Who was worse, Obama or Carter?


Diamond Member
Sep 3, 2019
Valparaiso, Indiana USA
Who was the worst U.S. president, Barack Obama or Jimmy Carter? My vote is for Obama. He was and is fiercely anti-American, he made race relations in our country worse and he stoked hatred for the police. He accomplished absolutely nothing positive in his eight years as president. I think Carter meant well, but was totally ineffective as president.
Who was the worst U.S. president, Barack Obama or Jimmy Carter? My vote is for Obama. He was and is fiercely anti-American, he made race relations in our country worse and he stoked hatred for the police. He accomplished absolutely nothing positive in his eight years as president. I think Carter meant well, but was totally ineffective as president.
This fails as both a loaded question fallacy and a false dilemma fallacy.

Well done!
Who was the worst U.S. president, Barack Obama or Jimmy Carter? My vote is for Obama. He was and is fiercely anti-American, he made race relations in our country worse and he stoked hatred for the police. He accomplished absolutely nothing positive in his eight years as president. I think Carter meant well, but was totally ineffective as president.
This fails as both a loaded question fallacy and a false dilemma fallacy.

Well done!
They were BOTH awful presidents, NO doubt about that.
Tramp hands down. Even the Right know how bad he is which is why they leave him off the worst list because he has no competition for hating America and loving Russia and Saudi Arabia and North Korea.
Tramp hands down. Even the Right know how bad he is which is why they leave him off the worst list because he has no competition for hating America and loving Russia and Saudi Arabia and North Korea.
You didn't answer the question, "edith". Typical deflection by a lefty.
You didn't read my answer. Typical playing dumb by an America-hating CON$ervoFascist.
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Tramp hands down. Even the Right know how bad he is which is why they leave him off the worst list because he has no competition for hating America and loving Russia and Saudi Arabia and North Korea.
You didn't answer the question, "edith". Typical deflection by a lefty.
You didn't read my answer. Typical playing dumb by an America-hating CON$ervoFascist.
You DIDN'T answer either "Obama" or "Carter". That was the QUESTION, edith, now please go back to your safe space.
Who was the worst U.S. president, Barack Obama or Jimmy Carter? My vote is for Obama. He was and is fiercely anti-American, he made race relations in our country worse and he stoked hatred for the police. He accomplished absolutely nothing positive in his eight years as president. I think Carter meant well, but was totally ineffective as president.
Obummer, by far
Tramp hands down. Even the Right know how bad he is which is why they leave him off the worst list because he has no competition for hating America and loving Russia and Saudi Arabia and North Korea.
You didn't answer the question, "edith". Typical deflection by a lefty.
You didn't read my answer. Typical playing dumb by an America-hating CON$ervoFascist.
You DIDN'T answer either "Obama" or "Carter". That was the QUESTION, edith, now please go back to your safe space.
I did, I answered Tramp the worst FAKE president in the history of the universe.
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Tramp hands down. Even the Right know how bad he is which is why they leave him off the worst list because he has no competition for hating America and loving Russia and Saudi Arabia and North Korea.
You didn't answer the question, "edith". Typical deflection by a lefty.
You didn't read my answer. Typical playing dumb by an America-hating CON$ervoFascist.
You DIDN'T answer either "Obama" or "Carter". That was the QUESTION, edith, now please go back to your safe space.
I did, I answered Tramp the worst FAKE president in the history of the universe.
Nope, again. You STILL haven't answered "Obama" or "Carter"! You keep DEFLECTING, and not giving an answer of the choices given. You are a hopeless lib, edith, I'm done responding to you.
Tramp hands down. Even the Right know how bad he is which is why they leave him off the worst list because he has no competition for hating America and loving Russia and Saudi Arabia and North Korea.
You didn't answer the question, "edith". Typical deflection by a lefty.
You didn't read my answer. Typical playing dumb by an America-hating CON$ervoFascist.
You DIDN'T answer either "Obama" or "Carter". That was the QUESTION, edith, now please go back to your safe space.
I did, I answered Tramp the worst FAKE president in the history of the universe.
Nope, again. You STILL haven't answered "Obama" or "Carter"! You keep DEFLECTING, and not giving an answer of the choices given. You are a hopeless lib, edith, I'm done responding to you.
Your surrender is accepted.
Who was the worst U.S. president, Barack Obama or Jimmy Carter? My vote is for Obama. He was and is fiercely anti-American, he made race relations in our country worse and he stoked hatred for the police. He accomplished absolutely nothing positive in his eight years as president. I think Carter meant well, but was totally ineffective as president.
The DOW rose 258% under Obama. Orange Bin Laden has been stuck at 24% for about a year. See what you missed when you were looking for the birth certificate?
Obama. Divisive, wanted Fundamental Transformation (Communism), used Identity Politics to further divide people. He was economically INEPT, created higher energy prices and anemic GDP growth. Eight years of economic malaise, and a country that was told by him to HATE ITSELF.

He and his "wife" are RACISTS, and do not like white people, but will tolerate them if they are rich and/or give them money.
Who was the worst U.S. president, Barack Obama or Jimmy Carter? My vote is for Obama. He was and is fiercely anti-American, he made race relations in our country worse and he stoked hatred for the police. He accomplished absolutely nothing positive in his eight years as president. I think Carter meant well, but was totally ineffective as president.


Everything you said about Obama is a lie. I don't know why whites think their opinion of race relations is the only one, but race relations here have never been good and whites like you were mad because a black man was president and they acted out.
Obama did far more damage than Carter. But I don’t think an Obama would have been possible without Bill Clinton cheapening the office.
And I think Clinton was the first American president who worked for our enemies. Remember how much money the Chinese Communists funneled through Buddhist monks to the Clinton campaign?
Obama was clearly worse than Carter...but neither hold a candle to Harding, Buchanan and a handful of others.

He should have said "in modern times". I think LBJ, or maybe FDR were the worst. They did more damage than Obama.

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