White House Caught Lying -- Again


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
So what else is new? These people lie like the average human breathes....... It's an autonomic function with them.

Obama State Dept. Busted Lying About Muslim Brotherhood Meeting
Washington Free Beacon:

The State Department admitted on Monday that it misled reporters about a recent delegation of Muslim Brotherhood leaders and allies who were hosted for a meeting with officials at Foggy Bottom.

State Department spokeswoman Jennifer Psaki claimed last week that the controversial delegation of key Brotherhood leaders and allies had been “organized and funded by Georgetown University.”

However, the university denied this is the case when reached by the Washington Free Beacon.

Psaki clarified her original comments made on Jan. 29 during a Monday meeting with reporters.

The meeting between the Brotherhood allies and the State Department sparked controversy in Washington and Cairo, where Egyptian government officials expressed anger at the Obama administration for hosting representatives of a group they consider to be terrorists.

Say it isn't so! Imagine our esteemed Liar in Chief condoning high level meetings between the Parent Organization of al Qaida and the United States of America?

And while I'm at it...... These people know which side this administration is on..... Too bad you don't

U.S. Seen in Middle East as Ally of Terrorists
by Khaled Abu Toameh
February 4, 2015 at 5:00 am

U.S. Seen in Middle East as Ally of Terrorists

Many Egyptians and moderate Arabs and Muslims were shocked to hear that the U.S. State Department recently hosted a Muslim Brotherhood delegation. They were equally shocked when an EU court decided to remove Hamas from the bloc's list of terror groups.

"Just two days after the controversial visit, the Brotherhood called for a war against their fellow Egyptians." — Linda S. Heard, Middle East Expert, Gulf News.

"The Muslim Brotherhood is seeking to return to the political arena through the American door and terrorist attacks. The U.S. policy appears to be devious and unreliable." — Ezzat Ibrahim, columnist, Al Ahram.

"[Ousted Egyptian President] Mohamed Morsi, before his election, described these Jews as descendants of apes and pigs. In English, the Muslim Brotherhood says one thing and in Arabic something completely different." — Mohamed Salmawi, Egyptian columnist

While the Egyptian government has been waging war on the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic radical groups, the U.S. Administration and some Europeans are continuing to hamper efforts to combat terrorism.

Many Egyptians and moderate Arabs and Muslims were shocked to hear that the U.S. State Department recently hosted a Muslim Brotherhood delegation. They were equally shocked when an EU court decided to remove Hamas from the bloc's list of terror groups.

dimocraps are -- Well, you know what I think of them
Your president (not mine) allows a KNOWN terrorist organization to negotiate with OUR State Department about God-Knows-What and all you can come up with is some vague, opaque, idiotic and juvenile accusation about -- What?

BTW, here's the Muslim Brotherhood's motto

"Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Qur'an is our law. Jihad is our way.
Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope. Allahu akbar!”

I would dearly love for them to teach you their way.
Edgetho forgets Obama is gone in less than two years and certainly does not want us to remember the far right got its ass kicked in 2012 and stomped in the primaries in 2014.
Your president (not mine) allows a KNOWN terrorist organization to negotiate with OUR State Department about God-Knows-What and all you can come up with is some vague, opaque, idiotic and juvenile accusation about -- What?

BTW, here's the Muslim Brotherhood's motto

"Allah is our objective. The Prophet is our leader. The Qur'an is our law. Jihad is our way.
Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope. Allahu akbar!”

I would dearly love for them to teach you their way.
Reagan met with Soviets! Kissinger met with the North Vietnamese!

Gee, I wonder what would happen if we never met our adversaries?
So what else is new? These people lie like the average human breathes....... It's an autonomic function with them.

Obama State Dept. Busted Lying About Muslim Brotherhood Meeting
Washington Free Beacon:

The State Department admitted on Monday that it misled reporters about a recent delegation of Muslim Brotherhood leaders and allies who were hosted for a meeting with officials at Foggy Bottom.

State Department spokeswoman Jennifer Psaki claimed last week that the controversial delegation of key Brotherhood leaders and allies had been “organized and funded by Georgetown University.”

However, the university denied this is the case when reached by the Washington Free Beacon.

Psaki clarified her original comments made on Jan. 29 during a Monday meeting with reporters.

The meeting between the Brotherhood allies and the State Department sparked controversy in Washington and Cairo, where Egyptian government officials expressed anger at the Obama administration for hosting representatives of a group they consider to be terrorists.

Say it isn't so! Imagine our esteemed Liar in Chief condoning high level meetings between the Parent Organization of al Qaida and the United States of America?

And while I'm at it...... These people know which side this administration is on..... Too bad you don't

U.S. Seen in Middle East as Ally of Terrorists
by Khaled Abu Toameh
February 4, 2015 at 5:00 am

U.S. Seen in Middle East as Ally of Terrorists

Many Egyptians and moderate Arabs and Muslims were shocked to hear that the U.S. State Department recently hosted a Muslim Brotherhood delegation. They were equally shocked when an EU court decided to remove Hamas from the bloc's list of terror groups.

"Just two days after the controversial visit, the Brotherhood called for a war against their fellow Egyptians." — Linda S. Heard, Middle East Expert, Gulf News.

"The Muslim Brotherhood is seeking to return to the political arena through the American door and terrorist attacks. The U.S. policy appears to be devious and unreliable." — Ezzat Ibrahim, columnist, Al Ahram.

"[Ousted Egyptian President] Mohamed Morsi, before his election, described these Jews as descendants of apes and pigs. In English, the Muslim Brotherhood says one thing and in Arabic something completely different." — Mohamed Salmawi, Egyptian columnist

While the Egyptian government has been waging war on the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic radical groups, the U.S. Administration and some Europeans are continuing to hamper efforts to combat terrorism.

Many Egyptians and moderate Arabs and Muslims were shocked to hear that the U.S. State Department recently hosted a Muslim Brotherhood delegation. They were equally shocked when an EU court decided to remove Hamas from the bloc's list of terror groups.

dimocraps are -- Well, you know what I think of them

I can't believe these little girls Obama hides behind.
So the White House did not try to hide the fact the State Dept was meeting with the Muslim Brotherhood. They just misstated who was funding the trip.

Okay then.

“Unfortunately, I didn’t have the accurate information on one small piece. The meeting was set up by the Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy, a nonprofit. So the visit was not funded, as you know, by us or the U.S. Government, but it was also not funded by Georgetown,” Psaki said
Reagan met with Soviets! Kissinger met with the North Vietnamese!

Gee, I wonder what would happen if we never met our adversaries?

Did they lie about it, douche-nozzle?

THAT is the issue here. Not that the scumbag had his scumbag sycophants meet with other scumbags. It is that they fucking LIED about it.

Lying means nothing to you scumbags, does it?

That says a lot about who and what you are.

Something else, moron.........

None of those people were a designated Terrorist Organization --

The Muslim Brotherhood is.

Our govt is chock full of MB hires and apptees.......why we are still arming them in Syria and Turkey
Did they lie about it, douche-nozzle?

The State Department did not lie about meeting with the Muslim Brotherhood.

None of those people were a designated Terrorist Organization --
U.S. Contacts PLO as Reagan Tries to Reassure Israelis - Los Angeles Times

The American ambassador in Tunisia telephoned the headquarters of the Palestine Liberation Organization on Thursday to begin an official dialogue the United States had resisted for more than 13 years, while President Reagan sought to reassure Israel that Washington has not "retreated one inch" from its support for the Jewish state.

So what else is new? These people lie like the average human breathes....... It's an autonomic function with them.

Obama State Dept. Busted Lying About Muslim Brotherhood Meeting
Washington Free Beacon:

The State Department admitted on Monday that it misled reporters about a recent delegation of Muslim Brotherhood leaders and allies who were hosted for a meeting with officials at Foggy Bottom.

State Department spokeswoman Jennifer Psaki claimed last week that the controversial delegation of key Brotherhood leaders and allies had been “organized and funded by Georgetown University.”

However, the university denied this is the case when reached by the Washington Free Beacon.

Psaki clarified her original comments made on Jan. 29 during a Monday meeting with reporters.

The meeting between the Brotherhood allies and the State Department sparked controversy in Washington and Cairo, where Egyptian government officials expressed anger at the Obama administration for hosting representatives of a group they consider to be terrorists.

Say it isn't so! Imagine our esteemed Liar in Chief condoning high level meetings between the Parent Organization of al Qaida and the United States of America?

And while I'm at it...... These people know which side this administration is on..... Too bad you don't

U.S. Seen in Middle East as Ally of Terrorists
by Khaled Abu Toameh
February 4, 2015 at 5:00 am

U.S. Seen in Middle East as Ally of Terrorists

Many Egyptians and moderate Arabs and Muslims were shocked to hear that the U.S. State Department recently hosted a Muslim Brotherhood delegation. They were equally shocked when an EU court decided to remove Hamas from the bloc's list of terror groups.

"Just two days after the controversial visit, the Brotherhood called for a war against their fellow Egyptians." — Linda S. Heard, Middle East Expert, Gulf News.

"The Muslim Brotherhood is seeking to return to the political arena through the American door and terrorist attacks. The U.S. policy appears to be devious and unreliable." — Ezzat Ibrahim, columnist, Al Ahram.

"[Ousted Egyptian President] Mohamed Morsi, before his election, described these Jews as descendants of apes and pigs. In English, the Muslim Brotherhood says one thing and in Arabic something completely different." — Mohamed Salmawi, Egyptian columnist

While the Egyptian government has been waging war on the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamic radical groups, the U.S. Administration and some Europeans are continuing to hamper efforts to combat terrorism.

Many Egyptians and moderate Arabs and Muslims were shocked to hear that the U.S. State Department recently hosted a Muslim Brotherhood delegation. They were equally shocked when an EU court decided to remove Hamas from the bloc's list of terror groups.

dimocraps are -- Well, you know what I think of them

The phrase is "so, what's new" Not "so what else is new" because you are CLEARLY stating that the white house lying isn't new (and it isn't)
Our country has a chockful bunch of traitorous nuts like Edgetho who would overthrow lawful government and take the reins of power from We the People.

Edgetho teaches death, blood and destruction for America.
All administrations hide things.

Obama is no different than Bush or Reagan.
Great day in the mornin', I'm so sick and tired of the "looky whut Obumbler done" threads.

OK, in the spirit of honest debate:

1 First off, is there an actual verification that these people were members of "the Muslim Brotherhood?"

2 Secondly, is The Muslim brotherhood actually a terrorist group or is someone just telling us that?

3 They met with Obama? If not, did our government met with them in any kind of official capacity?

4 Is this story even true to begin with?
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Edgetho forgets Obama is gone in less than two years and certainly does not want us to remember the far right got its ass kicked in 2012 and stomped in the primaries in 2014.

So the fact that we elected a radical Muslim as our president doesn't bother you nearly as much as edge's party affiliation? Obama and Clinton declared war on two middle east nations that were minding their own business, ousted their governments, and replaced them with, you guessed it, radical Islam. Clinton and Obama armed Al-Qaida to carry out their agenda in Libya, and the brotherhood to overthrow Egypt, and created one hell of a mess for Libya and Egypt, and the rest of the world.
Obama has 3 Muslim brotherhood terrorists in his inner circle as advisors, but yeah, those damn republicans vs. those damn democrats.......
So tell me, which party will you blame when Iran and Obama announce that Iran has the bomb and they can't wait to use it? If there was ever a man on the wrong side of history it is Obama. And we continue to play his Dem. vs. Repub. game to keep ourselves busy, while he sucks us dry.
Republicans and Democrats need to unite to overthrow Radical Islam in the White House.
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