Who are these allies Trump keeps referencing? Seems, these days, our only friend is Russia.


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
During his speech last night, more than once, Trump talked about out "allies" who need to help us defeat terrorism.

Who is he talking about? Trump has removed the US it's former place as "world leader". He has made enemies every where he goes.

Only one country is sacrosanct. And that's Russia.

So when he says "our allies", who is he taking about?
well , for one , i hear that the AUSSIES are doing what Trump orders them to do . Let me look around to see who is following the Presidents orders Dean .
During his speech last night, more than once, Trump talked about out "allies" who need to help us defeat terrorism.

Who is he talking about? Trump has removed the US it's former place as "world leader". He has made enemies every where he goes.

Only one country is sacrosanct. And that's Russia.

So when he says "our allies", who is he taking about?
Good question! Damn good question.
During his speech last night, more than once, Trump talked about out "allies" who need to help us defeat terrorism.

Who is he talking about? Trump has removed the US it's former place as "world leader". He has made enemies every where he goes.

Only one country is sacrosanct. And that's Russia.

So when he says "our allies", who is he taking about?
Good question! Damn good question.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- well , i already said the AUSSIES plus probably Japan and England .
We have a bunch.
Russia just got more sanctions and they have been talking shit.
This whole thread premise is nothing more than a circle jerk for retards.
Considering the concerted effort by many so-called "allies" to undermine and destroy America and the American Way of Life for some cheap Chinese labour. I'd say America is right to confront those abusing her.

With allies like some of these sob's, who needs enemies?
During his speech last night, more than once, Trump talked about out "allies" who need to help us defeat terrorism.

Who is he talking about? Trump has removed the US it's former place as "world leader". He has made enemies every where he goes.

Only one country is sacrosanct. And that's Russia.

So when he says "our allies", who is he taking about?

Yo, Dummy? Stop Watching CNN and MSNBC! You Might Learn The Facts Of Life? I Doubt It!!!! But All You Need To Do, Is Go Back To The NATO Summit, When President Donald J. Trump Spoke Like A Real Man, Not Like Obama, The Tip-Toe Thru The Tulips President, Another Words, A Gay Obama!!! He Told The Obama Entitlement Countries To Pay Their Fair Share, What Did The Allies Do?

They Paid Their Fair Share!!! So Don`t Be Such A Un-American, Like The Media You Watch, Try Being A Person Who Can Think For Themselves? If That Is Possible, And Give Credit, Where Credit Belongs!!! You Idiots Love To Show Your Stupidity, I Guess You Think You Are Doing Something Positive? But In Reality? You Are A True Loser, Who Loves The Negative View Of Reality! """GET A Real Life Loser"""

you dont actually believe he checked with other countries before he ran his mouth do you ?

maybe they arent willing to go to war and DIE for his stupid ass bust because he is willing to kill his soldiers whenever the urge hits him..

its next to impossible to understand exactly where this narcissistic piece of shit is coming from.
you dont actually believe he checked with other countries before he ran his mouth do you ?

maybe they arent willing to go to war and DIE for his stupid ass bust because he is willing to kill his soldiers whenever the urge hits him..

its next to impossible to understand exactly where this narcissistic piece of shit is coming from.

Yo, Why Let The Lives Who Have Been Lost In Afghanistan, Just Go Unwarranted? We Need To Kill Every Enemy In Afghanistan, Period!!! If The U.S.A. Can Bring Back The Draft? Maybe We Can Eliminate All The Socialist In This Country, Send Them Into A Real Mans World, Let`s See If They Survive, Doubt It!!! But The Fact Is, We Need To Bring The Draft Back, The Problems Would Disappear In The U.S.A., I Would Love It, To See These Democrat Commies Dying In A Real War!!! I Could See It On The Puppet Media? Another Antifa Died In Afghanistan, Or Another News Story? A Truck Load Of BLM Were Blown Away Today In Afghanistan, They Said More Then 20 BLM Members Lost Their Miserable Lives Today! "LOVE IT"

you dont actually believe he checked with other countries before he ran his mouth do you ?

maybe they arent willing to go to war and DIE for his stupid ass bust because he is willing to kill his soldiers whenever the urge hits him..

its next to impossible to understand exactly where this narcissistic piece of shit is coming from.

Yo, Why Let The Lives Who Have Been Lost In Afghanistan, Just Go Unwarranted? We Need To Kill Every Enemy In Afghanistan, Period!!! If The U.S.A. Can Bring Back The Draft? Maybe We Can Eliminate All The Socialist In This Country, Send Them Into A Real Mans World, Let`s See If They Survive, Doubt It!!! But The Fact Is, We Need To Bring The Draft Back, The Problems Would Disappear In The U.S.A., I Would Love It, To See These Democrat Commies Dying In A Real War!!! I Could See It On The Puppet Media? Another Antifa Died In Afghanistan, Or Another News Story? A Truck Load Of BLM Were Blown Away Today In Afghanistan, They Said More Then 20 BLM Members Lost Their Miserable Lives Today! "LOVE IT"

View attachment 145458

why ?

why let lives that were lost at Pearl go unwarrented ?

We have a bunch.
Russia just got more sanctions and they have been talking shit.
This whole thread premise is nothing more than a circle jerk for retards.

Most of Derp's threads are
most? How conservative of you sassy :p

With Derp around I don't even have to bother watching MSNBC or reading Huffpo, he gets the talking points of the day and creates a thread
When the t@rds can't answer the question, they attack the questioner.
We have a bunch.
Russia just got more sanctions and they have been talking shit.
This whole thread premise is nothing more than a circle jerk for retards.

Most of Derp's threads are
most? How conservative of you sassy :p

With Derp around I don't even have to bother watching MSNBC or reading Huffpo, he gets the talking points of the day and creates a thread
When the t@rds can't answer the question, they attack the questioner.

You ask idiotic questions, day after day after day. Then don't understand the answer
well , for one , i hear that the AUSSIES are doing what Trump orders them to do . Let me look around to see who is following the Presidents orders Dean .
Why Trump’s Phone Call with Australia’s Prime Minister Will Haunt Him in Court

In phone call with Australia PM, Trump berates and then hangs up on him: Washington Post

Trump lost his bid to build Sydney's first casino due to his alleged "Mafia connections"

Who thinks Trump is friendly with Australia? You guys need to watch more than Fox.
We have a bunch.
Russia just got more sanctions and they have been talking shit.
This whole thread premise is nothing more than a circle jerk for retards.

Most of Derp's threads are
most? How conservative of you sassy :p

With Derp around I don't even have to bother watching MSNBC or reading Huffpo, he gets the talking points of the day and creates a thread
When the t@rds can't answer the question, they attack the questioner.

You ask idiotic questions, day after day after day. Then don't understand the answer
If the questions were actually idiotic, right wingernut t@rds wouldn't get so hex sight ted.
Most of Derp's threads are
most? How conservative of you sassy :p

With Derp around I don't even have to bother watching MSNBC or reading Huffpo, he gets the talking points of the day and creates a thread
When the t@rds can't answer the question, they attack the questioner.

You ask idiotic questions, day after day after day. Then don't understand the answer
If the questions were actually idiotic, right wingernut t@rds wouldn't get so hex sight ted.

We don't care, drip. You're considered an idiot.

You just got your panties wet over the Russian dossier and everybody in the free world knows it's BS.

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