*When Plane Hit North Tower: I knew It Was Terrorism*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. I knew.
2. Did you?
3. If I had been President, I would have scrambled F-15's.
4. And ordered them to shoot down any aircraft that was somewhere it should not of been.
5. My dear mother called me and said a plane had hit one of the Twin Towers.
6. I said, "Its the muslims".
7. Matt Larua kept saying the first plane strike was an accident, and he thought it was a small plane.

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No, I did not automatically think terrorism. I really thought the first plane that hit was a damn accident. A pilot passed out, got too low, slammed into the tower.
I seriously thought 'accident'............ is what I thought.
Then of course, when the second one blasted into the second tower....then I knew.
But what difference does it make now??
Sorry bout that,

No, I did not automatically think terrorism. I really thought the first plane that hit was a damn accident. A pilot passed out, got too low, slammed into the tower.
I seriously thought 'accident'............ is what I thought.
Then of course, when the second one blasted into the second tower....then I knew.
But what difference does it make now??

1. It makes a lot of difference.:eusa_hand:
2. Our President should have the common sense to know when we are being attacked, and respond accordingly.
3. One of the Towers could of been saved, along with the Pentagon.
4. If only the President would of reacted *fast*.

Sorry bout that,

1. I knew.
2. Did you?
3. If I had been President, I would have scrambled F-15's.
4. And ordered them to shoot down any aircraft that was somewhere it should not of been.
5. My dear mother called me and said a plane had hit one of the Twin Towers.
6. I said, "Its the muslims".
7. Matt Larua kept saying the first plane strike was an accident, and he thought it was a small plane.


That's what they said about the bombing of the Oklahoma Federal building " It's the Muslims".
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. I knew.
2. Did you?
3. If I had been President, I would have scrambled F-15's.
4. And ordered them to shoot down any aircraft that was somewhere it should not of been.
5. My dear mother called me and said a plane had hit one of the Twin Towers.
6. I said, "Its the muslims".
7. Matt Larua kept saying the first plane strike was an accident, and he thought it was a small plane.


That's what they said about the bombing of the Oklahoma Federal building " It's the Muslims".

1. Why don't you atleast try and not deflect, *all* this political correctness is getting people killed.
2. I am sure when Pearl Harbor was being bombed they knew they needed to defend themselves, not just dismiss it a an accident.
3. Matt Laura, helped the enemy, inadvertently, in any case.:eusa_hand:
4. With the liberal *PC* mindset.

*When Plane Hit North Tower: I knew It Was Terrorism*

And you cheered your ass off.
Sorry bout that,
Sorry bout that,

1. I knew.
2. Did you?
3. If I had been President, I would have scrambled F-15's.
4. And ordered them to shoot down any aircraft that was somewhere it should not of been.
5. My dear mother called me and said a plane had hit one of the Twin Towers.
6. I said, "Its the muslims".
7. Matt Larua kept saying the first plane strike was an accident, and he thought it was a small plane.


Compared to you, Dubya looks like a genius.
Sorry bout that,

No, I did not automatically think terrorism. I really thought the first plane that hit was a damn accident. A pilot passed out, got too low, slammed into the tower.
I seriously thought 'accident'............ is what I thought.
Then of course, when the second one blasted into the second tower....then I knew.
But what difference does it make now??

1. It makes a lot of difference.:eusa_hand:
2. Our President should have the common sense to know when we are being attacked, and respond accordingly.
3. One of the Towers could of been saved, along with the Pentagon.
4. If only the President would of reacted *fast*.


With all due respect.
The President at the time was sitting in a classroom full of children, reading books with them, when the planes smashed into the towers.
He wasn't even aware of the first plane attack until a few moments after the fact.
When he was notified, he remained in the classroom for approximately 7 more minutes. What was he supposed to do at that moment when he was being told planes were attacking the towers??
Jump up......scream.....shout.......run around in circles??
He probably didn't want to scare the bee jeebies out of the children.
What he did after he left the classroom is beyond me...and I know he didn't make many right decisions, but still...wtf was he, or anyone, gonna do at that precise time??
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Sorry bout that,

1. I knew.
2. Did you?
3. If I had been President, I would have scrambled F-15's.
4. And ordered them to shoot down any aircraft that was somewhere it should not of been.
5. My dear mother called me and said a plane had hit one of the Twin Towers.
6. I said, "Its the muslims".
7. Matt Larua kept saying the first plane strike was an accident, and he thought it was a small plane.


Problems with your scenario
1. The president did not see the impact; he was initially informed that "a small, twin-engined plane hit one of the World Trade Center Towers., he knew nothing further, until after the second plane hit, when Andrew Card informed him of that fact, and that "America is under attack."

2. No. North American Air Defense Command did, and began the procedure to scramble fighters in accord with the existing contingency plan.

3. You couldn't have. Since the Cold War was over, there were no longer armed, fueled F-15s or F-16s sitting on the tarmac ready to scramble, with pilots ready to fly them at a moment's notice-in fact, the first fighters scrambled HAD NO LIVE ARMAMENT ABOARD. Further, see the elapsed time between the first impact and the second. IF NORAD HAD armed fighters available, and IF those had been ordered to take off immediately after NORAD received word of the first impact, their was insufficient time to get them airborne and intercept the second plane.

4. How would anyone know that? FAA controllers were not sure which aircraft were hijacks ( a couple they thought MIGHT be, in fact had other, unrelated problems). There were only about 4,000 civilian flights in the air. Which ones would you have shot down, again? How would you know you got the right ones?

5. Is your mother an air traffic controller AND a psychic? Did she know which aircraft were the hijacked ones?

6. "It's the Muslims" covers a lot of people. exactly which ones would you have nuked, and how would you know you hit the right ones, or does that matter?

7. It's Matt Lauer. He is a reporter, not a government official or military commander. I'm pretty sure he did not have either a hotline to the commander at NORAD, or the authority to order fighters scrambled, much less a shootdown of a commercial airliner. Reporters report what they know (often erroneous information; they do not make or execute national policy (let us hope!).

You are NOT the President, (Thank God!) and after that post, I would not trust you to "command" a troop of Girl Scouts on a day hike.
It was the Muslims? Well i didn't know a group of brainwashed scumbags constituted a whole religion.

The 9/11 attacks cannot be blamed on a single person or the U.S Government. Intelligence failure some would say but such attacks cannot be predicted.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

No, I did not automatically think terrorism. I really thought the first plane that hit was a damn accident. A pilot passed out, got too low, slammed into the tower.
I seriously thought 'accident'............ is what I thought.
Then of course, when the second one blasted into the second tower....then I knew.
But what difference does it make now??

1. It makes a lot of difference.:eusa_hand:
2. Our President should have the common sense to know when we are being attacked, and respond accordingly.
3. One of the Towers could of been saved, along with the Pentagon.
4. If only the President would of reacted *fast*.


With all due respect.
The President at the time was sitting in a classroom full of children, reading books with them, when the planes smashed into the towers.
He wasn't even aware of the first plane attack until a few moments after the fact.
When he was notified, he remained in the classroom for approximately 7 more minutes. What was he supposed to do at that moment when he was being told planes were attacking the towers??
Jump up......scream.....shout.......run around in circles??
He probably didn't want to scare the bee jeebies out of the children.
What he did after he left the classroom is beyond me...and I know he didn't make many right decisions, but still...wtf was he, or anyone, gonna do at that precise time??

1. Some one should of *acted*.
2. No one did.

Sorry bout that,

It was the Muslims? Well i didn't know a group of brainwashed scumbags constituted a whole religion.

The 9/11 attacks cannot be blamed on a single person or the U.S Government. Intelligence failure some would say but such attacks cannot be predicted.

1. Bush era *political correctness* talk.


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