Whomever wins next Tuesday will be the most unpopular victor


Gold Member
Mar 6, 2013
in many years. Neither will be able to govern with any degree effectively. Clinton supporters will never accept Trump and vice versa. Neither candidate should have been their parties nominees. Both have their share of baggage, like it or not. The next 4 years will be more unstable than the last 4, hard as that may be to believe.
Both candidates barely have a higher favorability rating before entering office, then George Bushes approval rating upon leaving office..

Either of them could easily leave office with an approval rating of 10-20%
in many years. Neither will be able to govern with any degree effectively. Clinton supporters will never accept Trump and vice versa. Neither candidate should have been their parties nominees. Both have their share of baggage, like it or not. The next 4 years will be more unstable than the last 4, hard as that may be to believe.

If Trump wins and the Republicans retain both houses of Congress, it won't matter whether the Clinton supporters accept him or not. The Democrats will likely be swept from the Justice and State Departments, and SCOTUS will be beyond their reach.
I agree that if Hilary is elected it will be a morass. But I believe trump is a much more serious person behind closed doors than in front of the camera. He will bring people together and make deals. The two trillion overseas will get repatriated quickly. I expect him to appoint serious capable and professional people not hacks. Trump has grown on the campaign trail, he will grow in office. If he wins, he will be considered one of the greatest political figures of all time because he did it all alone by sheer will. No one has ever overcome such obstacles and he will have a clear slate to work with. His potential to be great is unlimited.
Compare: Hillary receives money from Saudis donors and Soros.
Trump receives money from his supporters only.

If Clinton wins, she'll be pushing the interests of Saudis and Soros. If Trump wins, he will pushing the interests of American people.

Can a person, pushing the interests of American people, be unpopular among American people? Only among those who are either traitors or seriously dumb.
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What scares me about Clinton is I can't trust her to ever tell me the truth. What scares me about rump is he has zero clue what hard work is and his ego is nearly as large as his mouth.
Uber wealthy people should never sniff the white house. Therefore both candidates are unqualified in my eyes.
What scares me about Clinton is I can't trust her to ever tell me the truth. What scares me about rump is he has zero clue what hard work is and his ego is nearly as large as his mouth.
Right....lazy built this.....

in many years. Neither will be able to govern with any degree effectively. Clinton supporters will never accept Trump and vice versa. Neither candidate should have been their parties nominees. Both have their share of baggage, like it or not. The next 4 years will be more unstable than the last 4, hard as that may be to believe.
Its why after Trump is sworn in he needs to have a false flag pointing DIRECTLY to the democrap extremists terrorist attack that allows him to declare martial law. :)

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