Where Will Democratic Party Be in 20 Years as More Hispanics Shift Identity to Middle Class White?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
The Dems are digging themselves a hole as Hispanics as a race is totally bogus. Nothing about speaking Spanish makes you not white, and as time goes on and Hispanics transition into the middle class, more and more of them will also transition to accepting their own whiteness.

Where will that leave Democrats?

As more jobs are taken by Strong AI Robots and low skilled jobs disappear, where will the cheap immigrant labor go? Wherever it will be, they wont be around to vote Democrat.

The Latino Flight to Whiteness
Will the United States have a majority of people of color by the year 2050, as both researchers and the popular press commonly assert? Richard Alba urges skepticism because, he argues, U.S. Census policy overestimates the presence of nonwhites in the American population. As Alba observes, in mixed-race marriages where one parent is white and the other nonwhite, the Census uses a default rule of counting all the children as nonwhite, even though that is not necessarily how the children see themselves.

The impact of Hispanic patterns of intermarriage supports Alba’s words of caution about claims of a new American racial majority of color. By 2011, according to a study by Wendy Wang of the Pew Research Center, 26 percent of Hispanic newlyweds married non-Hispanics. Eighty percent of third-generation Hispanics are the offspring of mixed marriages. The consequences for Hispanic identification are striking. From one generation to the next, the descendants identify less as Hispanic and more as non-Hispanic white in a pattern that economists Brian Duncan and Stephen Trejo call “ethnic attrition.” They point out that since the offspring of mixed marriages also tend to have a higher socioeconomic status than Hispanics who are not products of intermarriage, their exit from the Hispanic category depresses the socioeconomic profile of Hispanics. As a group, the descendants of Hispanic immigrants appear to be doing worse than they are.

Ironically, had Alba focused on census patterns of racial identification among those Hispanics choosing one race classification (over 80 percent of Hispanic respondents in the 2010 census), it would have reinforced his reservations about the rise of a nonwhite majority. In a 1997 article in the Journal of Black Studies, sociologists Jonathan Warren and France Twine had already challenged the view that the United States was gravitating toward a white minority population because of evidence that the new immigrant population tends to identify as white. A similar preference for whiteness is present among Hispanics who select a single category as their racial identity. In the 2010 census, the majority of Hispanic respondents, 53 percent, said they are white, a mere 2.5 percent said they are black, and more than 35 percent chose a category other than black or white (some choosing “Hispanic” itself or their national origin as their racial classification). A majority of “single race” Hispanics selected a white racial identity.
Opinion: Why are Hispanics identifying as white? - CNN

....a new study of census returns reported on by the Pew Research Center. It showed, apparently, that significant numbers of Hispanics are now identifying as white. The research was presented at the recent Population Association of America meeting.
Some news reports suggested that Hispanics, rather than solidifying a distinct ethnic identity and becoming the driving force of a "majority-minority" future, might instead try to be just the latest group of immigrants, such as Italians or Jews, to "become white."
Such a shift, if it's real, has potentially big implications....

Think about national politics, where the Republican Party plays to a shrinking, aging and increasingly anxious base of white voters. If large numbers of Hispanics were to start thinking of themselves as white, that could alter the calculations and rhetoric of the GOP.
But it turns out such scenarios are at best premature. What the new research really appears to reveal is just how confused we continue to be about race -- and how, even amidst this confusion, whiteness remains a dangerously malleable idea that Americans must deal with more candidly.​

Hispanic Americans Face Real Challenges

Cohn makes the usual points about this shift — that it complicates the notion that America will ever become a “majority-minority” nation as Hispanics come to identify as white, etc. It is worth noting, however, that the phenomenon he identifies is not in fact ethnic attrition, when people who could plausibly claim Hispanic identity choose not to identify as Hispanic at all. That is the phenomenon that Brian Duncan and Stephen Trejo have described in detail. Essentially, people with, say, only one grandparent with origins in Latin America are less likely than people with three grandparents in Latin America to identify as Hispanic at all, which makes intuitive sense. This is quite different from the fact that some Hispanic identifiers say that they are white rather than members of some other (mestizo) race, as Hispanic identity itself has political and cultural salience....​
There has been no "Democrat Party" in decades.

Only the leftmost vestige, properly denounced as "The Democrat Party". Though some prefer the longer form: "Democrat Party-in-denial".
The Dems are digging themselves a hole as Hispanics as a race is totally bogus. Nothing about speaking Spanish makes you not white, and as time goes on and Hispanics transition into the middle class, more and more of them will also transition to accepting their own whiteness.

Where will that leave Democrats?

As more jobs are taken by Strong AI Robots and low skilled jobs disappear, where will the cheap immigrant labor go? Wherever it will be, they wont be around to vote Democrat.

The Latino Flight to Whiteness
Will the United States have a majority of people of color by the year 2050, as both researchers and the popular press commonly assert? Richard Alba urges skepticism because, he argues, U.S. Census policy overestimates the presence of nonwhites in the American population. As Alba observes, in mixed-race marriages where one parent is white and the other nonwhite, the Census uses a default rule of counting all the children as nonwhite, even though that is not necessarily how the children see themselves.

The impact of Hispanic patterns of intermarriage supports Alba’s words of caution about claims of a new American racial majority of color. By 2011, according to a study by Wendy Wang of the Pew Research Center, 26 percent of Hispanic newlyweds married non-Hispanics. Eighty percent of third-generation Hispanics are the offspring of mixed marriages. The consequences for Hispanic identification are striking. From one generation to the next, the descendants identify less as Hispanic and more as non-Hispanic white in a pattern that economists Brian Duncan and Stephen Trejo call “ethnic attrition.” They point out that since the offspring of mixed marriages also tend to have a higher socioeconomic status than Hispanics who are not products of intermarriage, their exit from the Hispanic category depresses the socioeconomic profile of Hispanics. As a group, the descendants of Hispanic immigrants appear to be doing worse than they are.

Ironically, had Alba focused on census patterns of racial identification among those Hispanics choosing one race classification (over 80 percent of Hispanic respondents in the 2010 census), it would have reinforced his reservations about the rise of a nonwhite majority. In a 1997 article in the Journal of Black Studies, sociologists Jonathan Warren and France Twine had already challenged the view that the United States was gravitating toward a white minority population because of evidence that the new immigrant population tends to identify as white. A similar preference for whiteness is present among Hispanics who select a single category as their racial identity. In the 2010 census, the majority of Hispanic respondents, 53 percent, said they are white, a mere 2.5 percent said they are black, and more than 35 percent chose a category other than black or white (some choosing “Hispanic” itself or their national origin as their racial classification). A majority of “single race” Hispanics selected a white racial identity.
Opinion: Why are Hispanics identifying as white? - CNN

....a new study of census returns reported on by the Pew Research Center. It showed, apparently, that significant numbers of Hispanics are now identifying as white. The research was presented at the recent Population Association of America meeting.
Some news reports suggested that Hispanics, rather than solidifying a distinct ethnic identity and becoming the driving force of a "majority-minority" future, might instead try to be just the latest group of immigrants, such as Italians or Jews, to "become white."
Such a shift, if it's real, has potentially big implications....

Think about national politics, where the Republican Party plays to a shrinking, aging and increasingly anxious base of white voters. If large numbers of Hispanics were to start thinking of themselves as white, that could alter the calculations and rhetoric of the GOP.
But it turns out such scenarios are at best premature. What the new research really appears to reveal is just how confused we continue to be about race -- and how, even amidst this confusion, whiteness remains a dangerously malleable idea that Americans must deal with more candidly.​

Hispanic Americans Face Real Challenges

Cohn makes the usual points about this shift — that it complicates the notion that America will ever become a “majority-minority” nation as Hispanics come to identify as white, etc. It is worth noting, however, that the phenomenon he identifies is not in fact ethnic attrition, when people who could plausibly claim Hispanic identity choose not to identify as Hispanic at all. That is the phenomenon that Brian Duncan and Stephen Trejo have described in detail. Essentially, people with, say, only one grandparent with origins in Latin America are less likely than people with three grandparents in Latin America to identify as Hispanic at all, which makes intuitive sense. This is quite different from the fact that some Hispanic identifiers say that they are white rather than members of some other (mestizo) race, as Hispanic identity itself has political and cultural salience....​
When did european whites start touting Hispanics as white?
There is a difference between shifting to Middle Class White and shifting to KKK.
I know tons of middle class Latinos. They are mostly conservative but they all vote Democrat..they all say that the GOP is the party of the racists, same goes for other minorities, including mine.
I can tell you that this one will be on the GOP. In my freakin' Technicolor™ family and extended family, Democrats are repulsive but Republicans are no better.

I'll avoid going into a diatribe here (you're welcome!), but this notion the Republicans are stuck on, that they're going to refuse to address blacks or HIspanics directly and individually, is going to make it much more difficult for them. Yes, many Hispanics/Latinos could move towards the GOP, which tells me the party is pissing away a big opportunity.

And having Trump sitting there with that stupid grin, eating a fucking Taco Bowl and tweeting "I love Hispanics!", won't quite cut it.


The Dems are digging themselves a hole as Hispanics as a race is totally bogus. Nothing about speaking Spanish makes you not white, and as time goes on and Hispanics transition into the middle class, more and more of them will also transition to accepting their own whiteness.

Where will that leave Democrats?

As more jobs are taken by Strong AI Robots and low skilled jobs disappear, where will the cheap immigrant labor go? Wherever it will be, they wont be around to vote Democrat.

The Latino Flight to Whiteness
Will the United States have a majority of people of color by the year 2050, as both researchers and the popular press commonly assert? Richard Alba urges skepticism because, he argues, U.S. Census policy overestimates the presence of nonwhites in the American population. As Alba observes, in mixed-race marriages where one parent is white and the other nonwhite, the Census uses a default rule of counting all the children as nonwhite, even though that is not necessarily how the children see themselves.

The impact of Hispanic patterns of intermarriage supports Alba’s words of caution about claims of a new American racial majority of color. By 2011, according to a study by Wendy Wang of the Pew Research Center, 26 percent of Hispanic newlyweds married non-Hispanics. Eighty percent of third-generation Hispanics are the offspring of mixed marriages. The consequences for Hispanic identification are striking. From one generation to the next, the descendants identify less as Hispanic and more as non-Hispanic white in a pattern that economists Brian Duncan and Stephen Trejo call “ethnic attrition.” They point out that since the offspring of mixed marriages also tend to have a higher socioeconomic status than Hispanics who are not products of intermarriage, their exit from the Hispanic category depresses the socioeconomic profile of Hispanics. As a group, the descendants of Hispanic immigrants appear to be doing worse than they are.

Ironically, had Alba focused on census patterns of racial identification among those Hispanics choosing one race classification (over 80 percent of Hispanic respondents in the 2010 census), it would have reinforced his reservations about the rise of a nonwhite majority. In a 1997 article in the Journal of Black Studies, sociologists Jonathan Warren and France Twine had already challenged the view that the United States was gravitating toward a white minority population because of evidence that the new immigrant population tends to identify as white. A similar preference for whiteness is present among Hispanics who select a single category as their racial identity. In the 2010 census, the majority of Hispanic respondents, 53 percent, said they are white, a mere 2.5 percent said they are black, and more than 35 percent chose a category other than black or white (some choosing “Hispanic” itself or their national origin as their racial classification). A majority of “single race” Hispanics selected a white racial identity.
Opinion: Why are Hispanics identifying as white? - CNN

....a new study of census returns reported on by the Pew Research Center. It showed, apparently, that significant numbers of Hispanics are now identifying as white. The research was presented at the recent Population Association of America meeting.
Some news reports suggested that Hispanics, rather than solidifying a distinct ethnic identity and becoming the driving force of a "majority-minority" future, might instead try to be just the latest group of immigrants, such as Italians or Jews, to "become white."
Such a shift, if it's real, has potentially big implications....

Think about national politics, where the Republican Party plays to a shrinking, aging and increasingly anxious base of white voters. If large numbers of Hispanics were to start thinking of themselves as white, that could alter the calculations and rhetoric of the GOP.
But it turns out such scenarios are at best premature. What the new research really appears to reveal is just how confused we continue to be about race -- and how, even amidst this confusion, whiteness remains a dangerously malleable idea that Americans must deal with more candidly.​

Hispanic Americans Face Real Challenges

Cohn makes the usual points about this shift — that it complicates the notion that America will ever become a “majority-minority” nation as Hispanics come to identify as white, etc. It is worth noting, however, that the phenomenon he identifies is not in fact ethnic attrition, when people who could plausibly claim Hispanic identity choose not to identify as Hispanic at all. That is the phenomenon that Brian Duncan and Stephen Trejo have described in detail. Essentially, people with, say, only one grandparent with origins in Latin America are less likely than people with three grandparents in Latin America to identify as Hispanic at all, which makes intuitive sense. This is quite different from the fact that some Hispanic identifiers say that they are white rather than members of some other (mestizo) race, as Hispanic identity itself has political and cultural salience....​
When did european whites start touting Hispanics as white?
I live amongst European whites and can honestly say they don't give a rat's ass. They are far more concerned with Muslim rapists and terrorists.
In 20 years the 178 remaining democrats will be claiming that it was
the Russians that got 90-year old Hillary Clinton beat for the Presidency.
What will happen if the middle class disappears? Will the vast of the poor identify with the GOP or will it still be viewed as the party of the rich?

What will happen when the vast majority of the country lives in urban areas on one of the (blue) coasts?

What happens when the GOP splits into 2 parties, an extreme and more moderate one?

These are the trends that we see now but don't look good for the GOP.
Where Will Democratic Party Be in 20 Years as More Hispanics Shift Identity to Middle Class White?

Circling the drain if they keep their current tactics
I can tell you that this one will be on the GOP. In my freakin' Technicolor™ family and extended family, Democrats are repulsive but Republicans are no better.

I'll avoid going into a diatribe here (you're welcome!), but this notion the Republicans are stuck on, that they're going to refuse to address blacks or HIspanics directly and individually, is going to make it much more difficult for them. Yes, many Hispanics/Latinos could move towards the GOP, which tells me the party is pissing away a big opportunity.

And having Trump sitting there with that stupid grin, eating a fucking Taco Bowl and tweeting "I love Hispanics!", won't quite cut it.



The GOP is taking an opposite approach of advocating for the nations interest as a whole as they have done historically.

I doubt that is going to change over all, but many individual candidates will take these ethnicity issues on by implication such as Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, etc, by simply being from minority groups.
What will happen if the middle class disappears? Will the vast of the poor identify with the GOP or will it still be viewed as the party of the rich?

What will happen when the vast majority of the country lives in urban areas on one of the (blue) coasts?

What happens when the GOP splits into 2 parties, an extreme and more moderate one?

These are the trends that we see now but don't look good for the GOP.

No, we dont see those trends at all. People are fleeing California and the NE states and moving to the South mostly.

Just because you wish it true doesnt make it true, dude.
I can tell you that this one will be on the GOP. In my freakin' Technicolor™ family and extended family, Democrats are repulsive but Republicans are no better.

I'll avoid going into a diatribe here (you're welcome!), but this notion the Republicans are stuck on, that they're going to refuse to address blacks or HIspanics directly and individually, is going to make it much more difficult for them. Yes, many Hispanics/Latinos could move towards the GOP, which tells me the party is pissing away a big opportunity.

And having Trump sitting there with that stupid grin, eating a fucking Taco Bowl and tweeting "I love Hispanics!", won't quite cut it.



The GOP is taking an opposite approach of advocating for the nations interest as a whole as they have done historically.

I doubt that is going to change over all, but many individual candidates will take these ethnicity issues on by implication such as Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, etc, by simply being from minority groups.
Yeah, that's my guess, too. The party will be wasting an opportunity, but you're right, I can't imagine it changing its trajectory on this.
The Dems are digging themselves a hole as Hispanics as a race is totally bogus. Nothing about speaking Spanish makes you not white, and as time goes on and Hispanics transition into the middle class, more and more of them will also transition to accepting their own whiteness.

Where will that leave Democrats?

As more jobs are taken by Strong AI Robots and low skilled jobs disappear, where will the cheap immigrant labor go? Wherever it will be, they wont be around to vote Democrat.

The Latino Flight to Whiteness
Will the United States have a majority of people of color by the year 2050, as both researchers and the popular press commonly assert? Richard Alba urges skepticism because, he argues, U.S. Census policy overestimates the presence of nonwhites in the American population. As Alba observes, in mixed-race marriages where one parent is white and the other nonwhite, the Census uses a default rule of counting all the children as nonwhite, even though that is not necessarily how the children see themselves.

The impact of Hispanic patterns of intermarriage supports Alba’s words of caution about claims of a new American racial majority of color. By 2011, according to a study by Wendy Wang of the Pew Research Center, 26 percent of Hispanic newlyweds married non-Hispanics. Eighty percent of third-generation Hispanics are the offspring of mixed marriages. The consequences for Hispanic identification are striking. From one generation to the next, the descendants identify less as Hispanic and more as non-Hispanic white in a pattern that economists Brian Duncan and Stephen Trejo call “ethnic attrition.” They point out that since the offspring of mixed marriages also tend to have a higher socioeconomic status than Hispanics who are not products of intermarriage, their exit from the Hispanic category depresses the socioeconomic profile of Hispanics. As a group, the descendants of Hispanic immigrants appear to be doing worse than they are.

Ironically, had Alba focused on census patterns of racial identification among those Hispanics choosing one race classification (over 80 percent of Hispanic respondents in the 2010 census), it would have reinforced his reservations about the rise of a nonwhite majority. In a 1997 article in the Journal of Black Studies, sociologists Jonathan Warren and France Twine had already challenged the view that the United States was gravitating toward a white minority population because of evidence that the new immigrant population tends to identify as white. A similar preference for whiteness is present among Hispanics who select a single category as their racial identity. In the 2010 census, the majority of Hispanic respondents, 53 percent, said they are white, a mere 2.5 percent said they are black, and more than 35 percent chose a category other than black or white (some choosing “Hispanic” itself or their national origin as their racial classification). A majority of “single race” Hispanics selected a white racial identity.
Opinion: Why are Hispanics identifying as white? - CNN

....a new study of census returns reported on by the Pew Research Center. It showed, apparently, that significant numbers of Hispanics are now identifying as white. The research was presented at the recent Population Association of America meeting.
Some news reports suggested that Hispanics, rather than solidifying a distinct ethnic identity and becoming the driving force of a "majority-minority" future, might instead try to be just the latest group of immigrants, such as Italians or Jews, to "become white."
Such a shift, if it's real, has potentially big implications....

Think about national politics, where the Republican Party plays to a shrinking, aging and increasingly anxious base of white voters. If large numbers of Hispanics were to start thinking of themselves as white, that could alter the calculations and rhetoric of the GOP.
But it turns out such scenarios are at best premature. What the new research really appears to reveal is just how confused we continue to be about race -- and how, even amidst this confusion, whiteness remains a dangerously malleable idea that Americans must deal with more candidly.​

Hispanic Americans Face Real Challenges

Cohn makes the usual points about this shift — that it complicates the notion that America will ever become a “majority-minority” nation as Hispanics come to identify as white, etc. It is worth noting, however, that the phenomenon he identifies is not in fact ethnic attrition, when people who could plausibly claim Hispanic identity choose not to identify as Hispanic at all. That is the phenomenon that Brian Duncan and Stephen Trejo have described in detail. Essentially, people with, say, only one grandparent with origins in Latin America are less likely than people with three grandparents in Latin America to identify as Hispanic at all, which makes intuitive sense. This is quite different from the fact that some Hispanic identifiers say that they are white rather than members of some other (mestizo) race, as Hispanic identity itself has political and cultural salience....​
When did european whites start touting Hispanics as white?

You mean like the "white" Hispanic known as George Zimmerman?

Silly racist far left drone!
What will happen if the middle class disappears? Will the vast of the poor identify with the GOP or will it still be viewed as the party of the rich?

What will happen when the vast majority of the country lives in urban areas on one of the (blue) coasts?

What happens when the GOP splits into 2 parties, an extreme and more moderate one?

These are the trends that we see now but don't look good for the GOP.

No, we dont see those trends at all. People are fleeing California and the NE states and moving to the South mostly.

Just because you wish it true doesnt make it true, dude.
I have only to add a 'or' and it is true:

What will happen when the vast majority of the country lives in urban areas OR on one of the (blue) coasts?

Note that two-thirds of the 100 largest cities are under control of Democratic mayors.
The Dems are digging themselves a hole as Hispanics as a race is totally bogus. Nothing about speaking Spanish makes you not white, and as time goes on and Hispanics transition into the middle class, more and more of them will also transition to accepting their own whiteness.

Where will that leave Democrats?

As more jobs are taken by Strong AI Robots and low skilled jobs disappear, where will the cheap immigrant labor go? Wherever it will be, they wont be around to vote Democrat.

The Latino Flight to Whiteness
Will the United States have a majority of people of color by the year 2050, as both researchers and the popular press commonly assert? Richard Alba urges skepticism because, he argues, U.S. Census policy overestimates the presence of nonwhites in the American population. As Alba observes, in mixed-race marriages where one parent is white and the other nonwhite, the Census uses a default rule of counting all the children as nonwhite, even though that is not necessarily how the children see themselves.

The impact of Hispanic patterns of intermarriage supports Alba’s words of caution about claims of a new American racial majority of color. By 2011, according to a study by Wendy Wang of the Pew Research Center, 26 percent of Hispanic newlyweds married non-Hispanics. Eighty percent of third-generation Hispanics are the offspring of mixed marriages. The consequences for Hispanic identification are striking. From one generation to the next, the descendants identify less as Hispanic and more as non-Hispanic white in a pattern that economists Brian Duncan and Stephen Trejo call “ethnic attrition.” They point out that since the offspring of mixed marriages also tend to have a higher socioeconomic status than Hispanics who are not products of intermarriage, their exit from the Hispanic category depresses the socioeconomic profile of Hispanics. As a group, the descendants of Hispanic immigrants appear to be doing worse than they are.

Ironically, had Alba focused on census patterns of racial identification among those Hispanics choosing one race classification (over 80 percent of Hispanic respondents in the 2010 census), it would have reinforced his reservations about the rise of a nonwhite majority. In a 1997 article in the Journal of Black Studies, sociologists Jonathan Warren and France Twine had already challenged the view that the United States was gravitating toward a white minority population because of evidence that the new immigrant population tends to identify as white. A similar preference for whiteness is present among Hispanics who select a single category as their racial identity. In the 2010 census, the majority of Hispanic respondents, 53 percent, said they are white, a mere 2.5 percent said they are black, and more than 35 percent chose a category other than black or white (some choosing “Hispanic” itself or their national origin as their racial classification). A majority of “single race” Hispanics selected a white racial identity.
Opinion: Why are Hispanics identifying as white? - CNN

....a new study of census returns reported on by the Pew Research Center. It showed, apparently, that significant numbers of Hispanics are now identifying as white. The research was presented at the recent Population Association of America meeting.
Some news reports suggested that Hispanics, rather than solidifying a distinct ethnic identity and becoming the driving force of a "majority-minority" future, might instead try to be just the latest group of immigrants, such as Italians or Jews, to "become white."
Such a shift, if it's real, has potentially big implications....

Think about national politics, where the Republican Party plays to a shrinking, aging and increasingly anxious base of white voters. If large numbers of Hispanics were to start thinking of themselves as white, that could alter the calculations and rhetoric of the GOP.
But it turns out such scenarios are at best premature. What the new research really appears to reveal is just how confused we continue to be about race -- and how, even amidst this confusion, whiteness remains a dangerously malleable idea that Americans must deal with more candidly.​

Hispanic Americans Face Real Challenges

Cohn makes the usual points about this shift — that it complicates the notion that America will ever become a “majority-minority” nation as Hispanics come to identify as white, etc. It is worth noting, however, that the phenomenon he identifies is not in fact ethnic attrition, when people who could plausibly claim Hispanic identity choose not to identify as Hispanic at all. That is the phenomenon that Brian Duncan and Stephen Trejo have described in detail. Essentially, people with, say, only one grandparent with origins in Latin America are less likely than people with three grandparents in Latin America to identify as Hispanic at all, which makes intuitive sense. This is quite different from the fact that some Hispanic identifiers say that they are white rather than members of some other (mestizo) race, as Hispanic identity itself has political and cultural salience....​

It depends on the gop. If they aren't voting dem, they don't appear to like Trump's gop either.

2. The Latino vote in the 2016 presidential election
What will happen if the middle class disappears? Will the vast of the poor identify with the GOP or will it still be viewed as the party of the rich?

What will happen when the vast majority of the country lives in urban areas on one of the (blue) coasts?

What happens when the GOP splits into 2 parties, an extreme and more moderate one?

These are the trends that we see now but don't look good for the GOP.

No, we dont see those trends at all. People are fleeing California and the NE states and moving to the South mostly.

Just because you wish it true doesnt make it true, dude.
I have only to add a 'or' and it is true:

What will happen when the vast majority of the country lives in urban areas OR on one of the (blue) coasts?

Note that two-thirds of the 100 largest cities are under control of Democratic mayors.

Yes they have a lot of problems and also allow their protected classes to kill each other while telling them they will protect them.

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