wanted slaves instead of paying them a good wage is beyond sad. We have thankfully moved on. That's what I taught my own kids.
Idiot. Its right wing trash who celebrate the confederacy, slavery and all its horrors. They want to suppress the truth about it.

Well here's some truth for you: Most of the slaves trade in the 13 colonies took place under the rule of you British. The Virginia Assembly didn't rule to end slavery, but they did vote to importation of new slaves in 1715.

Of course, the British Crown overruled the vote claiming they need the revenue the slave trade generated.
Nah. All the rightist Democrats and Republicans still want a slave too. To keep up with the Joneses, doncha know. Just the one though. Mind you, we're talkin' a wee, little slave here. Pocket size perhaps.
The political party I belong to ended slavery. Just as the Democrats were the party who were responsible for it.

And the football team Jack Coan plays for won the National title in the 1940s....has nothing to do with him just like ending slavery has nothing to do with you.
Why does the right refuse to accept that slavery was inherently a bad thing ? They want their kids to live in ignorance and grow up with the same dinosaur mindset that they did.
OMG. Is THAT the crap they are teaching children? That Republicans don’t accept that slavery was bad?

Virtually every Republican (except the 10,000th of 1% who are new-Nazis) says that slavery was bad! What we object to is the lie being taught to kids - that this is a systemically racist country, that whites are inherently racist, and that blacks are all victims of oppression.
Why does the right refuse to accept that slavery was inherently a bad thing ? They want their kids to live in ignorance and grow up with the same dinosaur mindset that they did.
/——/ You uneducated moron. The Republicans party was formed with one party plank - to end slavery. It was you heroes in the democRAT party that were the slave owners. But you already knew that.

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