'White Lives Matter' Rallies Flop As Hardly Anyone Shows Up


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
The racist movement white lives matter tried to put on nation wide rallies this weekend but barely anyone showed up.

To add insult to injury, the far left have infiltrated the racists on line platforms to expose them and turn information over to the media and authorities.

The racists don't understand that they are a small minority in our nation and the rest of us won't tolerate your hate.

I'm glad their rallies flopped. Hopefully they will quickly start to crawl back under those rocks they came out of.

The racist movement white lives matter tried to put on nation wide rallies this weekend but barely anyone showed up.

To add insult to injury, the far left have infiltrated the racists on line platforms to expose them and turn information over to the media and authorities.

The racists don't understand that they are a small minority in our nation and the rest of us won't tolerate your hate.

I'm glad their rallies flopped. Hopefully they will quickly start to crawl back under those rocks they came out of.

So white lives don't matter?

Who's the racist?
The racist movement white lives matter tried to put on nation wide rallies this weekend but barely anyone showed up.

To add insult to injury, the far left have infiltrated the racists on line platforms to expose them and turn information over to the media and authorities.

The racists don't understand that they are a small minority in our nation and the rest of us won't tolerate your hate.

I'm glad their rallies flopped. Hopefully they will quickly start to crawl back under those rocks they came out of.

If black lives matter then white lives matter also
The racist movement white lives matter tried to put on nation wide rallies this weekend but barely anyone showed up.

To add insult to injury, the far left have infiltrated the racists on line platforms to expose them and turn information over to the media and authorities.

The racists don't understand that they are a small minority in our nation and the rest of us won't tolerate your hate.

I'm glad their rallies flopped. Hopefully they will quickly start to crawl back under those rocks they came out of.

If black lives matter then white lives matter also
That is a difference in registered trademarks..
The racist movement white lives matter tried to put on nation wide rallies this weekend but barely anyone showed up.

To add insult to injury, the far left have infiltrated the racists on line platforms to expose them and turn information over to the media and authorities.

The racists don't understand that they are a small minority in our nation and the rest of us won't tolerate your hate.

I'm glad their rallies flopped. Hopefully they will quickly start to crawl back under those rocks they came out of.

Hardly a "flop" at all. There are an estimated 200 White Supremacists in America, so even just a handful of ralliers represents a fairly big participation rate.

As far as the rallies stopping completely, that's unlikely. They do get media coverage as the myth that white supremacy is an important movement in America has to be maintained. And considering the fact that a large number of people enrolled in white supremacist outfits are law enforcement working under cover, those folks are on the job and unlikely to quit.
The racist movement white lives matter tried to put on nation wide rallies this weekend but barely anyone showed up.

To add insult to injury, the far left have infiltrated the racists on line platforms to expose them and turn information over to the media and authorities.

The racists don't understand that they are a small minority in our nation and the rest of us won't tolerate your hate.

I'm glad their rallies flopped. Hopefully they will quickly start to crawl back under those rocks they came out of.

If black lives matter then white lives matter also
You do understand that you've completely missed the point, right?
The racist movement white lives matter tried to put on nation wide rallies this weekend but barely anyone showed up.

To add insult to injury, the far left have infiltrated the racists on line platforms to expose them and turn information over to the media and authorities.

The racists don't understand that they are a small minority in our nation and the rest of us won't tolerate your hate.

I'm glad their rallies flopped. Hopefully they will quickly start to crawl back under those rocks they came out of.

Kinda destroys the lefty narrative of the country being full of white nationalists, huh?

Cool thread.
I always did admire your goose stepping dance halls. But let's face it, white people had rather get drunk on Sunday than march for recognition of their plight.

You Nazis need a scapegoat. Last time it was Jews, this time it's whites. Nothing changes except your victim.

White people don't define themselves by skin color the way racists do. American's define themselves as Americans. We are the content of our character, not the color of our skin,.

That you Nazi scum can't grasp this is why you are doomed to fail again. No doubt you'll murder hundreds of millions before we put you down again, but you will fail in the end.
The racist movement white lives matter tried to put on nation wide rallies this weekend but barely anyone showed up.

To add insult to injury, the far left have infiltrated the racists on line platforms to expose them and turn information over to the media and authorities.

The racists don't understand that they are a small minority in our nation and the rest of us won't tolerate your hate.

I'm glad their rallies flopped. Hopefully they will quickly start to crawl back under those rocks they came out of.

If BLM isn't racist, then how could WLM be? :dunno:
1. Most Caucasians are not interested in ethnic matters.

2. They have their jobs, families, and hobbies.

3. They are not either pro- or anti- anyone.

4. They would never attend rallies of that sort because (a) they have no interest and/or (b) they have enough brains to know that it would be stupid to be filmed attending such an event.

5. In short, most Caucasians have a life. They do not have either the time or the interest in such matters.

6. Most Caucasians know and accept the changes that are a-coming. They may or may not agree with those changes, but they realize they cannot change them. So they -- like everyone else -- live for this day (not for the future).
The racist movement white lives matter tried to put on nation wide rallies this weekend but barely anyone showed up.

To add insult to injury, the far left have infiltrated the racists on line platforms to expose them and turn information over to the media and authorities.

The racists don't understand that they are a small minority in our nation and the rest of us won't tolerate your hate.

I'm glad their rallies flopped. Hopefully they will quickly start to crawl back under those rocks they came out of.

In other words, all the democrat talk about white supremacists is a bunch of horseshit?
The racist movement white lives matter tried to put on nation wide rallies this weekend but barely anyone showed up.

To add insult to injury, the far left have infiltrated the racists on line platforms to expose them and turn information over to the media and authorities.

The racists don't understand that they are a small minority in our nation and the rest of us won't tolerate your hate.

I'm glad their rallies flopped. Hopefully they will quickly start to crawl back under those rocks they came out of.

If black lives matter then white lives matter also
That is a difference in registered trademarks..
What is the "huge difference"?
I always did admire your goose stepping dance halls. But let's face it, white people had rather get drunk on Sunday than march for recognition of their plight.

You Nazis need a scapegoat. Last time it was Jews, this time it's whites. Nothing changes except your victim.

White people don't define themselves by skin color the way racists do. American's define themselves as Americans. We are the content of our character, not the color of our skin,.

That you Nazi scum can't grasp this is why you are doomed to fail again. No doubt you'll murder hundreds of millions before we put you down again, but you will fail in the end.
I merely want to fuck them to death I am such a Nazi.
The racist movement white lives matter tried to put on nation wide rallies this weekend but barely anyone showed up.

To add insult to injury, the far left have infiltrated the racists on line platforms to expose them and turn information over to the media and authorities.

The racists don't understand that they are a small minority in our nation and the rest of us won't tolerate your hate.

I'm glad their rallies flopped. Hopefully they will quickly start to crawl back under those rocks they came out of.

If black lives matter then white lives matter also
That is a difference in registered trademarks..
What is the "huge difference"?
Nothing really except a few catchy chants.

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