Who is O'Malley's hidden God?


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
The third Dem candidate stated Saturday
“I believe the toughness of the fight is a way perhaps that the hidden God has a way of telling us we are actually fighting for something worth saving,”
Who is this Hidden God?
One of O'Malley's address drew on the lyrics of Christmas carols,
principally “O ... into the night, to go to Bethlehem, and discover our hidden God who's in plain sight.''.

So this hidden God can't be a Judaic conception of an Essence of creation that is not a figure or form you would hide-non anthropromorphized.

The only reason Christians would sing or talk about a "hidden" God is if the identity of their god needs to be hidden from people figuring out that it's the forbidden Baal they are worshiping under the guise of his son (the morning star)mimicking his mythology. They are hidden from figuring out Baal is that father they never name (=hide).
Thus Isaiah says it's the Moshiach who lifts that veil from over their eyes.
Later in Isaiah 66:19 it's stated at the time of the temple procession the Gentiles will finally see the figuritive face of G0d, as in not knowing him before=Jesus wasn't God nor did they worship or know the Judaic precepts.
They are too busy..One can compare them to grasshoppers in the field that are only interestedin the here and now and consuming everything they get their hands on never thinking about the future...It is the ant that behaves in a manner of the olam ha ba in that it stores up food and works diligently for the future generations to come even though it has a short time to live...It never consumes everything it can get its hands on...All this is hidden from the grasshopper because it swarms from place to place in large groups flapping its wings and chewing its mouth wonder who is the " grasshopper" and who is the "ant"" .... Hmmmmm.......
So this hidden God can't be a Judaic conception of an Essence of creation that is not a figure or form you would hide-non anthropromorphized.

Once again, you are mistaken.

Shlomo said, "ADONAI said he would live in thick darkness." 1 Kings 8:12

Clouds and thick darkness are all around him; 2 Chronicles 6:1

He made darkness his covering, his canopy around him. Psalm 18:11

And he made darkness pavilions round about him, dark waters, and thick clouds of the skies. 2 Samuel 22:12

Clouds and thick darkness surround Him; Psalm 97:2
They are too busy..One can compare them to grasshoppers in the field that are only interestedin the here and now and consuming everything they get their hands on never thinking about the future...It is the ant that behaves in a manner of the olam ha ba in that it stores up food and works diligently for the future generations to come even though it has a short time to live...It never consumes everything it can get its hands on...All this is hidden from the grasshopper because it swarms from place to place in large groups flapping its wings and chewing its mouth wonder who is the " grasshopper" and who is the "ant"" .... Hmmmmm.......

If there's anything we don't need today it's a bunch of holy roller horse shit!!! According to Mark's gospel these were Jesus' last words:

"And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover."

They are too busy..One can compare them to grasshoppers in the field that are only interestedin the here and now and consuming everything they get their hands on never thinking about the future...It is the ant that behaves in a manner of the olam ha ba in that it stores up food and works diligently for the future generations to come even though it has a short time to live...It never consumes everything it can get its hands on...All this is hidden from the grasshopper because it swarms from place to place in large groups flapping its wings and chewing its mouth wonder who is the " grasshopper" and who is the "ant"" .... Hmmmmm.......

When have you ever seen or heard a single word from God in your entire life?

Do you not have a mind of your own? what a spineless phony! Damn those Christians, yeah right, as if God doesn't remain hidden from you....
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I think you folks are putting much more thought into it then O'Malley or his speech writer did. His hidden god is or was the red light camera.
"And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover."

Obviously that passage isn't about you.

your mind was filled with serpentine holy roller horse shit when you were a child and you still haven't recovered, even at 81 years old.

Perhaps you never will.

"As they watched, he was lifted up, and a cloud removed him from their sight."

"The kingdom of Heaven is like treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again."
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"And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover."

Obviously that passage isn't about you.

your mind was filled with serpentine holy roller horse shit when you were a child and you still haven't recovered, even at 81 years old.

Perhaps you never will.

"As they watched, he was lifted up, and a cloud removed him from their sight."

"The kingdom of Heaven is like treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again."

I was baptized before a congregation of nearly 1000 on a Sunday morning in the spring of 1957. I lived in the church and did the whole nine yards till I was over 60 years old. I never believed that horse shit.....not for a minute. After I retired I couldn't keep living a lie so I left the church and told all my family that I had never believed it. I think anybody who does believe it should schedule some sessions with a Shrink. What a major load of ridiculous horse shit. In time nobody will continue to worship ancient gods but until that time arrives all we can do is feel sorry for their brainwashed asses.
I was baptized before a congregation of nearly 1000 on a Sunday morning in the spring of 1957. I lived in the church and did the whole nine yards till I was over 60 years old. I never believed that horse shit.....not for a minute. After I retired I couldn't keep living a lie so I left the church and told all my family that I had never believed it. I think anybody who does believe it should schedule some sessions with a Shrink. What a major load of ridiculous horse shit. In time nobody will continue to worship ancient gods but until that time arrives all we can do is feel sorry for their brainwashed asses.

I commend you for what you eventually did by leaving the church and admitting that you never believed but, seriously, why after 60 years and not in grade school?

I agree that anyone who takes those stories literally and teaches others to do the same has to live in denial of reality to believe and could probably use some therapy but can't you see that in spite of ridiculous assertions made by such people that any intelligent person would reject out of hand, there lies deeper meaning and a hidden story conveyed through well known and widely used literary techniques?

How could you have missed such difficult to decipher metaphors such as talking serpents, angels and demons, the world above, etc., when the authors couldn't have been more obvious that there was deeper meanings hidden by using phrases like buried treasure, clouds of darkness, and speaking in strange tongues? Even when the main character comes right out and says in plain language that he had been using figures of speech, John 16:25 ?

How could anyone, believer or unbeliever, not go back and re-read everything after reading that?

Should I feel sorry for your brainwashed ass?
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I was baptized before a congregation of nearly 1000 on a Sunday morning in the spring of 1957. I lived in the church and did the whole nine yards till I was over 60 years old. I never believed that horse shit.....not for a minute. After I retired I couldn't keep living a lie so I left the church and told all my family that I had never believed it. I think anybody who does believe it should schedule some sessions with a Shrink. What a major load of ridiculous horse shit. In time nobody will continue to worship ancient gods but until that time arrives all we can do is feel sorry for their brainwashed asses.

I commend you for what you eventually did by leaving the church and admitting that you never believed but, seriously, why after 60 years and not in grade school?

I agree that anyone who takes those stories literally and teaches others to do the same has to live in denial of reality to believe and could probably use some therapy but can't you see that in spite of ridiculous assertions made by such people that any intelligent person would reject out of hand, there lies deeper meaning and a hidden story conveyed through well known and widely used literary techniques?

How could you have missed such difficult to decipher metaphors such as talking serpents, angels and demons, the world above, etc., when the authors couldn't have been more obvious that there was deeper meanings hidden by using phrases like buried treasure, clouds of darkness, and speaking in strange tongues?

Should I feel sorry for your brainwashed ass?

It's the brainwashing. You can teach a child anything. My maternal grandmother began to brainwash me when I was four or five years old. The Catholic Church used to have a thing they spread around communities all over the world, "Give Me A Child Till They're Ten And I'll Give You A Catholic Forever!"
Think about it.....Cannibals taught their young to eat human flesh as a religious ritual for thousands of years.
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It's the brainwashing. You can teach a child anything. The Catholic Church used to have a thing they spread around communities all over the world, "Give Me A Child Till They're Ten And I'll Give You A Catholic Forever!"
Think about it.....Cannibals taught their young to eat human flesh as a religious ritual for thousands of years.

Of course its the brainwashing. But as a Jewish story, Jesus saying eat my flesh to a Jewish audience was an obvious allusion to the Jewish dietary laws, a sublime teaching that the subject of Kosher law and the flesh of one creature or another defined as either clean or unclean is not about what one can or cannot eat for dinner...
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They are too busy..One can compare them to grasshoppers in the field that are only interestedin the here and now and consuming everything they get their hands on never thinking about the future...It is the ant that behaves in a manner of the olam ha ba in that it stores up food and works diligently for the future generations to come even though it has a short time to live...It never consumes everything it can get its hands on...All this is hidden from the grasshopper because it swarms from place to place in large groups flapping its wings and chewing its mouth wonder who is the " grasshopper" and who is the "ant"" .... Hmmmmm.......

Bees work harder than piss ants and produce the nectar of the gods as a bi product.
"And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover."

Obviously that passage isn't about you.

your mind was filled with serpentine holy roller horse shit when you were a child and you still haven't recovered, even at 81 years old.

Perhaps you never will.

"As they watched, he was lifted up, and a cloud removed him from their sight."

"The kingdom of Heaven is like treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again."

Hey NumbNuts.....it don't make a damn to me what the ignorant book says. I just enjoy pointing out some of the more insane parts.
"And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover."

Obviously that passage isn't about you.

your mind was filled with serpentine holy roller horse shit when you were a child and you still haven't recovered, even at 81 years old.

Perhaps you never will.

"As they watched, he was lifted up, and a cloud removed him from their sight."

"The kingdom of Heaven is like treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again."

Hey NumbNuts.....it don't make a damn to me what the ignorant book says. I just enjoy pointing out some of the more insane parts.

LOL... thats terrific! Just thought you might want to know that while you are enjoying pointing out the more insane parts, you have only succeeded in making yourself look ignorant.

If you really don't care if you are making a spectacle of yourself, carry on. I find it extremely amusing as well.
So this hidden God can't be a Judaic conception of an Essence of creation that is not a figure or form you would hide-non anthropromorphized.

Once again, you are mistaken.

Shlomo said, "ADONAI said he would live in thick darkness." 1 Kings 8:12

Clouds and thick darkness are all around him; 2 Chronicles 6:1

He made darkness his covering, his canopy around him. Psalm 18:11

And he made darkness pavilions round about him, dark waters, and thick clouds of the skies. 2 Samuel 22:12

Clouds and thick darkness surround Him; Psalm 97:2

NONE of which is hidden, how do you correlate the 2?
1) clouds=gathering of people
in which case their enemies wore and ware black while the temple priests wore white.
Darkness can mean in the midst of the
liars and ignorance that surround them.
2) Lord=King aka head of hosts in the context of 2 Chronicles
3)you mention 2 Chronicles 6 which is problematic for you since it states what I've been conveying all along:
"And I chose Jerusalem that My name might be there"
And it was in my father David's heart [the desire] to build a House for *the name* of the Lord, the God of Israel.
The MIKdash is not in Jesus or Yeshucs name, itcs in Mikael's name who in Judaic and Islamic tradition is the head of the hosts.
The city of Shalem (SHV*M[a]N) is not in Jesus or Yeshu's name either, since the name is supposed to be in the Torah portions like the Miketz and Shevitz then the verse you quoted is disqualifying Jesus and Qualifying the one you stated is wrong.
Which would contradict Dan 10:21 making you arguing against truth and Scripture.

Check mate!
"And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover."

Obviously that passage isn't about you.

your mind was filled with serpentine holy roller horse shit when you were a child and you still haven't recovered, even at 81 years old.

Perhaps you never will.

"As they watched, he was lifted up, and a cloud removed him from their sight."

"The kingdom of Heaven is like treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again."

Hey NumbNuts.....it don't make a damn to me what the ignorant book says. I just enjoy pointing out some of the more insane parts.

LOL... thats terrific! Just thought you might want to know that while you are enjoying pointing out the more insane parts, you have only succeeded in making yourself look ignorant.

If you really don't care if you are making a spectacle of yourself, carry on. I find it extremely amusing as well.

Horse Shit! When people believe in ancient gods I don't give a rats ass what they think or say about me. They need some serious counseling.....maybe even an extended stay in a nuthouse.
"And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover."

Obviously that passage isn't about you.

your mind was filled with serpentine holy roller horse shit when you were a child and you still haven't recovered, even at 81 years old.

Perhaps you never will.

"As they watched, he was lifted up, and a cloud removed him from their sight."

"The kingdom of Heaven is like treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, buried it again."

Hey NumbNuts.....it don't make a damn to me what the ignorant book says. I just enjoy pointing out some of the more insane parts.

LOL... thats terrific! Just thought you might want to know that while you are enjoying pointing out the more insane parts, you have only succeeded in making yourself look ignorant.

If you really don't care if you are making a spectacle of yourself, carry on. I find it extremely amusing as well.

Horse Shit! When people believe in ancient gods I don't give a rats ass what they think or say about me. They need some serious counseling.....maybe even an extended stay in a nuthouse.

Ahem, Not everybody believes in ancient gods..

During your 60 years pretending to believe in God did you ever get some serious counseling or have an extended stay in a nuthouse? Would it have helped?

Did you give a rats ass about what anyone thought about you then? You must have. Were talking 60 years.

What did you think about you for all that time? Do you think that being obnoxious now is going to make you feel any better?
Now now people, play nice.
How do you expect people to understand the way things are when there is no central source TEMPLE (Mikdash) in the name of the one who best knows these truths?
(Dan 10:21, 2Chronicles6, Melakim -
I Kings8:43)
How do you expect people to understand the way things are when there is no central source TEMPLE (Mikdash) in the name of the one who best knows these truths?

I hate to break the news to you but the way things are is becoming more and more obvious to even the least intelligent person out there.

Within the real sanctuary of God there are many trees whose fruit is pleasing to the eye and good to eat, no temples or superstitious rituals required, but those damned talking serpents keep trying to persuade people to eat the poisonous flesh of a mangod or anticipate the joys of slaughtering and eating farm animals in the name of the Lord east of the Garden of Eden instead, just as soon as some shyster named Michael who can out stupid the Goyim any day of the week shows up, pretends to be the messiah, and deceives people into building another TEMPLE that is.

People die once bitten. Some remain that way for decades (ask Campbell), some never to rise again..

No one knows this better than you who has chosen to build his house in a barren wilderness nestled among a few crumbling tombstones.

Who do you think you're fooling?
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