Who Are You?

Wouldn't know on that one I have ad blocker. A young man at a loading dock once got all excited and told his coworkers "come look its the girl and the dog from the never ending story!"
Wouldn't know on that one I have ad blocker. A young man at a loading dock once got all excited and told his coworkers "come look its the girl and the dog from the never ending story!"
Irish setter?
Globalist or freedom fighter?

Which Lord of The Rings Character Are You?

Your result is: Aragorn.

Logical, and calm while serving as a brave warrior to Gondor. You are powerful, and you are the one who likes to take charge in a time of need.
Oh, hell no. You are Zork from Dork.

You are Gríma. Gríma serves as an archetypal sycophant, flatterer, liar, and manipulator.

In other words, Debbie Wasserman-Shultz.
You are the Zork from Dork Pinocchio equivalent.

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