Whitehouse In The Current War Aleppo Is Bastogne!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The Syrian National Coalition, the umbrella group for moderate Syrian rebel groups - the rebels America and the West backs, this past Saturday asked for the U.S. government to use its air power to save the rebels in Aleppo from the Islamic State. President Barack Obama should largely grant their request, specifically he should commit to use America's Air power in a two fold manner here; first to make and preserve solely by using U.S. air power to make a sixty mile wide corridor from the city of Aleppo to the border of Turkey so the moderate rebels can continue to get supplies and second restrict U.S. air power to only being used against the Islamic State not Syrian military forces if that ever becomes an issue.

The reasons why President Obama should do this include. The moderate Syrian rebels are being surrounded at Aleppo by Syrian government forces from the South and Islamic State fighters from the North if they aren't helped it is only a matter of time before they will fall and this is largely the last stronghold for moderate Syrian rebels in Syria and the consensus amongst military experts is that if they fall essentially the Syrian moderate rebel movement is dead. This development would basically leave two sides in the Syrian War the Islamic State against Syrian government forces. Today the Islamic State is extremely strong they essentially are in control of two large provinces "Ar Raqqah" and "Dayr az Zawr" about twenty percent of the country if Aleppo falls to them it will only be a matter of a few months before they consolidate control over most of the province of Aleppo and the northern province of "al Hasakeh" they will essentially be in control of the northern one third of Syria that is enough territory to say they are in control of a significant size country and they will be well armed from all the weapons they are getting from Syrian military bases they are overrunning. The Islamic State is estimated to have fifty thousand fighters in Syria and currently is gaining around five thousand fighters a month. This is a barbaric terrorist organization whose leaders have vowed to take their fight to the United States.
President Obama cannot let this threat to America rise up without trying to stop it by giving the moderate rebels this safe zone around Aleppo. If President Obama wants a compelling political reason to help these Syrian rebels it is this if he does nothing and Aleppo falls to the Islamic State and the Islamic State consolidates control in Northern Syria and becomes a military force juggernaut with America in its sites like they can readily do Democrats are going to pay dearly for it come the November elections; the American people are going to be thinking the Democrats cannot handle national security for America let's get the Republicans in there to fix things.

Another reason for President Obama to intervene here is that the Islamic State isn't restricted by borders so after consolidating their control in Northern Syria they will probably have a well armed army numbering one-hundred thousand soldiers looking to fight and its leader Abu Baghdadi fancies himself as some savior to the Sunni Islamic religion and sees as his mission eradicating the apostate Shia faith from the Islamic religion so anyone with common sense can see him embarking on a march to takeover the Iraqi cities of Karbala and Najaf and destroy the Shia holy shrines which will put American military advisors and state department personnel in Iraq in harms way so to protect these Americans the President could order this safe zone around Aleppo to block the Islamic State from gaining control of Northern Syria.
Another reason to help the moderate Syrian rebels around Aleppo is that if they have a victory at Aleppo that may turn the tide for them in the war. A lot of the ordinary rank and file fighters in the Islamic state along with the indigenous population in Syria will likely get sick of the Islamic States brutal violence in imposing their orthodox Islamic faith and if the moderate Syrian rebels are standing in the wings as a viable force to give them their freedom these entities may back the moderate Syrian rebels and the Syrian army at this stage of the war is not that strong Islamic state forces went through these forces at the Syrian military bases over the past several weeks in Raqqa province like a hot knife through butter. Plus, if the politicians in Baghdad learn from the disastrous "massively discriminatory" Maliki government and commit to changing Iraq's constitution to guarantee only unity governments going forward the Sunni, Shia and Kurdish Iraqi people could readily unite and with the now warranted help of U.S. air power would roll up the Islamic state in Iraq quickly and if the Syria National Coalition is fighting the Islamic State in Syria the world could soon see a permanent end to this evil organization.

One other benefit of America helping the moderate Syrian rebels around Aleppo is that a lot of the weapons that the Islamic State has used to roll up Syrian rebel forces in the cities and towns of Syria is American made equipment that IS got from Iraqi troops that folded in and around Mosul during their battles over the last few months. If America throws a lifeline to the Syrian rebels here it will help make amends for America not speaking up to try to stop the unprofessional Iraqi army that existed around Mosul the American government should have picked-up that these Iraqi forces were not a legitimate military force they were extorting money from the local population and the local population hated them and they should have put their foot down that no more military equipment would be transferred to the Iraqi army until its trustworthy but that would have hurt America's military complex in the pocketbook.
If President Obama does order the U.S. military and intelligence services to help the moderate rebels in Aleppo I sure hope these services move at the speed they helped Kurdish forces around Erbil it was amazing literally within a week from President Obama's decision to help the Kurds the CIA actually delivered weapons to the Kurdish Peshmerga forces, somebody ought to tell the boys in the CIA Syria is a country that just borders the country of Iraq!
Obama does not care. What the president should do and what his is willing to do are far apart.

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