White woman who dared speak out beaten to death with a hammer in S. Africa


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
This horrendous genocidal war against Whites in S. Africa is mostly ignored if not ignored all together by Western Nations.

As in it goes against the liberal narrative of black victimhood.

S. Africa is a long ways from America but what is going on there is no stranger to our shores. Black on White violence in America is also ignored and covered up by the media....no one wants to deal with it...just too controversial just too un-pleasant....and besides the blacks had great,great,great grandparents who were slaves....the truth of which is also covered up.

Why are white folks so un-concerned about all this?South Africa horror as white farmer activist beaten to death with hammer
You mean like the gang of Somali boys attacked people with hammers and metal bars here?
OP, the Express makes the page quasi-opaque for starters. Where is another report with pics of the (rural) victim?
This horrendous genocidal war against Whites in S. Africa is mostly ignored if not ignored all together by Western Nations.

As in it goes against the liberal narrative of black victimhood.

S. Africa is a long ways from America but what is going on there is no stranger to our shores. Black on White violence in America is also ignored and covered up by the media....no one wants to deal with it...just too controversial just too un-pleasant....and besides the blacks had great,great,great grandparents who were slaves....the truth of which is also covered up.

Why are white folks so un-concerned about all this?South Africa horror as white farmer activist beaten to death with hammer
Punished for the sins of their fathers and grandfathers. What a shame.
You mean like the gang of Somali boys attacked people with hammers and metal bars here?

Yes, that and much more.....this sort of thing is so common that people seem to have become innured to it...as long as it is happening to someone else....especially someone who they do not know most seem not to give a damn.
This horrendous genocidal war against Whites in S. Africa is mostly ignored if not ignored all together by Western Nations.

As in it goes against the liberal narrative of black victimhood.

S. Africa is a long ways from America but what is going on there is no stranger to our shores. Black on White violence in America is also ignored and covered up by the media....no one wants to deal with it...just too controversial just too un-pleasant....and besides the blacks had great,great,great grandparents who were slaves....the truth of which is also covered up.
OP, the Express makes the page quasi-opaque for starters. Where is another report with pics of the (rural) victim?

Why are white folks so un-concerned about all this?South Africa horror as white farmer activist beaten to death with hammer
Punished for the sins of their fathers and grandfathers. What a shame.

You do not want to hear about and if you are forced to hear about you will only make stupid apologies for it....so why come on here and waste your time and board space? find a topic more to your liking. Aka...like how some white guy raped a black woman....if you can find a case like that ...you might have to spend days looking...must be a case somewhere...in the last 10 yrs. at least.
This horrendous genocidal war against Whites in S. Africa is mostly ignored if not ignored all together by Western Nations.

As in it goes against the liberal narrative of black victimhood.

S. Africa is a long ways from America but what is going on there is no stranger to our shores. Black on White violence in America is also ignored and covered up by the media....no one wants to deal with it...just too controversial just too un-pleasant....and besides the blacks had great,great,great grandparents who were slaves....the truth of which is also covered up.
OP, the Express makes the page quasi-opaque for starters. Where is another report with pics of the (rural) victim?

Why are white folks so un-concerned about all this?South Africa horror as white farmer activist beaten to death with hammer
Punished for the sins of their fathers and grandfathers. What a shame.

You do not want to hear about and if you are forced to hear about you will only make stupid apologies for it....so why come on here and waste your time and board space? find a topic more to your liking. Aka...like how some white guy raped a black woman....if you can find a case like that ...you might have to spend days looking...must be a case somewhere...in the last 10 yrs. at least.
I’m telling you the reason it happens. Not making excuses for it.
How about the black woman who was murdered by police in America.

You took me off ignore? Please put me back on. I prefer not to waste time with black racists.

Irregardless........negroes get more publicity about these rare cases when one is actually killed by a white person than anyone else....usually headline news even if the negro is a criminal with a rap sheet as long as your arm and deserves to be put down like a rabid dog.
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  • White farmers in South Africa have the most dangerous job in the country, says civil rights group AfriForum
  • Claims farmers are twice as likely to be murdered than police and killed at four times rate of wider community
  • AfriForum claimed there had already been 109 attacks which left 15 white farm workers dead so far this year
  • Figures can't be verified because the government has refused to release farm murder statistics since 2007
  • Some killings are reported to have been barbaric and involve torture, rape and slaughter in front of families
  • Government denies whites are targeted and says farm murders are part of South Africa's wider crime problem
  • Ernst Roets, AfriForum's vice president, claimed that 'political factors' were fuelling violent attacks on farmers
  • Peter Dutton last week announced plans to fast-track white South African farmers through refugee program
South Africa's white farmers more likely to be killed than police | Daily Mail Online
Horrible story, and the sad thing is, it will only get worse.

I can understand ....sort of... people not being really interested in a far a way country and what is happening there....just like back in the 30's when reports started coming in about a funny little fellow with a weird mustache....not our concern.

Unfortunately, whilst our situation here in the homeland is not as bad as the one white s. africans are up against....we are getting there...and not in a slow manner

New DOJ Statistics on Race and Violent Crime - American Renaissance
Guess we shouldn't be surprised white people will be killed, when you have black leaders talking like this:

Friday, 14 December 2018
White Genocide? South African Politician: Kill Whites, “Their Women,” and “Their Children”

“For every one black person we will kill five white people,” bellowed the South African political leader.

“We’ll kill their women, we’ll kill their children, we’ll kill anything we find in our way.”

The comments shocked many, but here’s what’s more shocking: They’re not all that unusual in today’s South Africa.

As Gateway Pundit reports, “Andile Mngxitama, president of Black First Land First (BLF), was upset about a taxi dispute when he made the threats in a rally last weekend. His supporters roared with delight as he called for the murder of white people.”

The Daily Mail provides more detail, writing that Mngxitama

tells the cheering crowd: “For each one person that is being killed by the taxi industry, we will kill five white people.”

“For every one black person we will kill five white people.”

“For every one of us, we'll kill five white people. We’ll kill their children, we’ll kill their women, we’ll kill anything that we find in our way.”

Mngxitama then beckons the crowd: “For every one of them, we’ll kill how many?”

And they chant back: “Five,” Mngxitama repeats, “For every one of them?” and they respond, “Five.”

This back-and-forth is repeated several times until Mngxitama continues his rant and even

White Genocide? South African Politician: Kill Whites, “Their Women,” and “Their Children”


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