Where Are The Post Election Audits ?


Gold Member
Feb 3, 2018
" Where Are The Post Election Audits ? "

* Implementation Without A Validation Test *

Elections are not about concealing potential criminal activity within their person or property as per us 4th fourth , elections require transparency and rigor .

No rigorous implementation is ever complete without a validation test , an audit , and yet the us is being compelled to live out an asinine fantasy comedy .

A post-election audit checks that the equipment and procedures used to count votes during an election worked properly, and that the election yielded the correct outcome.
Although post-election audits can lead to a full recount if errors are detected, they differ from a recount in that they are conducted regardless of the margins of victory. Recounts are most often triggered or requested if there is a tight margin of victory. See NCSL’s webpage on recounts for more information.

* Goofy Would Government In Clown Attire *

This is a cinematic portrayal of out political oversight of elections .

" Too Scared To Validate "

* Make It A Requirement *

That is nothing but a fantasy from a fat man. Where is the audit from when Trump won in 2016.
Like your missing question mark , where are the election audits and if they do not exist then why should they not exist ?

Not conducting audits should not be an option , and not conducting validation testing , audits , is not an option for anything other than a bunch of hooligans running rogue .
" Where Are The Post Election Audits ? "

* Implementation Without A Validation Test *

Elections are not about concealing potential criminal activity within their person or property as per us 4th fourth , elections require transparency and rigor .

No rigorous implementation is ever complete without a validation test , an audit , and yet the us is being compelled to live out an asinine fantasy comedy .

A post-election audit checks that the equipment and procedures used to count votes during an election worked properly, and that the election yielded the correct outcome.
Although post-election audits can lead to a full recount if errors are detected, they differ from a recount in that they are conducted regardless of the margins of victory. Recounts are most often triggered or requested if there is a tight margin of victory. See NCSL’s webpage on recounts for more information.

* Goofy Would Government In Clown Attire *

This is a cinematic portrayal of out political oversight of elections .

Right here

Upload a batch of blank ballots, adjudicate aka add who you want every fake ballot of 50 voting for, and copying that batch of 50 to make another batch of 50. WOW!!

Judges don’t want to allow an audit by the courts because this is what they’ll find

Thank Satan Biden had Dominion
" Too Scared To Validate "

* Make It A Requirement *

That is nothing but a fantasy from a fat man. Where is the audit from when Trump won in 2016.
Like your missing question mark , where are the election audits and if they do not exist then why should they not exist ?

Not conducting audits should not be an option , and not conducting validation testing , audits , is not an option for anything other than a bunch of hooligans running rogue .
When has there ever been an audit of a national election, and how is it to be paid for if there is one?(There is yer damn question mark.)
The House of Reps tried to have a serious conversation about election security but the Senate and White House turned their back on it. We can see why it was done in that manner...
" National Security Issue And CISA Are Liars "

* Procedures In Place *

The House of Reps tried to have a serious conversation about election security but the Senate and White House turned their back on it. We can see why it was done in that manner...
The house of representatives needs the senate and executive branches if they plan to pass legislation ; neither are needed for a discussion of election security , and what is your reference ?


Legal Provisions Relevant to the Electoral College Process -
Criminal Intelligence Screwing Americans
" Where Are The Post Election Audits ? "

* Implementation Without A Validation Test *

Elections are not about concealing potential criminal activity within their person or property as per us 4th fourth , elections require transparency and rigor .

No rigorous implementation is ever complete without a validation test , an audit , and yet the us is being compelled to live out an asinine fantasy comedy .

A post-election audit checks that the equipment and procedures used to count votes during an election worked properly, and that the election yielded the correct outcome.
Although post-election audits can lead to a full recount if errors are detected, they differ from a recount in that they are conducted regardless of the margins of victory. Recounts are most often triggered or requested if there is a tight margin of victory. See NCSL’s webpage on recounts for more information.

* Goofy Would Government In Clown Attire *

This is a cinematic portrayal of out political oversight of elections .

To quote 2000-era Republicans, "How many recounts are we going to have?"
" Trust But Verify "

* Believers In Pleading The Fifth Amendment Decrying Audits As Unnecessary *

To quote 2000-era Republicans, "How many recounts are we going to have?"
How many recounts did they have in the 2020 election ?

A recount is completely different from an audit and cannot happen automatically ; a post election audit is simply a statistical analysis from a sufficient random sample to determine the integrity of an election process , an audit might justify further audits , or investigation , or a recount .

On March 23, 2018 President Trump signed the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2018 into law, which included $380 million in Help America Vote Act (HAVA) grants for states to make election security improvements. In order to receive the grant funds states must provide at least a 5 percent match within two years of receiving the federal funds and submit a state plan detailing how the funds are to be used. Every state received a base of $3 million, with the remaining funds disbursed using the voting age population formula described in Sections 101 and 103 of HAVA. This means that states received anywhere from $3 million to $34 million, depending on the population of the state (see this chart for state by state details). See the EAC’s page on 2018 HAVA Election Security Funds for additional information on the amount of grant funding provided by state, and other FAQs.
What is needed is a forensic audit of the mail-in ballot envelopes to check the signatures and voter registration numbers and if they are unique, and toss out the ones that dont match numbers in the database, or are duplicated or have no registration number, or are obvious forgeries, dead or live out of state.

The question is, why are Dimbocraps fighting like hell to prevent it?
What is needed is a forensic audit of the mail-in ballot envelopes to check the signatures and voter registration numbers and if they are unique, and toss out the ones that dont match numbers in the database, or are duplicated or have no registration number, or are obvious forgeries, dead or live out of state. The question is, why are Dimbocraps fighting like hell to prevent it?
Trump's lawyers need to establish a compelling need to go through that kind of tortured procedure. So far, they haven't and it doesn't look like the remaining cases have much merit, either. I think there has to be some kind of acceptance of the situation, because it's becoming more and more apparent that Trump's attempt to steal the election from President-elect Biden isn't going to work.

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