Where do you think this came from??


Gold Member
Aug 9, 2011
NW Georgia
I'll post the link after some discussion. Or you can just google it.

* We demand the immediate withdrawal of the United States from the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), and oppose the creation of a widened Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA).
* We call for worker and community ownership and control of corporations within the framework of a decentralized and democratically determined economic plan.
* We call for a minimum wage of $15 per hour, indexed to the cost of living.
* We call for a full employment policy. We support the provision of a livable guaranteed annual income.
* We call for all financial and insurance institutions to be socially owned and operated by a democratically-controlled national banking authority, which should include credit unions, mutual insurance cooperatives, and cooperative state banks. In the meantime, we call for re-regulation of the banking and insurance industries.
* We call for a steeply graduated income tax and a steeply graduated estate tax, and a maximum income of no more than ten times the minimum. We oppose regressive taxes such as payroll tax, sales tax, and property taxes.
* We call for the restoration of the capital gains tax and luxury tax on a progressive, graduated scale.
* We call for compensation to communities-- and compensation, re-training, and other support service for workers-- affected by plant and military base closings as stop-gap measures until we reach our goal of creating a socialist society totally separate from the global capitalist economy.
* We oppose the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the World Trade Organization as instruments of capitalist oppression throughout the world.
* We demand cancellation of Third World debt.
* We call for a National Pension Authority to hold the assets of private pension funds, and a levy against corporate assets for any pension fund deficits.
* We call for increased and expanded welfare assistance and increased and expanded unemployment compensation at 100% of a worker's previous income or the minimum wage, whichever is higher, for the full period of unemployment or re-training, whichever is longer.
* We support a program of massive federal investment in both urban and rural areas for infrastructure reconstruction and economic development.
* We support tax benefits for renters equal to those for homeowners.
* We call for the elimination of subsidies and tax breaks that benefit corporations and all other forms of corporate welfare.
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