Where/When have Dems been as Terrible as the GOP???????

The Banker

Diamond Member
Oct 24, 2017
Over the past 30 years the GOP has had a terrible record, while the Dems have performed much better. It is laughable to hear a Republican talk about how they love America when GOP politicians have failed so badly and damaged America so much.
My question is this, where have Dems failed as badly as GOP over the past 30 years??

GOP record:

Wars: Bush and the GOP started 2 wars we didn't need, then they couldn't win those wars. Thousands of Americans died needlessly, $ Trillions were wasted needlessly, and the entire Mid East was destabalized as a result of this GOP Mega failure. Also these wars contributed to the big Bush crash.

Economy: Bush and the GOP inherited a balanced budget with a projected surplus (This is Fact even though the GOP loyalists have a hard time admitting and accepting this fact). 7 years later the economy was in total ruin, Mega ruin, one of the worst crashes in US history, with the GOP calling the shots the whole time causing the crash.

Covid: Trump had the worst covid numbers in the entire world. Worse than 3rd world countries. Trump had record covid cases and record covid deaths, AND 24 + hr test time waits. Also Trump made 100 insanely stupid statements like, "we're rounding the curve" as covid cases continued to soar. Trump also suggested injecting bleach, politicized mask wearing, held repeated maskless super spreader events, rallies, parties, and got covid himself and almost died. The cherry on top is Biden takes over and gets covid cases to instantly plummet by instituting common sense.

The Insurrection: Trump incited an insurrection at the Capitol over lies of election Fraud that never happened. Trump and his sheep followers were too pathetic to admit defeat so they fabricated a factless lie about election fraud that never happened. Then they incited an Insurrection at the Capitol based on these lies. Police officers died in this riot. All because Trump can't admit he lost the election.

The Dems have not fucked up this bad ever. This is total failure, and it is GOP failure. How can you support this failure? How can you claim to love America if you have supported this failure?? How can anybody claim the GOP is better than the Dems when the GOP has done all these terrible things??????????

The GOP record is abysmal, abhorrent, and deplorable. Abhorable. (Abhorable is a new word created to explain the scale of GOP failure)

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Obama got us involved in at least three wars. Syria, Yemen and Libya.
Those weren't wars, they were conflicts and they were much much smaller than the Bush wars of failure.
Also the Obama conflicts didn't destroy America like the Bush wars did. Also the GOP still have the Bush crash, the covid blunder, and the Capitol insurection on top of the 2 failed Bush wars. This is still so substantially worse than anything the Dems have done.

The results of the GOP are complete trash.
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Yes they were.
well if this is all you can offer to counter the 4 Mega failures I listed, then you have failed badly just like the GOP have.

Nothing you have posted can explain or justify the level of extreme failure that the GOP has given us.

Enjoy being a sheep, have a nice weekend...
well if this is all you can offer to counter the 4 Mega failures I listed, then you have failed badly just like the GOP have.

Nothing you have posted can explain or justify the level of extreme failure that the GOP has given us.

Enjoy being a sheep, have a nice weekend...

I am simply pointing out your blinders. You are arguing that your party does really stupid things but you don't see them as stupid as the things the other party does. That is not a way we should judge thing. The lesser evil is still evil.
Over the past 30 years the GOP has had a terrible record, while the Dems have performed much better. It is laughable to hear a Republican talk about how they love America when GOP politicians have failed so badly and damaged America so much.
My question is this, where have Dems failed as badly as GOP over the past 30 years??

GOP record:

Wars: Bush and the GOP started 2 wars we didn't need, then they couldn't win those wars. Thousands of Americans died needlessly, $ Trillions were wasted needlessly, and the entire Mid East was destabalized as a result of this GOP Mega failure. Also these wars contributed to the big Bush crash.

Economy: Bush and the GOP inherited a balanced budget with a projected surplus (This is Fact even though the GOP loyalists have a hard time admitting and accepting this fact). 7 years later the economy was in total ruin, Mega ruin, one of the worst crashes in US history, with the GOP calling the shots the whole time causing the crash.

Covid: Trump had the worst covid numbers in the entire world. Worse than 3rd world countries. Trump had record covid cases and record covid deaths, AND 24 + hr test time waits. Also Trump made 100 insanely stupid statements like, "we're rounding the curve" as covid cases continued to soar. Trump also suggested injecting bleach, politicized mask wearing, held repeated maskless super spreader events, rallies, parties, and got covid himself and almost died. The cherry on top is Biden takes over and gets covid cases to instantly plummet by instituting common sense.

The Insurrection: Trump incited an insurrection at the Capitol over lies of election Fraud that never happened. Trump and his sheep followers were too pathetic to admit defeat so they fabricated a factless lie about election fraud that never happened. Then they incited an Insurrection at the Capitol based on these lies. Police officers died in this riot. All because Trump can't admit he lost the election.

The Dems have not fucked up this bad ever. This is total failure, and it is GOP failure. How can you support this failure? How can you claim to love America if you have supported this failure?? How can anybody claim the GOP is better than the Dems when the GOP has done all these terrible things??????????

The GOP record is abysmal, abhorrent, and deplorable. Abhorable. (Abhorable is a new word created to explain the scale of GOP failure)

Number of Republicans who conspired with the CCP to develop and unleash a Gain of Function bioweapon: 0
I am simply pointing out your blinders. You are arguing that your party does really stupid things but you don't see them as stupid as the things the other party does. That is not a way we should judge thing. The lesser evil is still evil.
the lesser evil is substantially better than the extreme evil.

The GOP has been an extreme failure. an epic failure of American destruction. The GOP has hurt America so badly, so much worse than anything the dems have done.

To somehow try and claim that those small conflicts by Obama somehow justify the extreme failure os the GOP is laughable.
Over the past 30 years the GOP has had a terrible record, while the Dems have performed much better. It is laughable to hear a Republican talk about how they love America when GOP politicians have failed so badly and damaged America so much.
My question is this, where have Dems failed as badly as GOP over the past 30 years??

GOP record:

Wars: Bush and the GOP started 2 wars we didn't need, then they couldn't win those wars. Thousands of Americans died needlessly, $ Trillions were wasted needlessly, and the entire Mid East was destabalized as a result of this GOP Mega failure. Also these wars contributed to the big Bush crash.

Economy: Bush and the GOP inherited a balanced budget with a projected surplus (This is Fact even though the GOP loyalists have a hard time admitting and accepting this fact). 7 years later the economy was in total ruin, Mega ruin, one of the worst crashes in US history, with the GOP calling the shots the whole time causing the crash.

Covid: Trump had the worst covid numbers in the entire world. Worse than 3rd world countries. Trump had record covid cases and record covid deaths, AND 24 + hr test time waits. Also Trump made 100 insanely stupid statements like, "we're rounding the curve" as covid cases continued to soar. Trump also suggested injecting bleach, politicized mask wearing, held repeated maskless super spreader events, rallies, parties, and got covid himself and almost died. The cherry on top is Biden takes over and gets covid cases to instantly plummet by instituting common sense.

The Insurrection: Trump incited an insurrection at the Capitol over lies of election Fraud that never happened. Trump and his sheep followers were too pathetic to admit defeat so they fabricated a factless lie about election fraud that never happened. Then they incited an Insurrection at the Capitol based on these lies. Police officers died in this riot. All because Trump can't admit he lost the election.

The Dems have not fucked up this bad ever. This is total failure, and it is GOP failure. How can you support this failure? How can you claim to love America if you have supported this failure?? How can anybody claim the GOP is better than the Dems when the GOP has done all these terrible things??????????

The GOP record is abysmal, abhorrent, and deplorable. Abhorable. (Abhorable is a new word created to explain the scale of GOP failure)

Your head is so far up your partisan ass you can see your own teeth.

How's the weather in Bejing this morning ya statist hack?
Yes, the democrats will have to rewrite the past, and make americans forget the failures of democrats today. Look at the past americans, don't look at Biden today.
the lesser evil is substantially better than the extreme evil.

The GOP has been an extreme failure. an epic failure of American destruction. The GOP has hurt America so badly, so much worse than anything the dems have done.

To somehow try and claim that those small conflicts by Obama somehow justify the extreme failure os the GOP is laughable.

The "lesser evil" is still evil and it's not the standard we should seek. Justify? Where did you get this idea? I note that they both are largely wrong.
Yes, the democrats will have to rewrite the past, and make americans forget the failures of democrats today. Look at the past americans, don't look at Biden today.

Getting us out of Afghanistan might be the one exemption to evil the last 20 years.
Over the past 30 years the GOP has had a terrible record, while the Dems have performed much better. It is laughable to hear a Republican talk about how they love America when GOP politicians have failed so badly and damaged America so much.
My question is this, where have Dems failed as badly as GOP over the past 30 years??

GOP record:

Wars: Bush and the GOP started 2 wars we didn't need, then they couldn't win those wars. Thousands of Americans died needlessly, $ Trillions were wasted needlessly, and the entire Mid East was destabalized as a result of this GOP Mega failure. Also these wars contributed to the big Bush crash.

Economy: Bush and the GOP inherited a balanced budget with a projected surplus (This is Fact even though the GOP loyalists have a hard time admitting and accepting this fact). 7 years later the economy was in total ruin, Mega ruin, one of the worst crashes in US history, with the GOP calling the shots the whole time causing the crash.

Covid: Trump had the worst covid numbers in the entire world. Worse than 3rd world countries. Trump had record covid cases and record covid deaths, AND 24 + hr test time waits. Also Trump made 100 insanely stupid statements like, "we're rounding the curve" as covid cases continued to soar. Trump also suggested injecting bleach, politicized mask wearing, held repeated maskless super spreader events, rallies, parties, and got covid himself and almost died. The cherry on top is Biden takes over and gets covid cases to instantly plummet by instituting common sense.

The Insurrection: Trump incited an insurrection at the Capitol over lies of election Fraud that never happened. Trump and his sheep followers were too pathetic to admit defeat so they fabricated a factless lie about election fraud that never happened. Then they incited an Insurrection at the Capitol based on these lies. Police officers died in this riot. All because Trump can't admit he lost the election.

The Dems have not fucked up this bad ever. This is total failure, and it is GOP failure. How can you support this failure? How can you claim to love America if you have supported this failure?? How can anybody claim the GOP is better than the Dems when the GOP has done all these terrible things??????????

The GOP record is abysmal, abhorrent, and deplorable. Abhorable. (Abhorable is a new word created to explain the scale of GOP failure)

We Democrats have had our moments too, but nothing as bad as the republican party. They are simply tools of the oligarchy.

It's easy to spot the pattern. Economy tanks, rights to to hell, And so on and people get scared and tired of it an elect Democrats.

The Democrats fix the economy, settle the unrest, and generally make things better and people happier for 8 years.

Happy people look for things to be unhappy about. The republican party starts telling everyone how terrible things are under the Democrats and that is the brown immigrants that are the real problem and the Democrats are gonna take your guns and such. People get riled up over this artificial outrage and vote for a republican.

The republican spends the next 4-8 years trashing the economy giving benefits like tax breaks and such to their wealthy overlords while doing nothing about the issues the got folks all riled up about and limiting the rights of many groups of Americans like the LGBTQ crowd or the legal immigrants and people of different colors.

Then when the economy is in shambles, unemployment is high, wages are down, our rights are in danger... We elect a Democrat to fix everything Again.

It's a vicious circle that has been going on for decades.
Over the past 30 years the GOP has had a terrible record, while the Dems have performed much better. It is laughable to hear a Republican talk about how they love America when GOP politicians have failed so badly and damaged America so much.
My question is this, where have Dems failed as badly as GOP over the past 30 years??
Over the past 30 years the DNP has had a terrible record, while the Rep have performed much better. It is laughable to hear a Dem talk about how they love America when Dem politicians have failed so badly and damaged America so much.
My question is this, where have Repfailed as badly as Dem over the past 30 years??

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