Who will take over America?


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
Who do you think will take America? whites, jews, blacks, hispanics, asians?

Even though jews and blacks have control now, they've made a mess of things and whites are fighting back. But whites are in decline, and I don't think they will stop the immigrant populations.

Asians are are too small in number.

I think things will collapse, and on the other end the blacks will decline and the whites will fight it out with the hispanics.
Who will take over America? Easy answer. The Canadians. They have been secretly planning an invasion for years.
Who do you think will take America? whites, jews, blacks, hispanics, asians?

Even though jews and blacks have control now, they've made a mess of things and whites are fighting back. But whites are in decline, and I don't think they will stop the immigrant populations.

Asians are are too small in number.

I think things will collapse, and on the other end the blacks will decline and the whites will fight it out with the hispanics.

Muslims-----AHMADINEJAD said so----he said ISLAM IS THE RELIGION FOR ALL THE WORLD (so stated in a meeting of UN Members in New York City) ---he also has stated>>>>

"God has only ever created one religion, that of Islam ... our dear prophet belongs to the whole world, he is the last of the prophets, he is the prophet of Asians, Americans and Europeans; he is the prophet of Buddhists and Hindus too; he came to save everyone; our prophet is for all the people of the world."

so now you know-----MUSLIMS will take chicago
Who do you think will take America? whites, jews, blacks, hispanics, asians?

Even though jews and blacks have control now, they've made a mess of things and whites are fighting back. But whites are in decline, and I don't think they will stop the immigrant populations.

Asians are are too small in number.

I think things will collapse, and on the other end the blacks will decline and the whites will fight it out with the hispanics.

There are all kinds of white men; your kind has existed for brief periods in history, but are always defeated by the sane, sober and intellect of honorable white men.
At the moment it seems that Americans have taken over America.

But I will say that the aliens from Planet Liberal are putting up a bit of a fight. Yet one ponders where they might live if they won - after having burned their own nests and shut down the businesses that might have sold them the food they cannot grow.

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