Which country will have a greater influence in our 2020 election..Russia or Mexico?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
The Left seems to be super concerned about “meddling” in general...yet we hear nothing about Mexico and how they’ve come to own Mexifornia politicians.
We also don’t hear about the tens of millions with illegal roots and planted here by Mexico.
How many Russians are here with voting rights and with illegal roots?
Russia, and its not close. Russia has the fertile ground of 30 million delusional cultists to help.
The Democratic Party is violating the Voting Rights of millions of Americans.
They are keeping our borders open and they are blocking Voter ID laws that prevent voter fraud.
This should be a campaign issue.
Meddling in an election isn't really meddling. It's all about propaganda mostly generated in the social media. In that regard Mexico isn't as much of a threat as the mainstream American media and it's minions in the left wing internet like Google. You have to consider that the democrat party accused the President of collusion while it used fake documents generated by foreign agents to attempt a political coup. To paraphrase an old cartoon character, "we have met the meddlers and they are us".
Meddling in an election isn't really meddling. It's all about propaganda mostly generated in the social media. In that regard Mexico isn't as much of a threat as the mainstream American media and it's minions in the left wing internet like Google. You have to consider that the democrat party accused the President of collusion while it used fake documents generated by foreign agents to attempt a political coup. To paraphrase an old cartoon character, "we have met the meddlers and they are us".

Hold on...you believe political internet propaganda has a greater impact in our elections than does 100 million barely Americans with illegal roots and full voting rights?
Russia, and its not close. Russia has the fertile ground of 30 million delusional cultists to help.

To my opinion? Uh, okay....

Which country will have a greater influence in our 2020 election..Russia or Mexico?

Got it...you framed your “opinion” to sound so factual, I was confused.
I have proof that >70% of thirdworlders with illegal roots vote Mexicrat...Need to see it?
You left out Ukrain They ,because of our liar and thief,might have a greater impact on our election than Mexico or Russia
Mexico. And, if the Democrats are not taking steps now to make sure they don’t get hacked again, shame on them.
Russia, and its not close. Russia has the fertile ground of 30 million delusional cultists to help.

Says the resident cult monger. Mexico has 20 million people HERE, you twit. It doesn't take a genius, which clearly you're not, to understand that voting bloc

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