When reality simply doesn't matter...


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
There is nothing like watching socialists/marxists/communists/fascists/etc. attempt to discuss policy and economics. Watching this old buffoon stutter and stammer when challenged with reality is worth the price of admission alone.

Neither California nor Vermont are able to fund their socialized medicine dream. And yet this reality denier refuses to accept that or the fact that his pipe dream has failed by every society that ever tried it.

Bernie Sanders squirms as CNN host spews facts on single-payer health care
There is nothing like watching socialists/marxists/communists/fascists/etc. attempt to discuss policy and economics. Watching this old buffoon stutter and stammer when challenged with reality is worth the price of admission alone.

Neither California nor Vermont are able to fund their socialized medicine dream. And yet this reality denier refuses to accept that or the fact that his pipe dream has failed by every society that ever tried it.

Bernie Sanders squirms as CNN host spews facts on single-payer health care

The People's Republic of Kaliifornistan: The country surrounded by water on one side, and reality on the other.
He wants Medicare for all. For many of us who have worked hard, that would be a huge step down for our healthcare. I would rather see others work their way up to better healthcare instead of everyone being forced to settle for mediocre. Let insurance companies compete. Let drug companies compete instead of allowing Big Pharms to corner the US market.

Congress needs to have the same exact care they push on Americans.
The reality is that the public option is going to come to fruition. The market has failed.
The reality is that the public option is going to come to fruition. The market has failed.
The reality is, Obamacare set the "public option" back 60 years at least. The people got a first-hand look at how atrocious government-run healthcare really is. You'd understand if you weren't a fellow left-wing reality denier.
There is nothing like watching socialists/marxists/communists/fascists/etc. attempt to discuss policy and economics. Watching this old buffoon stutter and stammer when challenged with reality is worth the price of admission alone.

Neither California nor Vermont are able to fund their socialized medicine dream. And yet this reality denier refuses to accept that or the fact that his pipe dream has failed by every society that ever tried it.

Bernie Sanders squirms as CNN host spews facts on single-payer health care

Okay, I watched this whole clip. Bernie did not "squirm". Tapper makes a fair point that single payer failed in Vermont, but what Bernie is 100% correct about is that single payer over time would dramatically save on healthcare costs for consumers in comparison to the system we have now. One huge challenge to implementing single payer is that, yes, it would be very expensive to intially implement. Again, however, it would save on healthcare costs over time.
There is nothing like watching socialists/marxists/communists/fascists/etc. attempt to discuss policy and economics. Watching this old buffoon stutter and stammer when challenged with reality is worth the price of admission alone.

Neither California nor Vermont are able to fund their socialized medicine dream. And yet this reality denier refuses to accept that or the fact that his pipe dream has failed by every society that ever tried it.

Bernie Sanders squirms as CNN host spews facts on single-payer health care

Oh, and socialized medicine works great in Western European nations. Those healthcare systems are objectively better than ours. Canada's is also objectively better than ours.
The reality is that the public option is going to come to fruition. The market has failed.

Only because government interfered and made it impossible for companies to compete for years. Then they tied insurance in with employers. Then they came up with government programs that ensured drug companies would charge even more because they knew government would keep reaching into the pockets of tax payers to foot the bill.

Obamacare favored Big Pharms, which just caused things to get more expensive. It's unsustainable for this country to have half the people pay for the other half. It won't work and the quality of care will decrease. With so much government interference, fewer people will enter the field. That means the government will import foreign doctors, who often don't meet the same standards, and there will be waiting lists, denial of care and experimental and new treatments will be a privilege for the few leaders and their wealthy cronies.

Right now, leaders from socialist and communist countries come here to get treatment not available where they live. Where will people go when America is in the same little boat as the rest of them?

Single payer will fail. Too damn many don't pay a thing and the rest will tire of carrying the weight. It never ends well and especially not with a country this size.
The PPACA has been a great improvement for way more Americans health care than the reich can understand as they only look for abstract failures which are very few and far between. Capitalism is the biggest impediment to affordable health care there is.
Oh, and socialized medicine works great in Western European nations. Those healthcare systems are objectively better than ours. Canada's is also objectively better than ours.
And that's why their wealthy citizens and government officials fly to the U.S. for our healthcare, right genius?
Okay, I watched this whole clip. Bernie did not "squirm". Tapper makes a fair point that single payer failed in Vermont, but what Bernie is 100% correct about is that single payer over time would dramatically save on healthcare costs for consumers in comparison to the system we have now. One huge challenge to implementing single payer is that, yes, it would be very expensive to intially implement. Again, however, it would save on healthcare costs over time.
Ironically enough, that crazy statement is 100% incorrect. Bernie sites $20,000 per year healthcare costs for citizens. The most I have ever paid in premiums in a single year is $3,600. Throw in some deductions and various other costs, and I've never even hit $5,000. So Bernie is citing a figure 4x's that of reality to push his idiotic agenda.

Socialized medicine has never worked. Nobody flies into Canada or Cuba for their miserable healthcare. But wealthy oil sheiks come from all over the world for healthcare here in the U.S.
Oh, and socialized medicine works great in Western European nations. Those healthcare systems are objectively better than ours. Canada's is also objectively better than ours.
And that's why their wealthy citizens and government officials fly to the U.S. for our healthcare, right genius?
Yeah keyword: rich. Rich people come here. Yes, our healthcare is state of the art in quality but that hardly matters if poor people and some in the middle class can't afford it.

Okay, I watched this whole clip. Bernie did not "squirm". Tapper makes a fair point that single payer failed in Vermont, but what Bernie is 100% correct about is that single payer over time would dramatically save on healthcare costs for consumers in comparison to the system we have now. One huge challenge to implementing single payer is that, yes, it would be very expensive to intially implement. Again, however, it would save on healthcare costs over time.
Ironically enough, that crazy statement is 100% incorrect. Bernie sites $20,000 per year healthcare costs for citizens. The most I have ever paid in premiums in a single year is $3,600. Throw in some deductions and various other costs, and I've never even hit $5,000. So Bernie is citing a figure 4x's that of reality to push his idiotic agenda.

Socialized medicine has never worked. Nobody flies into Canada or Cuba for their miserable healthcare. But wealthy oil sheiks come from all over the world for healthcare here in the U.S.
Lol why is your anecdotal case worth jack shit to anyone? Statistics are what matters.

You're just making shit up. Socialized medicine works in most first world countries. Seriously, if they didn't work, why wouldn't they just try our shitty system instead?
Yeah keyword: rich. Rich people come here. Yes, our healthcare is state of the art in quality but that hardly matters if poor people and some in the middle class can't afford it.Duh!
Well you can have your shitty Cuban, cheap healthcare. I'll take state-of-the-art expensive healthcare, thank you.

You get what you pay for in life, chief. There's a reason our healthcare is a billion times better than anywhere else in the world.
Yeah keyword: rich. Rich people come here. Yes, our healthcare is state of the art in quality but that hardly matters if poor people and some in the middle class can't afford it.Duh!
Well you can have your shitty Cuban, cheap healthcare. I'll take state-of-the-art expensive healthcare, thank you.

You get what you pay for in life, chief. There's a reason our healthcare is a billion times better than anywhere else in the world.
We don't need shitty Cuban care. The Nordic healthcare systems are world's better than what we got here. Not only that, but their poverty rates are much lower than the US's.
The Nordic healthcare systems are world's better than what we got here.
So much so that the wealthy oil sheiks from around the world fly there instead of to the U.S. Oh wait....

You're proving the entire premise of this thread. Once again you deny reality in favor of your absurd ideology.

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