Whoopi waking up


Lakhota's my *****
Jun 4, 2011
on taxes...

She figured it out the Horrible TOP 1%..the top of the top......the big super rich folk.....starts at.,.......drumroll........$400,000.

Sure that's a good amount of money.......but those people don't have 4 mansions and drive around in Ferraris all day...........It's amazing what happens when you stop and actually think.......and say, wait the stuff the media tells us is full of shit.....maybe she'll get there......I doubt it.....but he mind has now been slightly opened......I'm curious to see where this goes.

I never saw the appeal of Whoopie, sorry, but her talent eludes me to a degree I have never watched her activities in performing.
on taxes...

She figured it out the Horrible TOP 1%..the top of the top......the big super rich folk.....starts at.,.......drumroll........$400,000.

Sure that's a good amount of money.......but those people don't have 4 mansions and drive around in Ferraris all day...........It's amazing what happens when you stop and actually think.......and say, wait the stuff the media tells us is full of shit.....maybe she'll get there......I doubt it.....but he mind has now been slightly opened......I'm curious to see where this goes.

Why do you care? It won’t affect you because you don’t earn over $400,000 per year.

on taxes...

She figured it out the Horrible TOP 1%..the top of the top......the big super rich folk.....starts at.,.......drumroll........$400,000.

Sure that's a good amount of money.......but those people don't have 4 mansions and drive around in Ferraris all day...........It's amazing what happens when you stop and actually think.......and say, wait the stuff the media tells us is full of shit.....maybe she'll get there......I doubt it.....but he mind has now been slightly opened......I'm curious to see where this goes.

That's not waking up, that's "oh shyte the progressive movement was cool when it affected YOU and YOUR family. Now I have to pay more? F that!"

People lack the empathy and ability to care about how it is to walk in others shoes and circumstances. Then when they face the same situation, they are outraged, even though they were quite supportive when it was someone else who was going to be impacted.
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Why do you care? It won’t affect you because you don’t earn over $400,000 per year.


Why do you lefties insist on perpetuating lies and why dont you just use your brain for a MOMENT?

Right off the top of my head:



therefore, the Fed is RAISING TAXES on those earning under $400,000.

See how fucking easy that was?
on taxes...

She figured it out the Horrible TOP 1%..the top of the top......the big super rich folk.....starts at.,.......drumroll........$400,000.

Sure that's a good amount of money.......but those people don't have 4 mansions and drive around in Ferraris all day...........It's amazing what happens when you stop and actually think.......and say, wait the stuff the media tells us is full of shit.....maybe she'll get there......I doubt it.....but he mind has now been slightly opened......I'm curious to see where this goes.

Boo fucking hoo

The top tax rate for household income would go from 37% to 39.6% under the Democrats’ plan, an idea favored by 61% of voters, including 41% of Republicans. Similar percentages of voters like the sound of the top corporate tax rate going up from 21% to 26.5%, as well as a higher tax on investment income known as capital gains.

Goldberg's net worth is estimated to be a cool $60 million.

Barely 10 years past the end of the Great Recession in 2009, the U.S. economy is doing well on several fronts. The labor market is on a job-creating streak that has rung up more than 110 months straight of employment growth, a record for the post-World War II era. The unemployment rate in November 2019 was 3.5%, a level not seen since the 1960s. Gains on the jobs front are also reflected in household incomes, which have rebounded in recent years.

But not all economic indicators appear promising. Household incomes have grown only modestly in this century, and household wealth has not returned to its pre-recession level. Economic inequality, whether measured through the gaps in income or wealth between richer and poorer households, continues to widen.

Just like rich bruce jenner rich whoopi is fiscally conservative. Go figure.
No, she didn't understand it, because she bitched about Trumps tax cuts..........it's amazing when you shed ignorance and understand an issue.....how you leave the left behind.....it's almost predictable.
That article is not exactly current.

Whoopi is trash.

She claimed JILL BIDEN should be SURGEON GENERAL.

Whoopi is full of shit and a liar. Jill has a DOCTORATE OF EDUCATION....NOT A FUCKING MD.

Eff Whoopi.
She's not bright......the point of this, is that she finally learned something.......and was like...Holy shit the 1% isn't just a bunch of white billionaires playing golf on their yachts.........this is the begining of being redpilled.........she is now finding out that the things people say in the media are complete shit.............it will be interesting..........will she continue to learn the truth, or does she have to shut it down and comply as the left cracks their bullwhip.......only time will tell
Boo fucking hoo

The top tax rate for household income would go from 37% to 39.6% under the Democrats’ plan, an idea favored by 61% of voters, including 41% of Republicans. Similar percentages of voters like the sound of the top corporate tax rate going up from 21% to 26.5%, as well as a higher tax on investment income known as capital gains.

Goldberg's net worth is estimated to be a cool $60 million.

Barely 10 years past the end of the Great Recession in 2009, the U.S. economy is doing well on several fronts. The labor market is on a job-creating streak that has rung up more than 110 months straight of employment growth, a record for the post-World War II era. The unemployment rate in November 2019 was 3.5%, a level not seen since the 1960s. Gains on the jobs front are also reflected in household incomes, which have rebounded in recent years.

But not all economic indicators appear promising. Household incomes have grown only modestly in this century, and household wealth has not returned to its pre-recession level. Economic inequality, whether measured through the gaps in income or wealth between richer and poorer households, continues to widen.

You're missing the point........it's not about a few bucks........her point is the person making $400,000 is not someone who has $60 million dollars........and the next step is she will find out it's the people making $400,000 that create most of the jobs........and then she'll learn what a job actually is......it's exciting to me to see someone grow.....

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