When Joe leaves VP office, Hunter suddenly ain't worth a million a year. Hmm.


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2017
Texas hill country
From Hunter Biden's laptop:

The Ukrainian energy company that was paying President Biden's son Hunter $1 million a year cut his monthly compensation in half two months after his father ceased to be vice president.

From May 2014, Burisma Holdings Ltd. was paying Hunter $83,333 a month to sit on its board, invoices on his abandoned laptop show.

But in an email on March 19, 2017, Burisma executive Vadym Pozharskyi asked Hunter to sign a new director's agreement and informed him "the only thing that was amended is the compensation rate."

"We are very much interested in working closely together, and the remuneration is still the highest in the company and higher than the standard director's monthly fees. I am sure you will find it both fair and reasonable."

After the email, the amount listed on Hunter's monthly Burisma invoices was reduced to $41,500, effective from May 2017.

Gee. Joe in office? The money flows. Joe out of office? Much less cash to be paid. Funny how that happens.

In 2017, Burisma was actually expanding operations, which doesn't happen to companies that are losing money, so it's unlikely that that pay cut was based on market conditions.

Coincidences, coincidences. It sounds as if maybe the company had less use for Hunter with old dad, "the big guy" as Hunter put it, out of office. No office, no influence — sorry, Hunter, you're just not as "expert" as Joe says now that Joe is out of office. Take this salary cut and be happy.

It's an old political game we've seen before, again and again: money flows from someplace to some downwind entity that appears legit whenever the Democrat in power is in office. Money ebbs when there is no influence to be bought.

Is this proof of wrong-doing, in and of itself? No. But it looks damning as hell. I was just wondering what Hunter's been doing lately, as he been hired onto a Board of directors again at around a mil/year, in an industry he knows absolutely nothing about and in a country he's never been to, and by a company he probably didn't even know existed before Daddy Joe got elected? I wouldn' be a bit surprised.
From Hunter Biden's laptop:

The Ukrainian energy company that was paying President Biden's son Hunter $1 million a year cut his monthly compensation in half two months after his father ceased to be vice president.

From May 2014, Burisma Holdings Ltd. was paying Hunter $83,333 a month to sit on its board, invoices on his abandoned laptop show.

But in an email on March 19, 2017, Burisma executive Vadym Pozharskyi asked Hunter to sign a new director's agreement and informed him "the only thing that was amended is the compensation rate."

"We are very much interested in working closely together, and the remuneration is still the highest in the company and higher than the standard director's monthly fees. I am sure you will find it both fair and reasonable."

After the email, the amount listed on Hunter's monthly Burisma invoices was reduced to $41,500, effective from May 2017.

Gee. Joe in office? The money flows. Joe out of office? Much less cash to be paid. Funny how that happens.

In 2017, Burisma was actually expanding operations, which doesn't happen to companies that are losing money, so it's unlikely that that pay cut was based on market conditions.

Coincidences, coincidences. It sounds as if maybe the company had less use for Hunter with old dad, "the big guy" as Hunter put it, out of office. No office, no influence — sorry, Hunter, you're just not as "expert" as Joe says now that Joe is out of office. Take this salary cut and be happy.

It's an old political game we've seen before, again and again: money flows from someplace to some downwind entity that appears legit whenever the Democrat in power is in office. Money ebbs when there is no influence to be bought.

Is this proof of wrong-doing, in and of itself? No. But it looks damning as hell. I was just wondering what Hunter's been doing lately, as he been hired onto a Board of directors again at around a mil/year, in an industry he knows absolutely nothing about and in a country he's never been to, and by a company he probably didn't even know existed before Daddy Joe got elected? I wouldn' be a bit surprised.
everybody knows the bidens are crooks
Hunter is Biden on cocaine. They're very similar, the apple didn't fall far from that tree at all.

They're both very creepy, but the left doesn't mind that a pinch. Push comes to shove they'll take creepy all day over someone suggesting they'd grab a pussy, am I right?
From Hunter Biden's laptop:

The Ukrainian energy company that was paying President Biden's son Hunter $1 million a year cut his monthly compensation in half two months after his father ceased to be vice president.

From May 2014, Burisma Holdings Ltd. was paying Hunter $83,333 a month to sit on its board, invoices on his abandoned laptop show.

But in an email on March 19, 2017, Burisma executive Vadym Pozharskyi asked Hunter to sign a new director's agreement and informed him "the only thing that was amended is the compensation rate."

"We are very much interested in working closely together, and the remuneration is still the highest in the company and higher than the standard director's monthly fees. I am sure you will find it both fair and reasonable."

After the email, the amount listed on Hunter's monthly Burisma invoices was reduced to $41,500, effective from May 2017.

Gee. Joe in office? The money flows. Joe out of office? Much less cash to be paid. Funny how that happens.

In 2017, Burisma was actually expanding operations, which doesn't happen to companies that are losing money, so it's unlikely that that pay cut was based on market conditions.

Coincidences, coincidences. It sounds as if maybe the company had less use for Hunter with old dad, "the big guy" as Hunter put it, out of office. No office, no influence — sorry, Hunter, you're just not as "expert" as Joe says now that Joe is out of office. Take this salary cut and be happy.

It's an old political game we've seen before, again and again: money flows from someplace to some downwind entity that appears legit whenever the Democrat in power is in office. Money ebbs when there is no influence to be bought.

Is this proof of wrong-doing, in and of itself? No. But it looks damning as hell. I was just wondering what Hunter's been doing lately, as he been hired onto a Board of directors again at around a mil/year, in an industry he knows absolutely nothing about and in a country he's never been to, and by a company he probably didn't even know existed before Daddy Joe got elected? I wouldn' be a bit surprised.

The whole system is corrupt. But you act like only a part of it is.

That's why corruption continues, because there's no proper oversight.
That's why corruption continues, because there's no proper oversight.

The keyword in that sentence is 'proper'. Elections and our system of justice are supposed to reduce if not eliminate corruption, but we keep voting in the same bastards and in our efforts to protect the innocent from an unjust verdict we make it very hard to convict anybody. And race/ethnicity/politics comes into play when you have a biased DOJ, plus judges and juries that decide a person's guilt on other factors besides the facts and evidence. So, too many people get away with doing something illegal and we have little or no deterrence to stop future misdeeds.

The other thing is, IMHO we have too damn much fraud, waste, and abuse in our gov'ts at every level and that lends itself to more corruption cuz there's more money to be stolen, bribed, cheated, or otherwise mis-spent. And lastly, the 4th estate (media) ought to be assiduously watching what's going on and reporting the news in an impartial manner, but unfortunately they are not doing that. One party pretty much gets away with almost anything and the other side is hounded to death for farting in church. Look at the way the media covered the riots last year vs the break-in at the Capitol on Jan 6. Those guys shoud be horse-whipped and hung but the other guys were merely engaged in a peaceful protest.
That's why corruption continues, because there's no proper oversight.

The keyword in that sentence is 'proper'. Elections and our system of justice are supposed to reduce if not eliminate corruption, but we keep voting in the same bastards and in our efforts to protect the innocent from an unjust verdict we make it very hard to convict anybody. And race/ethnicity/politics comes into play when you have a biased DOJ, plus judges and juries that decide a person's guilt on other factors besides the facts and evidence. So, too many people get away with doing something illegal and we have little or no deterrence to stop future misdeeds.

The other thing is, IMHO we have too damn much fraud, waste, and abuse in our gov'ts at every level and that lends itself to more corruption cuz there's more money to be stolen, bribed, cheated, or otherwise mis-spent. And lastly, the 4th estate (media) ought to be assiduously watching what's going on and reporting the news in an impartial manner, but unfortunately they are not doing that. One party pretty much gets away with almost anything and the other side is hounded to death for farting in church. Look at the way the media covered the riots last year vs the break-in at the Capitol on Jan 6. Those guys shoud be horse-whipped and hung but the other guys were merely engaged in a peaceful protest.

Problem is the current system literally decides who people vote for and the results.

We know this because in Germany they vote FPTP and PR at the same time, and with PR they get strange results.

Firstly the larger parties get more votes. In fact in the last election 8% of people change their vote from larger parties with FPTP to smaller parties with PR.

Also the CDU/CSU gained 36% of the vote and 77% of the seats with FPTP, a ridiculous result. Luckily they have PR too, which helped reduce the CDU/CSU's seat count massively.
From Hunter Biden's laptop:

The Ukrainian energy company that was paying President Biden's son Hunter $1 million a year cut his monthly compensation in half two months after his father ceased to be vice president.

From May 2014, Burisma Holdings Ltd. was paying Hunter $83,333 a month to sit on its board, invoices on his abandoned laptop show.

But in an email on March 19, 2017, Burisma executive Vadym Pozharskyi asked Hunter to sign a new director's agreement and informed him "the only thing that was amended is the compensation rate."

"We are very much interested in working closely together, and the remuneration is still the highest in the company and higher than the standard director's monthly fees. I am sure you will find it both fair and reasonable."

After the email, the amount listed on Hunter's monthly Burisma invoices was reduced to $41,500, effective from May 2017.

Gee. Joe in office? The money flows. Joe out of office? Much less cash to be paid. Funny how that happens.

In 2017, Burisma was actually expanding operations, which doesn't happen to companies that are losing money, so it's unlikely that that pay cut was based on market conditions.

Coincidences, coincidences. It sounds as if maybe the company had less use for Hunter with old dad, "the big guy" as Hunter put it, out of office. No office, no influence — sorry, Hunter, you're just not as "expert" as Joe says now that Joe is out of office. Take this salary cut and be happy.

It's an old political game we've seen before, again and again: money flows from someplace to some downwind entity that appears legit whenever the Democrat in power is in office. Money ebbs when there is no influence to be bought.

Is this proof of wrong-doing, in and of itself? No. But it looks damning as hell. I was just wondering what Hunter's been doing lately, as he been hired onto a Board of directors again at around a mil/year, in an industry he knows absolutely nothing about and in a country he's never been to, and by a company he probably didn't even know existed before Daddy Joe got elected? I wouldn' be a bit surprised.

The whole system is corrupt. But you act like only a part of it is.

That's why corruption continues, because there's no proper oversight.
Children of the very powerful do well in business? I am shocked shocked -you need evidence of any wrongdoing or STFU.
From Hunter Biden's laptop:

The Ukrainian energy company that was paying President Biden's son Hunter $1 million a year cut his monthly compensation in half two months after his father ceased to be vice president.

From May 2014, Burisma Holdings Ltd. was paying Hunter $83,333 a month to sit on its board, invoices on his abandoned laptop show.

But in an email on March 19, 2017, Burisma executive Vadym Pozharskyi asked Hunter to sign a new director's agreement and informed him "the only thing that was amended is the compensation rate."

"We are very much interested in working closely together, and the remuneration is still the highest in the company and higher than the standard director's monthly fees. I am sure you will find it both fair and reasonable."

After the email, the amount listed on Hunter's monthly Burisma invoices was reduced to $41,500, effective from May 2017.

Gee. Joe in office? The money flows. Joe out of office? Much less cash to be paid. Funny how that happens.

In 2017, Burisma was actually expanding operations, which doesn't happen to companies that are losing money, so it's unlikely that that pay cut was based on market conditions.

Coincidences, coincidences. It sounds as if maybe the company had less use for Hunter with old dad, "the big guy" as Hunter put it, out of office. No office, no influence — sorry, Hunter, you're just not as "expert" as Joe says now that Joe is out of office. Take this salary cut and be happy.

It's an old political game we've seen before, again and again: money flows from someplace to some downwind entity that appears legit whenever the Democrat in power is in office. Money ebbs when there is no influence to be bought.

Is this proof of wrong-doing, in and of itself? No. But it looks damning as hell. I was just wondering what Hunter's been doing lately, as he been hired onto a Board of directors again at around a mil/year, in an industry he knows absolutely nothing about and in a country he's never been to, and by a company he probably didn't even know existed before Daddy Joe got elected? I wouldn' be a bit surprised.

The whole system is corrupt. But you act like only a part of it is.

That's why corruption continues, because there's no proper oversight.
Children of the very powerful do well in business? I am shocked shocked -you need evidence of any wrongdoing or STFU.

I literally see NOTHING in your reply that has anything to do with what I wrote
From Hunter Biden's laptop:

The Ukrainian energy company that was paying President Biden's son Hunter $1 million a year cut his monthly compensation in half two months after his father ceased to be vice president.

From May 2014, Burisma Holdings Ltd. was paying Hunter $83,333 a month to sit on its board, invoices on his abandoned laptop show.

But in an email on March 19, 2017, Burisma executive Vadym Pozharskyi asked Hunter to sign a new director's agreement and informed him "the only thing that was amended is the compensation rate."

"We are very much interested in working closely together, and the remuneration is still the highest in the company and higher than the standard director's monthly fees. I am sure you will find it both fair and reasonable."

After the email, the amount listed on Hunter's monthly Burisma invoices was reduced to $41,500, effective from May 2017.

Gee. Joe in office? The money flows. Joe out of office? Much less cash to be paid. Funny how that happens.

In 2017, Burisma was actually expanding operations, which doesn't happen to companies that are losing money, so it's unlikely that that pay cut was based on market conditions.

Coincidences, coincidences. It sounds as if maybe the company had less use for Hunter with old dad, "the big guy" as Hunter put it, out of office. No office, no influence — sorry, Hunter, you're just not as "expert" as Joe says now that Joe is out of office. Take this salary cut and be happy.

It's an old political game we've seen before, again and again: money flows from someplace to some downwind entity that appears legit whenever the Democrat in power is in office. Money ebbs when there is no influence to be bought.

Is this proof of wrong-doing, in and of itself? No. But it looks damning as hell. I was just wondering what Hunter's been doing lately, as he been hired onto a Board of directors again at around a mil/year, in an industry he knows absolutely nothing about and in a country he's never been to, and by a company he probably didn't even know existed before Daddy Joe got elected? I wouldn' be a bit surprised.

Wow, that is a real kick in the head! Sucks to be Hunter. Quick, someone better make Joe VP of something again!

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