Who's willing to die for Israel?



Americans are dying for Israel.

They are dying in Iraq.

They are dying in Afghanistan.

They died in New York.

Regardless what some dissenters would like to claim, the TRUTH is that the overwhelming majority of hostility towards Americans in the Arab and Muslim world, comes from their overthrowing the Shah of Iran, and supporting the state of Israel.

If one variable had to be chosen, one single foreign policy that endgagers the lives of Americans abroad most, it would be support of Israel.

I'm not American.

Many of you are.

I am not implicity saying the US should stop supporting Israel, or that it should.

What I am saying, is that its support of this country UNQUESTIONABLY has resulted in the loss of many American lives.

So, I ask you all: Are you prepared to die so that Israel can continue to exist?

Are you prepared to send your friends and future children to war so that Israel can continue to exist?

Is yes, tell me why.

If not, tell me why.
Ike, I think we should continue to support them. Look I have no great love of Isreal, in fact I think them are wrong on many points, but I do not believe we can allow our foreign policies to be shaped by fear of terrorism. That is playing right into the hands of the terrorists, and if we allow this, what will they demand next ?
I too think we (The West, not just America) should continue to support Israel, I may disagree with them very strongly at times but Israel is here to stay and they should be allowed to live in peace and security. After all that is what I want for my wife and kids, why should Israelis be entitled to any less.

For me it is as simple as that.

Also I dispute the fact that currently American/Allied lives are being lost in Afghanistan and Iraq for Israel. Historically I concede you could trace the root causes of the conflict as being the existence of Israel but the current conflict is more complex than that.

Osama used American support of Israel as just one of a number of justifications of the September 11 attack. I believe the current conflict has moved on to one of ideologies. The extremist form of Islam followed by Osama and his followers, requires them to, in the first instance force out non-Muslims from all Muslim countries, once this is done, they are required to convert or subjugate non-Muslim nations. This is what Al- Qaeda (sp?) is ultimately fighting for and why American/allied lives continue to be lost in Iraq and Afghanistan.

BTW was Shah of Iran overthrown by USA? I though it was the Islamic Revolution/Ayatollah Khomeini (Sp?)?
I'm not being funny but have you made an error or am I missing something, coz I thought America had a hand in installing the Shah not removing him.
The only reason why America supports Israel is because it is a democratic country in the middle of the tolalitatian middle east. It has nothing to do with religion. When will you stupid lefties get it through your idiotic brains.
well, proud, I am not a lefty. I am on the right. And I resent the flag you wave. Put up an American flag or get out.

The fact is, our country's blind support of Israel is killing us, and it must stop.
Hey proud...first off welcome to the board ...welcome to you too william... I feel that we as a country should continue to show support to Israel if for no better reason then one democratic country helping another... william joyce..what would you have us to do..walk away and see a democratic country distroyed by terrorism because you dont like the star of david? the west will always be infidels to the radical islamics no matter what we do.
I do support disengagement from Israel. It costs us billions and gets us nothing but Arab hatred we wouldn't suffer otherwise. Israel isn't our "friend" for strategic or moral reasons, it's our "friend" because of the incredible power, wealth and influence of the Jewish lobby.
Originally posted by William Joyce
well, proud, I am not a lefty. I am on the right. And I resent the flag you wave. Put up an American flag or get out.

You can edit your profile to not show any avatars if you are so resentfull of ProudToBeAJew's avatar. No call for him to get out.
Originally posted by Ike

Americans are dying for Israel.

Where are Americans dying for Israel? Who asked the Muslims to kill the infidels of the world? Why are the Jews dying instead of the Europeans at the hands of the Muhammad believers?

You ask for the truth. Well here it is Muslim lover and hater of mankind. Here is the truth directly for the Muslim's own bible, the holy Qur'an. Read what Islam is instructed to do to all unbelievers unless they see the light and join Muhammad in his pedophilic paradise.


9:5 - English / M. Picktall


9:5 Then, when the sacred months have passed, slay the idolaters wherever ye find them, and take them (captive), and besiege them, and prepare for them each ambush. But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor due, then leave their way free. Lo! Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
Have you people no shame. What the hell are you doing. Isreal has been a Alie and a friend of the US for ever. It is still around because of the support that we give it. How dare you peole insist that we with draw support and leave a democratic nation in the middle of the worst place on earth to stand alone. You poeple should be ashamed. How dare you.
I am not a Jew but the statements you people made make us look bad. If you don't want to support Isreal because you HATE Jew's say it. Don't hide behind some lame rational. And AtlantaWalker you are a Anti-semite and should be kicked off this room for that inaporprite image.
I'm sure what ever religion you are is not that great either. How would you like it if I started spurting slurs at Chalolics, or Protestants(spelling?)
Have some desincy people.
I will send Me, My childern, and My childerns childern to make sure that as long as America exsitis so Shall Isreal.
O-U-C-H !!!! I cannot believe that you say I " should be kicked off this room for that inaporprite image."

Whatever happened to FREEDOM OF SPEECH? You may live in Amerika but the rest of us still believe in the Bill of Rights.

Do you realize how much like a communist you sound like when YOU say MY rights should be limited? Why do people like you always do that? I have the same rights as you do and if you do not wish to hear my side just don't read my posts.

"How would you like it if I started spurting slurs at Chalolics, or Protestants?" (quote kcmcdonald)

#1 That's your right if you so desire to abuse it that way.
#2 Since I am a PAGAN and not particularly sensitive about my religion, with the exception that I get to practice it freely, I could not care less what you said about it because I know you would be speaking from ignorance.

Are you so young that you have never noticed that if one attacks the jew as a race, they become a religion and if one attacks them as a religion, they become a race?

Also, just for you........
Yes you do have the right to put that image up.
But I also have the right to cry outrage. I too am not a religious person and no affliation with any group. and in america we have the right to practice freedom of religion.
However, I still assert that your image is inapropiate, but like you say it is your right to post that image.
Originally posted by kcmcdonald

Wow!! Have you people no shame. What the hell are you doing. Isreal has been a Alie and a friend of the US for ever. It is still around because of the support that we give it.

What are you talking about? Israel is still around after 4,500 years and America for a couple of hundred years. How exactly is it that Israel remains a viable country with not one American or foreign soldier fighting or dying in the Arab wars waged against her? Who do you think modified American weapons and created their own to defeat the Arab barbarians arrayed against her?

How dare you peole insist that we with draw support and leave a democratic nation in the middle of the worst place on earth to stand alone. You poeple should be ashamed. How dare you.

Unfortunately Israel is quite alone. America and its State Department insist that Israel divide itself to make a new nation of Jordanians (who call them plalestinians) and force Israel to defend a narrow strip of land with their backs to the sea. Israel needs America like you need a bullet in your brain. America loans Israel 3 billion a year and it is the only country to repay its loans with interest times 10.

I am not a Jew but the statements you people made make us look bad. If you don't want to support Isreal because you HATE Jew's say it. Don't hide behind some lame rational. And AtlantaWalker you are a Anti-semite and should be kicked off this room for that inaporprite image.

Why do you think AtlantaWathole is an anti-semite or a lover of mankind? He hates everybody including himself. His image is of himself in his own pea-brain.

I'm sure what ever religion you are is not that great either. How would you like it if I started spurting slurs at Chalolics, or Protestants(spelling?)

Atlantawahole claims to be a pagan and worship his wooden gods. This piece of feces sociopathic isn't worth the time or effort to even respond to his crap. Let him be alone with himself so that he can procreate with himself.
Have some desincy people.

I will send Me, My childern, and My childerns childern to make sure that as long as America exsitis so Shall Isreal.

Good for you. Israel has its own Ally. The same One who has kept it alive and vibrant after centuries of civilizations attempting to destory it and the Jewish people.
The planes Isreal flies, The Tanks it drives, The bombs and miselles(spelling?) are american. Look you are right no forienger has died defending Isreal. But 40,000,000 foriengers did die in WW2 trying to liberate the Jewish people. I Know, some in america denied the exsistance of the camps, and the purpose for war was not for the salvation of the Jewish people, but none the less it happened. With out America and unfortunatlly Russia Germany might have been able to finish it's "Final Soulution." In that case we would not even be speaking about the State of Isreal.
Yes Isreal has defended it self in the Arab wars. But it was not alone in those wars. Some in America may regard the state of isreal as a funtion of a Zionist expansion in the world. But the majority don't.
Don't lump Policy by some as policy by all.
Isreal has defended itself, but eventually it will need help. and the only country to stand there with Isreal will be the US.
I hope one day you will see how much support Isreal really has from the US.
I know some policy is detrimental to Isreal, unfortuantlly that's the nature of politics.
"You can't always get what you want."
Originally posted by kcmcdonald
The planes Isreal flies, The Tanks it drives, The bombs and miselles(spelling?) are american.

REALLY.......... America is supplied with the technology from Israel. I was there in January 04, I saw it all....




Look you are right no forienger has died defending Isreal. But 40,000,000 foriengers did die in WW2 trying to liberate the Jewish people.

40 million foreigners died for the Jews? USA president FDR ordered the Army Air Corp to drop spare bombs in open fields and not on the railroad tracks or the concentration camps. What a protector of the Jewish people. For your information, WW2 was not for the Jews but because Hitler was attempting to conquer the world. Hitler killed the Jews, Gypsies, Christians, Muslims, politcal prisoners and every country his armies entered because all non-Aryans were considered sub-human.

The Jews were liberated after 90% were murdered and the entire world knew it and stood by and watched. The Jews were not the object of WW2.....

I Know, some in america denied the exsistance of the camps, and the purpose for war was not for the salvation of the Jewish people, but none the less it happened. With out America and unfortunatlly Russia Germany might have been able to finish it's "Final Soulution." In that case we would not even be speaking about the State of Isreal.

Do you think that Germany ever had a chance in hell of finishing off the Jewish people or the rest of sub-human world? Guess again. It was the Creator of us all that saved you and the rest of humanity from the beasts of Germany.

Yes Isreal has defended it self in the Arab wars. But it was not alone in those wars. Some in America may regard the state of isreal as a funtion of a Zionist expansion in the world. But the majority don't.

If Israel was not alone, then who beside their G-d was with the Jewish nation during the wars waged against it by the large Arab armies? Do you think idt was ghosts???

Don't lump Policy by some as policy by all.
Isreal has defended itself, but eventually it will need help. and the only country to stand there with Isreal will be the US.

WHAT! Eventually America will need to help Israel. What are you smoking? America's president is busy trying to destroy Israel by trying to divide the land of the Jewish people up with the same terroritss who kill Americans every day. The day will come when America will need Israel for survival. The US hasn't the capability to protect itself right now. Who do you think is here in the US right now teaching America how to defend itself from the Islamic barbarians who threaten our airports, cities and people. It is Israeli specialists (covertly) training American agencies and police in this process Israel has had to develop with 9/11s happening for years in the land of the Jewish people.

I hope one day you will see how much support Isreal really has from the US. I know some policy is detrimental to Isreal, unfortuantlly that's the nature of politics. "You can't always get what you want."

Yes you will certainly find that out when you get your head out of the sand.
Hitler killed the Jews, Gypsies, Christians, Muslims, politcal prisoners and every country his armies entered because all non-Aryans were considered sub-human.

The modern day scenario is:

Islamist terrorists (Hitler) kill (killed) Jews, Gypsies, Christians, Muslims (yes, Islamists do not like all Muslims), politcal prisoners and every country their people (his armies) enter (entered) because all non-Muslims (Aryans) are (were) considered sub-human.

Yet some want to say Bush is an over zealous religious fanatic that is out to dominate the world.....
Fine your all allone. No one in the world likes you and it is only by the grace of G-d that you are still alive. It has nothing to do with the millions who(despite what you said did liberate the Jews from the camps) died freeing people from the camps. It has nothing to do with the military tech. you recived(the tanks Isreal has are Abrahms, probally a differnt name still the same tank) and the f-15's we gave you. No none of that matters because it was you who made it war worthy.
Yes you did give us tech. Cruise miseslle guidance chips. Thanks I guess so we'll just assume that with a computer chip and a country of less than 30 mil and in a region where your enimies out number you 3 to 1 at best you'll do fine. Mabey you could throw it at them.
Look Isreal is in the middle of the Middle-east America is not. We don't have the terroist attacks that isreal has had. I'm supposed to appoligise for that. No state has suffered more at the hands of the terroists than Isreal. It doesn't mean the rest of the world doesn't also get attacked. Of course the leading authoirties on terorism are isrealies. No one else has had to deal with terrorism like isreal.
I hope G-d is a very powerful and destrutive, because it takes more than faith and prayer to defend a nation.It takes an army, an army with forgieng tech.
Yes bush is planing to split isreal, but what other solution do you have to solve the problem. You can't expell the palestinians. If it was not up to the rest of the world you could. But you can't so you make the best of what you get.
I'm sorry that Isreal has to be split in two. Mabey in our lifetime Isreal and palestine will form one nation and the middle east will be a beacon of peace. Not with out the US
off topic but how do you guys get those images in your name box?
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