When will we see "OWS-Hollywood" or protests against rich athletes?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
OWS hates rich people and greed, and most of all, corporations.

So....when will we see actors, athletes, movie companies and sports franchises get "occuppied".

After all, they're all rich. They all pay low level employees almost dirt to nothing. They got their money from US buying tickets, CD's, videos, etc.

Come on occupiers, be consistent. Occupy all the greedy rich people, not just the white ones wearing a tie.
If an NFL player has a shitty season, he will pay the price in his next contract.

That's what separates the NFL from the CEO of a financial firm:)

What? An NFL "CEO" is the OWNER, not the player you dumbass. The NFL's CEO never gets fired for a bad season. The coaches and players do. See how that works?
If an NFL player has a shitty season, he will pay the price in his next contract.

That's what separates the NFL from the CEO of a financial firm:)

What? An NFL "CEO" is the OWNER, not the player you dumbass. The NFL's CEO never gets fired for a bad season. The coaches and players do. See how that works?

my gawd you dunce...read my post again. Slower, perhaps.
If an NFL player has a shitty season, he will pay the price in his next contract.

That's what separates the NFL from the CEO of a financial firm:)

What? An NFL "CEO" is the OWNER, not the player you dumbass. The NFL's CEO never gets fired for a bad season. The coaches and players do. See how that works?

Nor do the concession and team merch prices go down, to reflect the team's poor showing.

I'm tellin' ya....Occupy Fenway Park!! :lol:
If an NFL player has a shitty season, he will pay the price in his next contract.

That's what separates the NFL from the CEO of a financial firm:)

There's plenty of athletes that stink, and still have big contracts.

Jamie Diamond never took a bailout, helped prevent more of a calamity. In the financial crisis, and has donated more to charity than all the protesters combined...Yet they still felt a need to protest outside his house.
If an NFL player has a shitty season, he will pay the price in his next contract.

That's what separates the NFL from the CEO of a financial firm:)

What? An NFL "CEO" is the OWNER, not the player you dumbass. The NFL's CEO never gets fired for a bad season. The coaches and players do. See how that works?

my gawd you dunce...read my post again. Slower, perhaps.

I did. And you're comparing a business CEO to a middle-manager in the NFL. Because the head coach, or team captain as a player, is a middle manager position in the structure of a pro team. They aren't the CEO/owner. Or operations manager. Or any of the front office people.

You're making a poor correlation.

So I ask, why isn't OWS protesting rich, greedy pro sports team owners? Or rich players who make millions a year, but pay their butlers, maids, ball boys, personal bodyguards, etc, shit and probably no insurance? Or the rap stars who are greedy? Or record executives who get rich off poor black rappers???

It's because OWS doesn't hate rich people...................just rich white people who wear ties.
If an NFL player has a shitty season, he will pay the price in his next contract.

That's what separates the NFL from the CEO of a financial firm:)

There's plenty of athletes that stink, and still have big contracts.

Jamie Diamond never took a bailout.

That would come as quite a surprise to the accountants at JP Morgan-Chase who took 25B in TARP funds.
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If an NFL player has a shitty season, he will pay the price in his next contract.

That's what separates the NFL from the CEO of a financial firm:)

There's plenty of athletes that stink, and still have big contracts.

Jamie Diamond never took a bailout, helped prevent more of a calamity. In the financial crisis, and has donated more to charity than all the protesters combined...Yet they still felt a need to protest outside his house.

Wal-Mart and it's executives have provided more opportunity for poor people than every OWS douch bag in NY combined.

Jobs, affordable products.

Bottom line is the OWS just needs a good smack in the mouth and someone to drag their lazy asses down to the job fair and take an entry level job that they can work their way up to better things..............LIKE THE REST OF US DID.
If an NFL player has a shitty season, he will pay the price in his next contract.

That's what separates the NFL from the CEO of a financial firm:)

There's plenty of athletes that stink, and still have big contracts.

Jamie Diamond never took a bailout.

That would come as quite a surprise to the accountants at JP Morgan-Chase who took 25B in TARP funds.

Funny thing is.........I bet 95% of OWS people are also among the 50% of the population who dont pay income taxes that funded those bailouts:cool:
try again.

I dont need to. You're wrong.


Let's review, Buc - Do you think OWS is protesting middle management?

Probably not, not sure WTF they're protesting. I assume the CEO's and richest of the rich in corporate america.

And I asked.........why aren't they protesting the NFL, NBA, MLB? Rap music producers? And yes, the athletes and singers, as they too are filthy rich and employ their own staff and workers for dirt money and no benefits.

You brought up the coaches and player contracts, and implied they are different than CEO's, when in fact, the analogy isn't different. Both are rich. Both are funded by middle to lower class people buying their product. Both get government help.

So will OWS go protest the NFL's league offices or the local NFL stadiums? Or do they only hate SOME rich people but others are ok?
Dumb as shit thread.

Why? Isn't hating rich, greedy people and corporations the "in" thing to do now?

Who is richer or greedier than Hollywood or pro sports? Rich people in movies, music and sports aren't "paying their fair share" either, are they?

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