Who's willing to die for Israel?

Originally posted by ajwps
Originally posted by kcmcdonald

Wow!! Have you people no shame. What the hell are you doing. Isreal has been a Alie and a friend of the US for ever. It is still around because of the support that we give it.

What are you talking about? Israel is still around after 4,500 years and America for a couple of hundred years. How exactly is it that Israel remains a viable country with not one American or foreign soldier fighting or dying in the Arab wars waged against her? Who do you think modified American weapons and created their own to defeat the Arab barbarians arrayed against her?

How dare you peole insist that we with draw support and leave a democratic nation in the middle of the worst place on earth to stand alone. You poeple should be ashamed. How dare you.

Unfortunately Israel is quite alone. America and its State Department insist that Israel divide itself to make a new nation of Jordanians (who call them plalestinians) and force Israel to defend a narrow strip of land with their backs to the sea. Israel needs America like you need a bullet in your brain. America loans Israel 3 billion a year and it is the only country to repay its loans with interest times 10.

I am not a Jew but the statements you people made make us look bad. If you don't want to support Isreal because you HATE Jew's say it. Don't hide behind some lame rational. And AtlantaWalker you are a Anti-semite and should be kicked off this room for that inaporprite image.

Why do you think AtlantaWathole is an anti-semite or a lover of mankind? He hates everybody including himself. His image is of himself in his own pea-brain.

I'm sure what ever religion you are is not that great either. How would you like it if I started spurting slurs at Chalolics, or Protestants(spelling?)

Atlantawahole claims to be a pagan and worship his wooden gods. This piece of feces sociopathic isn't worth the time or effort to even respond to his crap. Let him be alone with himself so that he can procreate with himself.
Have some desincy people.

I will send Me, My childern, and My childerns childern to make sure that as long as America exsitis so Shall Isreal.

Good for you. Israel has its own Ally. The same One who has kept it alive and vibrant after centuries of civilizations attempting to destory it and the Jewish people.

For you sir!!!
"Why do you think AtlantaWathole is an anti-semite or a lover of mankind? He hates everybody including himself. His image is of himself in his own pea-brain.
Atlantawahole claims to be a pagan and worship his wooden gods. This piece of feces sociopathic isn't worth the time or effort to even respond to his crap. Let him be alone with himself so that he can procreate with himself.
Have some desincy people." (quote ajwps)

DO you jump up and down and get all sweaty when you rant and rave and have to start calling people names when you write a reply like that ?

Just to show you I mean no harm, I am including a picture of a brave israeli army soldier holding back the hordes attempting to invade israel:
Oh, wait, this is a pic of Clinton's goons holding back a hoard! WOW! Glad they got that boy, he was DANGEROUS!
Queston Atlantahole:

Why do Israeli soldiers have to watch Arab children?

Note the soldier in your picture is not an Israeli soldier whose uniform has the markings of the IDF, this is an American soldier in Iraq. Sorry Atlantahole:
You're right. The picture posted by Atlanta is of a soldier from the 173rd Airborne Brigade from when they were up in the Mosul area.

Hey Atlanta, you should be censured doing what you have done. Using false information to get your points across ruins all your credibility (if you ever had any).

Originally posted by kcmcdonald
Have you people no shame. What the hell are you doing. Isreal has been a Alie and a friend of the US for ever. It is still around because of the support that we give it. How dare you peole insist that we with draw support and leave a democratic nation in the middle of the worst place on earth to stand alone. You poeple should be ashamed. How dare you.
I am not a Jew but the statements you people made make us look bad. If you don't want to support Isreal because you HATE Jew's say it. Don't hide behind some lame rational. And AtlantaWalker you are a Anti-semite and should be kicked off this room for that inaporprite image.
I'm sure what ever religion you are is not that great either. How would you like it if I started spurting slurs at Chalolics, or Protestants(spelling?)
Have some desincy people.
I will send Me, My childern, and My childerns childern to make sure that as long as America exsitis so Shall Isreal.

I support israel too, but Atlanta waiter is entitled to post images which represent his opinions. if you're so patriotic, please do some research on free speech.
Again yes Atlanta has the right to post what ever he wants.
I still have the right to cry outrage.
I should not have said he needs to be kicked out of the chat room, I'm sorry... My Bad:beer:
That is why I suggested he be censured. Not censored. I don't mind somebody making a point that I do not agree with, but I do mind when they misrepresent the facts as he did with that picture. That is not cool and it should be called out. Otherwise, what validity does any of the debates on these threads have???
Yes bush is planing to split isreal, but what other solution do you have to solve the problem. You can't expell the palestinians.
Not only that, but the Arab countries won't take them anyway. They just use them as pawns against Israel. Think about it. What moves have the Arab nations made that have helped the Palestinians? People like to talk about how the US hasn't done enough, but not as many talk about how the Arab nations have not done their part.
Don't forget, Jordan kicked them out. That is why they ran to Israel claiming it as "their" land.

I have been to Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Egypt and Turkey. And no offense to anybody, but Palestinians are viewed in those countries much like how illegal Mexicans are viewed here. Do our dirty work, but don't you dare thinking about wanting to make this a home!
Actually the British renamed Palestine with the name Jordan and put the Hashemite King in charge of these 'palestinian arabs.' The arabs living in Israel did not call themselves palestinians until 1967 when Jordan (Palestine) lost the west bank to Israel after having been one of the arab armies that attacked Israel.

There has never been a government or civil authority with a constituion in any country called Palestine within the Israeli borders. I dare anyone to show valid proof of same.

The Arabs who want to destroy Israel and the Jewish people actually can be transferred back to their own country. Unfortunately the Hashemite King doesn't want them but that is of little consequence as Israel could truck them and their possession across the Allenby bridge with no return visas to Israel.

The Arab countries surrounding Israel have millions upon millions of miles of empty space that could be a home for these Arabs who want to destroy Israel. The map below clearly shows the difference in size of the Arab lands compared to this little strip of land called Israel.

Originally posted by William Joyce
"can be transferred" Can be transferred? You mean, like, on trains? Cattle cars? Tee-hee.

Yes transferred to the other side of the Jordan river.

Arab countries that have transferred their PLO Arab population out of their countries to another place where the Arabs could be free to destroy and kill. Tee hee hee haw moron

1) Jordan
2) Saudi Arabia
3) Syria
4) Lebanon
5) Kuwait
6) Iraq
7) Egypt

and now

8) Israel's turn to rid themselves of those whose only purpose on earth is to kill and throw their children into the fires of the idol Allah.

Originally posted by ProudToBeAJew
The only reason why America supports Israel is because it is a democratic country in the middle of the tolalitatian middle east. It has nothing to do with religion. When will you stupid lefties get it through your idiotic brains.

If it has nothing got to do with religion, why are the US coalition forces still in Iraq this very moment? If this is not a war about religion, would the people have had to resort to using the entrails of PIGS as BARRICADES against the jumpy suicide bombers back in the MIDDLE EAST?

The only reason why US is sending her troops to your land and ultimately most of them will die in ISRAEL, is because YOU GUYS CANT EVEN PROTECT YOURSELF, since the beginning of time. You would probably not even be born and being thick in the skull this very moment, had it not been the invasion of CANADIAN, AUSTRALIAN AND US troops into Omaha Beach on D-Day.

So who's stupid enough to call them idiotsc? You. When will people like you get the right facts into your cranium?


every jew in the world needs to be executed, no questions asked. John 8:31-59

is a backhanded way of equating your inane comment about US .
So youd crucify the Lord again if He was upon the earth? He is a jew after all. Heck He is the King of the Jews. And you want them all to die?

I dont think id die for Israel. What would the point of that be? Ill live for it.

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