White House beginning to tell government agencies to prepare for a shutdown


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Damn Trump.
Oh wait.
Damn Leftards.

‘Progressive lawmakers have said they won’t back the Senate-passed infrastructure bill, a top priority for the Democratic leadership, unless the larger $3.5 trillion reconciliation package passes first.
The leader of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., has promised that dozens of Democrats will defect and vote the infrastructure bill down if the larger spending bill hasn't passed the Senate first.’

If the US defaults there goes your 401ks and the US dollar. You can all then sit around the campfire in rags saying how wonderful it is that the "tyrannical government" was shut down.
If the US defaults there goes your 401ks and the US dollar. You can all then sit around the campfire in rags saying how wonderful it is that the "tyrannical government" was shut down.
They are going to confiscate everyone's retirement when the cashless economy is implemented. So good luck if you are alive now and working that you even get to see your retirement in 5-10 years.
Nice time to convert free cash to durable goods you know you need regularly. While there are such things yet available.

When what our liberals have sown flower a wheelbarrow full of paper "money" won't buy a roll of toilet paper. That's why we need a new $10 bill with Xidens likeness on it.

At least there'd be some pleasure it putting it to its highest and best use under the circumstances.

A grim sort of pleasure, 'tis true.......
Nice time to convert free cash to durable goods you know you need regularly. While there are such things yet available.

When what our liberals have sown flower a wheelbarrow full of paper "money" won't buy a roll of toilet paper. That's why we need a new $10 bill with Xidens likeness on it.

At least there'd be some pleasure it putting it to its highest and best use under the circumstances.

A grim sort of pleasure, 'tis true.......
Get ready for the Democrat Fear-Mongering tsunami again...

Democrats will be telling Americans their Social Security checks will be stopped, no food stamps, no welfare, no unemployment checks, no military, hurricanes, floods, cats and dogs living together....


Anyone else remember when a memo from Obama to all the Democrats went out telling them to make the shut-down as painful as possible on Americans and how they would blame the GOP for it?

Oops! :p

Thy blocked off access to open-air public monuments...they even tried to shutdown an historic site in Virginia NOT owned by the govt.


Silly, America-hating, self-serving democrats...

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