Who was the worst?


Senior Member
Mar 3, 2004
Who was the worst president of your lifetime, and why?

My vote is for Lyndon Johnson. He prosecuted the Vietnam War in such a way as to render it unwinnable; in fact, never had any intention of TRYING to win. This was a massive betrayal of American blood. I hope they kept hell hot for him.

His Great Society farce wasted untold billions of dollars and allowed the Federal Government to grow into a monster. We will feel it's repurcussions for many generations.

We've had some real squareheads in the Oval Office, but I think Johnson takes the cake.
I would have to say Gerald Ford......I did not like the fact that he pardoned R. Nixon. I do believe the pardon quickly got the nation back on track but I feel it set a bad precedent. First of all, how do you pardon a person before the person is ever found guilty of anything. Second, it deprived the American people of the facts of what happened by stopping any investigations. More harm was done than good, on this one.
sagegirl said:
I would have to say Gerald Ford......

The only President to hold the office without being voted for either president or vice president. And that pardon probably caused him to lose the election against Carter.
musicman said:
Who was the worst president of your lifetime, and why?

Going to have to be Clinton. I was born only a few months before Reagan was elected so I really cant choose Carter. So the only choices i have are Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and Bush. Not really a tough choice here. Clinton slacked on his responsbilities while in office. He created the image that all was great in America and the people bought it. In the mean time we had corporate scandals, phoney growth figures, deciet and lies, degrading of our military and intelligence communities, and our enemies strengthening themselves without a response from us. We were a nation in a deep sleep and fantasy and we woke up September 11th, 2001. Its a day i will never forget because it made me realize that we have to face evil in our time. I wish it had effected Senator Kerry in some way. Maybe then I could handle him being President, but since it hasnt we need to work extra hard to get Bush reelected.
John Tyler.

Whig Party a-hole who later returned to the Democrat Party in order to protect slavery, then helped form the Confederacy.

How many people know the Dems history includes this guy ?
Bill Clinton

- he steered away from making hard choices and sacrifices, at a time when america was in a unique state of being able to considerably improve itself and the rest of the world.

- he waffled on bosnia, wasting tens of thousands of lives and nearly splitting apart the NATO alliance. Had he listened to Baroness Thatcher, Bob Dole, Richard Lugar, numerous Democrats within Congress and even a new breed of politicos (liberal hawks), the Serbs would not have triumphed.

- he conspired to ignore and avoid talking about, helping or intervening in rwanda, where a genocide in 100 days took 800,000 lives.

- he blew somalia by trying to turn it into a law enforcement operation, costing the lives of 19 american soldiers and american prestige.

- he coddled China at a high cost to America's security, economic superority and our diplomatic leadership.

- i don't blame him for breaking the military (folks don't realize that was congress, which wanted a peace dividend from the end of the cold war and didn't care what they cut or how they cut from the pentagon budget)
but clinton did avoid making hard decisions to fight corruption and wastefulness in the pentagon, at a cost of tens of billions to the military and the federal budget.

- he didn't show any leadership on AIDS or terrorism, allowing both to spiral out of control and now they both threaten the world in serious fashion.

- he allowed the FBI to get even further out of control and more incompetent, because his own misdeeds ruined his relationship with the FBI director and prevented him from firing the idiot SOB.

- god I could go for days on this, so I'll leave it alone now.

He stopped the advancement of nuclear power and technology in the US...clean, remarkably safe (when compared to other types of power generation and how frequently there are accidents), cheap when considered how much power can be created, etc etc etc.

This decision left us destined to be dealing with the middle east for oil for generations to come....and we all know how well that is going.

He won the Nobel Peace Prize for the Agreed Upon Framework with N.Korea, which basically said, if you promise to be good, we'll show you how to make WMD...and if you break your promise we'll do nothing about it...sound good?

Way to go Carter, your asinine decisions have created or aided most if not all the foriegn policy disasters we see today.
I second NATO AIR and AVATAR 4321 on Bill Clinton. I have done so many posts regarding him that I don't think I need to add anything more. I hope we never have to deal with him or Hillary again in a top political position in this country.

Musicman's choice of Lyndon Johnson should give us all pause for consideration. A professional politician he was in every way. Anyone ever hear of John Kerry?
fubar said:
John Tyler.

Whig Party a-hole who later returned to the Democrat Party in order to protect slavery, then helped form the Confederacy.

How many people know the Dems history includes this guy ?

All right, I am not that old. William Jefferson Clinton was the worst president this country ever saw.

CLinton accepted campaign contributions fom the Red Chinese Army.
Clinton reclassified a GPS tech company in order for them to be able to land a single contract with Red China. And in one pay-off, the twisted fuck Gave China a 30 year jump in their ability to target their ICBM MIRVs.

Clinton is more likely than not a rapist.

Clinton has given us Hillary.

Clinton Absolutely dropped the ball on Bin laden.

Clinton let Janet Reno deliberately massacre American children at Ruby Ridge and Waco Texas.

Clinton ordered Reno to stop prosecuting federal gun crimes in order to boost the body count on our streets to further his gun control agenda.

Clinton taught American democrats that their really is no standard of behaviour as long as one wins.
Gem said:

He stopped the advancement of nuclear power and technology in the US...clean, remarkably safe (when compared to other types of power generation and how frequently there are accidents), cheap when considered how much power can be created, etc etc etc.

This decision left us destined to be dealing with the middle east for oil for generations to come....and we all know how well that is going.

He won the Nobel Peace Prize for the Agreed Upon Framework with N.Korea, which basically said, if you promise to be good, we'll show you how to make WMD...and if you break your promise we'll do nothing about it...sound good?

Way to go Carter, your asinine decisions have created or aided most if not all the foriegn policy disasters we see today.

I think Carter caused alot more problems than just that. But i wasnt even out of diapers when he was out of office so i didnt think it was fair to choose him. if i had to choose between him and Clinton it would be tough.
Avatar4321 said:
I think Carter caused alot more problems than just that. But i wasnt even out of diapers when he was out of office so i didnt think it was fair to choose him. if i had to choose between him and Clinton it would be tough.

Every time I see Carter on the tube, all I can hear is the sucking sound from the vacuum between his ears.

He still believes that signing a treaty will work in N. Korea, even though it has unequivocally been shown to be a farcical equation. He thought shutting down the space program was a good idea when almost all of our fabulous scientific progress has come from that program alone. He blocked Nuclear Power, as he promised he would, and it left us vulnerable to Middle East oil.

Egg in our face in dealing with the hostage crisis in Iran, and absolutely no tax cuts in order to jumpstart the flagging economy.

And he still can't shut up about his ideas of peace with N. Korea by paying them not to build WMD. Idiocy. I can't think of another President with this amount of stupid packed into one body. No foresight at all. Although I think if Kerry became President it may be a close race.
no1tovote4 said:
Egg in our face in dealing with the hostage crisis in Iran, and absolutely no tax cuts in order to jumpstart the flagging economy.

I read a book by Herb Cohen, i believe, on negociation. Very enlightening booked. helped me alot when dealing with car salesmen.

Seriously though my point is he had a whole section on the Iran hostage crisis. Carter brough him in and Cohen told Carter he wasnt doing it the right way and if he keeps negociating the way he was then the hostages wouldnt be released till innaguration day. He was right. it was very interesting to learn the reasoning behind it. Deffinately a good book.
Thanks for your thoughtful posts, everybody. And, I should tell you, you have changed my mind. I now give Presidents Carter and Clinton equal billing with Lyndon Johnson as the worst presidents of my lifetime. That was no small accomplishment, believe me.

Democrats have stood, trembling and trouser-soaked, on the wrong side of every foreign policy and national security issue since the advent of the Cold War. And, every time it has been our misfortune to have them in power, they have harmed America. It has then fallen to a Republican to ride to the rescue, cleaning up the mess and setting us aright, to the tune of endless sniping from the sidelines by the geniuses who got us into that particular mess to begin with.

The Soviet Union which glared at Ronald Reagan in 1980 was - thanks to the timid policies of Messrs. Johnson and Carter - infinitely stronger than it had ever been. Yet, Mr. Reagan calmly informed these tyrants that they were going down. He then proceeded to TAKE them down. He did this while enduring the constant negativism (and - sometimes - the outright TREACHERY) of - drum roll, please - the Democrats, the media, the musicians, the Hollywood community, academia - the whole unholy parade of America-hating liberalism. Those too young to remember living with the threat of annihilation at the hands of the Soviets simply cannot appreciate what Ronald Reagan did for this country, and this world.

There can be no serious argument to the fact that strong, resolute leadership WORKS. The lunatic Khadafi cannot get his ass out of our way fast enough. Even a dumb animal knows not to attack a being which will turn and tear him to shreds. Enter Bill Clinton.

I believe that the terrorists tend to weave the American identity around our president. What the hell ever made them think that they could get away with 9/11? Simple. For eight years, they were taught the lesson that they could murder Americans with impunity. How they must have roared with laughter at Bill Clinton's irresolute, poll-driven, band-aid responses! They saw the American President - and therefore America - as corrupt, morally bankrupt, and gutless. No wonder they thought us ripe for the taking.

The truth of recent history is there, for anyone with eyes to see, and the energy to cut through an endless stream of lies. Some people just can't be bothered, and I have made up my mind to stop worrying about it. I'm going to do my part. I'll shout the truth at the top of my lungs. I will never allow the lies to pass unchallenged. I will crawl to the voting booth on my hands and knees in the snow, if need be. But if Americans are to truly DESERVE America, they're going to have to start caring. They're going to have to care enough to banish the cancer of liberalism from this country forever.
Im going to have to say Carter, although I was a baby, but from what I have read and heard, Yikes, and actually he's still at it, making little trips to have coffee with Castro.........I think he should stick to building homes for Habitat, seems to be his forte.

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