When the President brings up the sins of Christianity's past and is condemned for doing so...


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
...Why haven't any of his advisors properly equipped him for that debate? "Christians used to kill in the name of their religion too." Yes, but you're gonna get wailed on saying that, and then lose the discussion in the eyes of the public, most of whom are those very same Christians. UNLESS someone gives you the chapter and verse to defend that statement as with pointing out various verses in every Bible saying to do exactly what Muslims are doing in the name of their spin-off religion:

Murder in the Bible

"Kill People Who Don't Listen to Priests

Anyone arrogant enough to reject the verdict of the judge or of the priest who represents the LORD your God must be put to death. Such evil must be purged from Israel. (Deuteronomy 17:12 NLT)"

"Kill Homosexuals
"If a man lies with a male as with a women, both of them shall be put to death for their abominable deed; they have forfeited their lives." (Leviticus 20:13 NAB)"

"Death for Adultery

If a man commits adultery with another man's wife, both the man and the woman must be put to death. (Leviticus 20:10 NLT)"

"Death to Followers of Other Religions

Whoever sacrifices to any god, except the Lord alone, shall be doomed. (Exodus 22:19 NAB)

Kill Nonbelievers

They entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and soul; and everyone who would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, was to be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman. (2 Chronicles 15:12-13 NAB)"


To shut people up trying to make Islam look irrationally violent, simply smack them in the face with a Bible. :) Pretty simple. Christianity's own sins are in every one of them. If Islam's guilty of something it's for plagurizing and not being original.
the big word: USED to

He's a disgusting hater/leader of the United States of America and I have never been more ashamed to call this little hateful man my President

How much more are we expected to take from him?
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How many times to we have to go over this ?

We all know about the past atrocities, but we're living in 2015, and here today when a newspaper staff is brutally murdered, the god or prophet that the killers will say they've avenged is the Islamic god or prophet.
Well it would help if you could mount a decent debate by quoting passages from the freaking New Testament.

You know. That part of the big book that has to do with Christianity.


None of the books you listed are in the NT. Get a grip.
Are people really that dense about scripture? Seriously, why do the left continually quote commands from the OT?

I guess they really that dense.
the big word: USED to

He's a disgusting hater/leader of the United States of America and I have never been more ashamed to call this little hateful man my President

How much more are we expected to take from him?

That's exactly the point, Steph. Used to. The more violent parts of the Bible were used to justify some horrific things. But over time Christians interpreted around it so that now they ignore any of the violent parts they don't want to follow. Demonstrating elegantly that even when there are violent passages in a religious text, they need not be enacted by the faithful using it.

Which is exactly the point Obama was making about Islam.
Are people really that dense about scripture? Seriously, why do the left continually quote commands from the OT?

I guess they really that dense.

Because Christians as recently as our founders used the Old Testament as justification for killing people?
the big word: USED to

He's a disgusting hater/leader of the United of America and I have never been more ashamed to call this little hateful man my President

How much more are we expected to take from him?
Yes...used to. Don't deny it. Don't cry about it being said. It happened. Dry your tears.

I have no problem with true history. But I have a problem with the Moralizer in Chief in the White House cherry picking history.

Pisses me clean off.
He is criticized for doing so because he is indulging in apologia for Islam by offering this politically correct pablum that attempts to create false equivalencies.

What we need is a leader, and a leader isn't so afraid of telling the truth that he offers so much crap geared towards placation rather than intellectual honesty.
the big word: USED to

He's a disgusting hater/leader of the United States of America and I have never been more ashamed to call this little hateful man my President

How much more are we expected to take from him?
All you can take, and when you can't take no more,,stomp your wittle footies...
the big word: USED to

He's a disgusting hater/leader of the United States of America and I have never been more ashamed to call this little hateful man my President

How much more are we expected to take from him?

That's exactly the point, Steph. Used to. The more violent parts of the Bible were used to justify some horrific things. But over time Christians interpreted around it so that now they ignore any of the violent parts they don't want to follow. Demonstrating elegantly that even when there are violent passages in a religious text, they need not be enacted by the faithful using it.

Which is exactly the point Obama was making about Islam.

I don't need Obama to make any point to me. I didn't elect him to preach to me about our past sins. He can go take it to his hateful church of the Reverend Wright
the man hates us with a passion he just never lets a chance go by to show it. He makes me sick
the big word: USED to

He's a disgusting hater/leader of the United States of America and I have never been more ashamed to call this little hateful man my President

How much more are we expected to take from him?

That's exactly the point, Steph. Used to. The more violent parts of the Bible were used to justify some horrific things. But over time Christians interpreted around it so that now they ignore any of the violent parts they don't want to follow. Demonstrating elegantly that even when there are violent passages in a religious text, they need not be enacted by the faithful using it.

Which is exactly the point Obama was making about Islam.

Quote the New Testament.

Are people really that dense about scripture? Seriously, why do the left continually quote commands from the OT?

I guess they really that dense.

Because Christians as recently as our founders used the Old Testament as justification for killing people?
Are people really that dense about scripture? Seriously, why do the left continually quote commands from the OT?

I guess they really that dense.

Because Christians as recently as our founders used the Old Testament as justification for killing people?
the big word: USED to

He's a disgusting hater/leader of the United of America and I have never been more ashamed to call this little hateful man my President

How much more are we expected to take from him?
Yes...used to. Don't deny it. Don't cry about it being said. It happened. Dry your tears.

I have no problem with true history. But I have a problem with the Moralizer in Chief in the White House cherry picking history.

Pisses me clean off.
Cherry picking? He didn't have time for all of Christian's inhumanity...
the big word: USED to

He's a disgusting hater/leader of the United States of America and I have never been more ashamed to call this little hateful man my President

How much more are we expected to take from him?

That's exactly the point, Steph. Used to. The more violent parts of the Bible were used to justify some horrific things. But over time Christians interpreted around it so that now they ignore any of the violent parts they don't want to follow. Demonstrating elegantly that even when there are violent passages in a religious text, they need not be enacted by the faithful using it.

Which is exactly the point Obama was making about Islam.

Quote the New Testament.

Are people really that dense about scripture? Seriously, why do the left continually quote commands from the OT?

I guess they really that dense.

Because Christians as recently as our founders used the Old Testament as justification for killing people?
Are people really that dense about scripture? Seriously, why do the left continually quote commands from the OT?

I guess they really that dense.

Because Christians as recently as our founders used the Old Testament as justification for killing people?
Yeah, it's not like the Christians teach out of Genesis...
the big word: USED to

He's a disgusting hater/leader of the United States of America and I have never been more ashamed to call this little hateful man my President

How much more are we expected to take from him?

That's exactly the point, Steph. Used to. The more violent parts of the Bible were used to justify some horrific things. But over time Christians interpreted around it so that now they ignore any of the violent parts they don't want to follow. Demonstrating elegantly that even when there are violent passages in a religious text, they need not be enacted by the faithful using it.

Which is exactly the point Obama was making about Islam.

I don't need Obama to make any point to me. I didn't elect him to preach to me about our past sins. He can go take it to his hateful church of the Reverend Wright
the man hates us with a passion he just never lets a chance go by to show it

Where a rational person would take good advice no matter what the source.

If Christians can turn away from centuries of slaughter, genocide, mutilation, forced conversions and religious wars, then so can Muslims.
the big word: USED to

He's a disgusting hater/leader of the United States of America and I have never been more ashamed to call this little hateful man my President

How much more are we expected to take from him?

That's exactly the point, Steph. Used to. The more violent parts of the Bible were used to justify some horrific things. But over time Christians interpreted around it so that now they ignore any of the violent parts they don't want to follow. Demonstrating elegantly that even when there are violent passages in a religious text, they need not be enacted by the faithful using it.

Which is exactly the point Obama was making about Islam.

I don't need Obama to make any point to me. I didn't elect him to preach to me about our past sins. He can go take it to his hateful church of the Reverend Wright
the man hates us with a passion he just never lets a chance go by to show it

Where a rational person would take good advice no matter what the source.

If Christians can turn away from centuries of slaughter, genocide, mutilation, forced conversions and religious wars, then so can Muslims.

yeah sure hummm hum, Obama should leave here and go turn them around then
you both think he's some god
the big word: USED to

He's a disgusting hater/leader of the United States of America and I have never been more ashamed to call this little hateful man my President

How much more are we expected to take from him?

That's exactly the point, Steph. Used to. The more violent parts of the Bible were used to justify some horrific things. But over time Christians interpreted around it so that now they ignore any of the violent parts they don't want to follow. Demonstrating elegantly that even when there are violent passages in a religious text, they need not be enacted by the faithful using it.

Which is exactly the point Obama was making about Islam.

I don't need Obama to make any point to me. I didn't elect him to preach to me about our past sins. He can go take it to his hateful church of the Reverend Wright
the man hates us with a passion he just never lets a chance go by to show it

Where a rational person would take good advice no matter what the source.

If Christians can turn away from centuries of slaughter, genocide, mutilation, forced conversions and religious wars, then so can Muslims.

yeah sure hummm hum, Obama should leave here and go turn them around then
you both think he's some god
That's exactly the point, Steph. Used to. The more violent parts of the Bible were used to justify some horrific things. But over time Christians interpreted around it so that now they ignore any of the violent parts they don't want to follow. Demonstrating elegantly that even when there are violent passages in a religious text, they need not be enacted by the faithful using it.

Which is exactly the point Obama was making about Islam.
You're an idiot. You know nothing about the Christian Bible. Nothing was interpreted around, people misused it. The NT does not condone OT law or retribution. You saying it was interpreted correctly back then makes you no better than they.

The point obama is making is that he's a clueless fuck and the damage he leaves in his trail of screwups will take a long time to repair.

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