White supremacists and other extremist groups are using protests and a pandemic to amplify their message


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Mar 11, 2015
It's time you guys faced the truth. We know what white supremacists are doing and so do you.

White supremacists and other extremist groups are using protests and a pandemic to amplify their message
by Anna Orso and Ellie Rushing, Updated: June 13, 2020

In Philadelphia, Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw, the first black woman to head the department, said some of the people responsible for property damage came with the intention to inflict harm “and, quite frankly, those folks didn’t look like me.” She didn’t specify an ideology.

It's time you guys faced the truth. We know what white supremacists are doing and so do you.

White supremacists and other extremist groups are using protests and a pandemic to amplify their message
by Anna Orso and Ellie Rushing, Updated: June 13, 2020

In Philadelphia, Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw, the first black woman to head the department, said some of the people responsible for property damage came with the intention to inflict harm “and, quite frankly, those folks didn’t look like me.” She didn’t specify an ideology.

There are people being driven to drink. May they have a nice drunk. About what is right and wrong. Do you really believe that this woman was the best or near the best of who were qualified for that job? There are no answers for that. Most departments have commissioners come through the ranks. There are questions with who is chosen from that. This has nothing to do with being a top notch candidate for that job. All across the nation it is the same in many departments. Good or bad there is no difference. For even with the PC, diverse and pure quota individuals hired we have still ended up with protests that turned into riots. and that with inferior candidates then what they could have had.
It's time you guys faced the truth. We know what white supremacists are doing and so do you.

White supremacists and other extremist groups are using protests and a pandemic to amplify their message
by Anna Orso and Ellie Rushing, Updated: June 13, 2020

In Philadelphia, Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw, the first black woman to head the department, said some of the people responsible for property damage came with the intention to inflict harm “and, quite frankly, those folks didn’t look like me.” She didn’t specify an ideology.

She's right. They don't look like her but antifa votes exactly the same as BLM.
It's time you guys faced the truth. We know what white supremacists are doing and so do you.

White supremacists and other extremist groups are using protests and a pandemic to amplify their message
by Anna Orso and Ellie Rushing, Updated: June 13, 2020

In Philadelphia, Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw, the first black woman to head the department, said some of the people responsible for property damage came with the intention to inflict harm “and, quite frankly, those folks didn’t look like me.” She didn’t specify an ideology.

Then there are idiots protesting and rioting without reason. They topple statues of a woman and an abolitionist.
It's time you guys faced the truth. We know what white supremacists are doing and so do you.

White supremacists and other extremist groups are using protests and a pandemic to amplify their message
by Anna Orso and Ellie Rushing, Updated: June 13, 2020

In Philadelphia, Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw, the first black woman to head the department, said some of the people responsible for property damage came with the intention to inflict harm “and, quite frankly, those folks didn’t look like me.” She didn’t specify an ideology.

white supreeeeemisists such as the booger boys are behind much of this - they want a race war - & foolish poorly educated whites are being duped into thinking it's all BLM doings.

Please clarify. Are saying that it is WHITE INTERLOPERS in the demonstrations who are creating the destruction, assaults and episodes of looting? Are white interlopers
creating the little secessionist communities? Is the destruction of monuments
a white-man project? Just what are these "whites" doing and why do "blacks"
JOIN them?
white supreeeeemisists such as the booger boys are behind much of this - they want a race war - & foolish poorly educated whites are being duped into thinking it's all BLM doings.

False. Anti-fa is behind most of the anarchist shit.

BLM is doing all the "if you are not with us, you are against us" bullshit.

And when you scream from the rafters that all white people need to listen OR ELSE, you wonder why WP morons get more airtime and listen time.

Your idiotic tactics are what gives WP types the lines they need to try to recruit people who would usually not give said WP idiots the time of day.
They aren't white supremacists. They are white communists.

do any of you people who CLAIM that "whitesupremacists" are
STIRRING the pot (the pot being the street crime now being
conducted by people who call themselves "BLM" -------
or white supremacists PRETENDING to support "BLM") have
any evidence? are black cops COMPLICIT with these
pretend BLM people?
white supreeeeemisists such as the booger boys are behind much of this - they want a race war - & foolish poorly educated whites are being duped into thinking it's all BLM doings.

Please clarify. Are saying that it is WHITE INTERLOPERS in the demonstrations who are creating the destruction, assaults and episodes of looting? Are white interlopers
creating the little secessionist communities? Is the destruction of monuments
a white-man project? Just what are these "whites" doing and why do "blacks"
JOIN them?

hiya segei! here ya go:

Jun 17, 2020,03:40pm EDT
Boogaloo Movement Tied To Murder, Violence And Disinformation During Protests

Boogaloo Movement Tied To Murder, Violence And Disinformation During Protests

A white supremacist channel on Telegram encouraged followers to incite violence during police brutality protests by 'shooting in a crowd,' according to internal DHS memo

Intelligence bulletin warning of protest-related violence makes little mention of 'antifa'
white supreeeeemisists such as the booger boys are behind much of this - they want a race war - & foolish poorly educated whites are being duped into thinking it's all BLM doings.

False. Anti-fa is behind most of the anarchist shit.

BLM is doing all the "if you are not with us, you are against us" bullshit.

And when you scream from the rafters that all white people need to listen OR ELSE, you wonder why WP morons get more airtime and listen time.

Your idiotic tactics are what gives WP types the lines they need to try to recruit people who would usually not give said WP idiots the time of day.

FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims
FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims

The FBI Finds ‘No Intel Indicating Antifa Involvement’ in Sunday’s Violence
June 3, 2020 Homeland Security Today
The FBI Finds ‘No Intel Indicating Antifa Involvement’ in Sunday’s Violence – Homeland Security Today

No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest
June 9, 20203:57 PM ET
No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest
It's time you guys faced the truth. We know what white supremacists are doing and so do you.

White supremacists and other extremist groups are using protests and a pandemic to amplify their message
by Anna Orso and Ellie Rushing, Updated: June 13, 2020

In Philadelphia, Police Commissioner Danielle Outlaw, the first black woman to head the department, said some of the people responsible for property damage came with the intention to inflict harm “and, quite frankly, those folks didn’t look like me.” She didn’t specify an ideology.

"Closed borders is the best vaccine " is a racist message put up by white supremacists?

I hope you're pretty ...cause youre retarded
white supreeeeemisists such as the booger boys are behind much of this - they want a race war - & foolish poorly educated whites are being duped into thinking it's all BLM doings.

False. Anti-fa is behind most of the anarchist shit.

BLM is doing all the "if you are not with us, you are against us" bullshit.

And when you scream from the rafters that all white people need to listen OR ELSE, you wonder why WP morons get more airtime and listen time.

Your idiotic tactics are what gives WP types the lines they need to try to recruit people who would usually not give said WP idiots the time of day.

FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims
FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims

The FBI Finds ‘No Intel Indicating Antifa Involvement’ in Sunday’s Violence
June 3, 2020 Homeland Security Today
The FBI Finds ‘No Intel Indicating Antifa Involvement’ in Sunday’s Violence – Homeland Security Today

No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest
June 9, 20203:57 PM ET
No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest

Yes, no signs of an amorphous grouping of various Marxists/Anarchist vanguard types.....
white supreeeeemisists such as the booger boys are behind much of this - they want a race war - & foolish poorly educated whites are being duped into thinking it's all BLM doings.

False. Anti-fa is behind most of the anarchist shit.

BLM is doing all the "if you are not with us, you are against us" bullshit.

And when you scream from the rafters that all white people need to listen OR ELSE, you wonder why WP morons get more airtime and listen time.

Your idiotic tactics are what gives WP types the lines they need to try to recruit people who would usually not give said WP idiots the time of day.

FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims
FBI 'has no intelligence' indicating antifa was linked to weekend violence in the George Floyd protests, despite Trump and Republicans' claims

The FBI Finds ‘No Intel Indicating Antifa Involvement’ in Sunday’s Violence
June 3, 2020 Homeland Security Today
The FBI Finds ‘No Intel Indicating Antifa Involvement’ in Sunday’s Violence – Homeland Security Today

No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest
June 9, 20203:57 PM ET
No Sign Of Antifa So Far In Justice Department Cases Brought Over Unrest

Yes, no signs of an amorphous grouping of various Marxists/Anarchist vanguard types.....

trump & his flying monkey barr lied hen they said antifa was behind it all.

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