While Romney et al were rallying GOP to betray their voters choice, Biden gets Dem voters back with "Buy American" policy


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
No wonder Trump was so popular with the GOP voters. They know the Establishment GOP might as well be working for Beijing, they are going to be out of power for a long time. I am predicting a tidal wave in the Mid Terms and G.E for Dems.

Biden knows they lost their base and losing even minority voters. While the wealthy people like Romney cheer on hurting Trump, and his party in the process, as long as he has a guaranteed life seat in Utah, Biden outflanks them and steals back the lost voters. Well played, once again. Trump must be shaking his head at the weaklings in the GOP.

What a turn of events for the GOP. Looks good on Canada also. They are in no position to bitch about Americas policies when they allow, creepy, cowardly, self serving covert turds to violate human rights at will.
Yeah, damn that buy America crap it's just another rip off of Trump's buy American EO's. Your gibberish is just that, you can't justify liking the same program with Trump and then trying to make Biden sound like a sell out. Get real Dude that is such a cop-out and very dishonest...Thank you.
Yeah, damn that buy America crap it's just another rip off of Trump's buy American EO's. Your gibberish is just that, you can't justify liking the same program with Trump and then trying to make Biden sound like a sell out. Get real Dude that is such a cop-out and very dishonest...Thank you.

Where did I say he is a sell out? I agree with Bidens position. Why should taxpayer funding be used on foreign products and jobs, especially in countries that don't live up to certain standards?

I'm stating the facts that the old, Establishment politicians in the GOP basically sided with the Dems in destroying Trump, while Biden passes Buy American in an effort to win back the voters they lost to Trump. What a coup.

There is a reason Romney ran in Utah, he wouldn't win any other state, except maybe Alaska. It is his breed of politician and that or McCain that voters are rejecting. Trump understood it, too many GOP have been out to lunch understanding this, and they hurt their own Parties chances in the process.

It's going to be a blue wave in the mid-terms now, thanks to guys like Romney who will be nothing but an irrelevant figure head ("sorry pal, we don't NEED your vote anymore").
Trump is going after all of their seats...and he has the numbers to do it...first on his list the ten betrayers in the house led by Chaney....
Trump is going after all of their seats...and he has the numbers to do it...first on his list the ten betrayers in the house led by Chaney....

It would certainly be interesting. Any of these politicians who denied the voters Will can now stand up and fight for their policies and positions against Trumps positions in their Primaries. May the best policies win.

The old Neo-Con crowd doesn't realize that the policies they allowed for 25 years, not only harmed Americas economy it also harmed it's military capacity. GBW couldn't go into Iraq today as he did when he was in office. The counter balance (mainly China) is now far more economically and militarily powerful. Clinton, GBW and even Obama who were at the inauguration, had to feel so inempt considering the state they left the nation for Trump vs global threats.

As such, Cheney and others are all bark and no bite. China knows this. Hopefully Biden does too so that he listens to what many of Trumps advisers were saying about China. If not, all of the West is in a National Security crisis.
Yeah, damn that buy America crap it's just another rip off of Trump's buy American EO's. Your gibberish is just that, you can't justify liking the same program with Trump and then trying to make Biden sound like a sell out. Get real Dude that is such a cop-out and very dishonest...Thank you.
The press will bury the Trump version and praise the asterisk president's as the new normal
Trump is going after all of their seats...and he has the numbers to do it...first on his list the ten betrayers in the house led by Chaney....

It would certainly be interesting. Any of these politicians who denied the voters Will can now stand up and fight for their policies and positions against Trumps positions in their Primaries. May the best policies win.

The old Neo-Con crowd doesn't realize that the policies they allowed for 25 years, not only harmed Americas economy it also harmed it's military capacity. GBW couldn't go into Iraq today as he did when he was in office. The counter balance (mainly China) is now far more economically and militarily powerful. Clinton, GBW and even Obama who were at the inauguration, had to feel so inempt considering the state they left the nation for Trump vs global threats.

As such, Cheney and others are all bark and no bite. China knows this. Hopefully Biden does too so that he listens to what many of Trumps advisers were saying about China. If not, all of the West is in a National Security crisis.
The democrats and working blue collar republicans that voted for Trump have only one home...they can't go back to sending jobs to China and they know what Joe will do...they can't be a full fledge republican for many reasons...but they will vote how Trump tells them to vote.....their home is with Trump....the sooner the RNC figures this out the better...
Trump is going after all of their seats...and he has the numbers to do it...first on his list the ten betrayers in the house led by Chaney....
Is was Trump who did the betraying. After all, they work for the people as Trump should have been doing instead of demanding an insane loyalty until he finally wore out his welcome. It never was about the right thing to do, but what Trump wanted them to do with a threat hanging over them. Kudos to them all for finally standing for us.

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