Who Is It that Believes The Election Was Stolen?

You present yourself as an incorrigible, groveling Trump bum kisser, but if you ever have any actual issues you would like to discuss, civilly and coherently, with reference to documented facts, in rational terms, I'd be happy to assist you in engaging with reality. If not, have a nice day.

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A cult is....
actually politics today IS about worship of one person AND the party he belongs to (so far it has always been a He)

yes, that's exactly what we have here... People love Trump because of what he DID... that is normal and mature

Dims love dim elites because... WHY?

frankly, I don't know why

I get it that they want to keep baby killing legal so they don't have to be responsible and mature about sex.. I get it that they can't face the reality that abortion means murdering innocent children but hey... it's legal, so who cares if it's amoral or evil?

But you know... can't help thinking this is what very young Read very immature people think

people who have not examined the evidence... the science... and worrisome things like Reality

But other than that, I mean... yeh... The dims are the ones who are cultistst... They don't believe anything unless it comes from cnn msnbc or such places..

garbage in garbage out
A cult is....
... an emotionally-driven sect that engages in the veneration of and devotion to a particular figure, contemptuous of factual, empirical reality that does not accrue to their master's glory, i.e., the weird worship of one dude.

In the case of the Cult of Trumpery, they hold as an irrational, dogmatic article of blind faith that the Loser won the 2020 presidential election "in a Landslide!" even though that self-serving fantasy is supported by no certified result, no recount, no audit, no form of actual legal challenge anywhere that has not been rejected as being utterly without merit.

When the Loser pulls his "Landslide!" out of his butt, they are dazzled into groveling prostration, their cerebral faculties rendered useless at the awesome spectacle.

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Go figure.

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