Who is you fave GOP Candidate?

Oct 17, 2011
Vote for your favorite candidate to be the GOP nominee in the poll at: nationalsponsor.blogspot.com

There is also some great commentary on the subbersion of america from the left, and alos How OWS has the same goals a the tea party.
My dream ticket was Mike Pence/John Thune. And all of my favorite candidates dropped out from running,Mitt Romney was my last choice if the best candidates said no. I will take either Romney Or Cain. They both share the same dream. That's all that matters to the Average American who has been suffering since January 2009.
Ron Paul for sure but i like Cain and Perry too. It's early though. So much can happen. We're still a long way from the Election. I mean,who heard of Barack Obama? Hillary Clinton was a shoe-in for the nomination. So i'll be patient. But Dr. Paul is my first choice.
I like Ron Paul for his fiscal know-how, which we need right now, but I also like Herman Cain because of his business accumen and his love for country.

I vascillate between the two.

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