When Is General Flynn Going To Get Justice?

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Multiple Felonies were committed AGAINST him.
So when are the people that committed these crimes going to get prosecuted?
Flynn has not committed any crimes. In fact, the illegal surveillance conducted against him actually exonerated him from the accusations leveled by The Leftist Fascists.
So do other criminals that get narked on.
WTF he was a GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL. Have some standards. Saying he needs justice is a load of crap
Multiple Felonies were committed AGAINST him.
So when are the people that committed these crimes going to get prosecuted?
Flynn has not committed any crimes. In fact, the illegal surveillance conducted against him actually exonerated him from the accusations leveled by The Leftist Fascists.

General Flynn would have been a great and efficient advisor for Trump.

But efficient President Trump is a nightmare for Dems and their bosses, Global elites.

I think the people who committed felonies and crimes against Flynn may be punished only after the world starts investigating and condemning the crimes of Global Elites all over the world. Soros should be investigated to begin with.

But the Elites keep the world busy with investigating alleged Trump crimes instead.
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So do other criminals that get narked on.
WTF he was a GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL. Have some standards. Saying he needs justice is a load of crap
Felonies were committed against him and he is an American Citizen, therefore he deserves equal protection under the law, and due process.
He committed no crimes, but he was a victim of crime. He deserves to see the criminal Obama Administration punished for their Felonious Acts.
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So do other criminals that get narked on.
WTF he was a GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL. Have some standards. Saying he needs justice is a load of crap
Felonies were committed against him and he is an American Citizen, therefore he deserves equal protection under the law, and due process.
He committed no crimes, but he was a victim of crime. He deserves to see the criminal Obama Administration punished for their Felonious Acts.
I understand he didn't get charged with anything. Him breaking a law is debatable. I have seen some decent arguments..
The fact of the matter is, he deserved what he got. We should know when our govt is lying. They work for US.
Not to mention, there are a few SC cases that outline how government officials don't have complete constitutional authority because they ARE the govt. The COTUS is a LIMIT to their power.
So do other criminals that get narked on.
WTF he was a GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL. Have some standards. Saying he needs justice is a load of crap
Felonies were committed against him and he is an American Citizen, therefore he deserves equal protection under the law, and due process.
He committed no crimes, but he was a victim of crime. He deserves to see the criminal Obama Administration punished for their Felonious Acts.
I understand he didn't get charged with anything. Him breaking a law is debatable. I have seen some decent arguments..
The fact of the matter is, he deserved what he got. We should know when our govt is lying. They work for US.
Not to mention, there are a few SC cases that outline how government officials don't have complete constitutional authority because they ARE the govt. The COTUS is a LIMIT to their power.

Let me ask you this, because you seem reasonable. Do you think at least someone should be prosecuted for anything I am listing below?

What The Left is doing is treasonous. They know that The Russian Allegations are false. It's their only play after losing election after election. America is so sick of The Left, that you can literally body slam a DemNazi reporter and still get elected. The whole "Russian" narrative was dreamed up by Hillary Clinton's friend and Cyber Security Advisor, Dr. Jean Camp soic.indiana.edu/all-people/profile.html?profile_id=178

And the only Hacking that was PROVEN beyond a shadow of a doubt were hacks in to The Trump Tower Server and Russian Alpha Bank to plant false evidence (beacon pings) and try to frame The President and call in to question the whole Russian Collusion narrative.

Clinton & Jean Camp and her team, or someone from the Obama Regime probably did this dirty deed.

They planted fake evidence to try to justify illegal surveillance and manipulate the outcome of an election.

So who hacked The Election?

Clinton, Obama, Jean Camp, & The DNC.


Not baseless unprovable accusations...real proof.

  • Obama tried to hack in to voting machines 1,000s of times unsuccessfully because he wanted a Federal takeover of State Elections. Sounds like Joe Stalin, huh? Phucking Marxist Pig
  • The Left Hacked in to The Trump Tower Server & Russia Alpha Bank to plant false evidence in the form of a beacon ping
  • The Left Rigged Their Own Primary
  • The Left Colluded with Fake News Media and Social Media to push Fake News and False Accusations on the Public 24-7
  • The Left Rigged Fake Interviews, and had actors show up at press conferences to ask Fake Questions
  • The Left leaked classified information specifically for the purpose of altering the outcome of our election
  • The Left Stole Debate Questions and tried to rig The Debates
  • Two Leftist Scumbag Heads of The DNC were fired in the middle of Clinton's Campaign for Election Fraud, but only because they were caught, and were replaced by a Flaming Racist.
  • Multiple Dem Operatives running the Left's Biggest PACs were fired when they were exposed for carrying out orders by THE DNC to pay for thugs to assault and vandalize, harass and intimidate and bloody conservative voters.
  • Disgraced head of The IRS was busted for being ordered by Obama for using The IRS as a weapon but she only got off because Comey covered for her.
  • Clinton by Law should have been Indicted for Felonies and barred for life for running for office, but Comey covered for her.
  • Holder, Lynch, Koskinen should all be in jail for Perjury, Obstruction of Justice, Misappropriation of Funds, Corruption, and other Treasonous acts, but Comey covered for them.
  • Rice and Valerie Jarret should also be under investigation & the same with Powers, and Farkas for Crimes they committed, but Comey covered for them.
  • Clinton should be in jail for running a money laundering operation but Comey and Lynch covered for her.
  • And then there is Comey himself who should be investigated for granting the entire Clinton team immunity, even their IT staff, then sealing their testimonies, sweeping it all under the rug and washing his hands of it.
The only evidence of anyone hacking the election is on The LEFT....and it's real hard tangible evidence, that a man Loyal and Honest to The United States would have pursued and done the right thing....but Comey isn't that man.

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So do other criminals that get narked on.
WTF he was a GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL. Have some standards. Saying he needs justice is a load of crap
Felonies were committed against him and he is an American Citizen, therefore he deserves equal protection under the law, and due process.
He committed no crimes, but he was a victim of crime. He deserves to see the criminal Obama Administration punished for their Felonious Acts.
I understand he didn't get charged with anything. Him breaking a law is debatable. I have seen some decent arguments..
The fact of the matter is, he deserved what he got. We should know when our govt is lying. They work for US.
Not to mention, there are a few SC cases that outline how government officials don't have complete constitutional authority because they ARE the govt. The COTUS is a LIMIT to their power.

Let me ask you this, because you seem reasonable. Do you think at least someone should be prosecuted for anything I am listing below?

What The Left is doing is treasonous. They know that The Russian Allegations are false. It's their only play after losing election after election. America is so sick of The Left, that you can literally body slam a DemNazi reporter and still get elected. The whole "Russian" narrative was dreamed up by Hillary Clinton's friend and Cyber Security Advisor, Dr. Jean Camp soic.indiana.edu/all-people/profile.html?profile_id=178

And the only Hacking that was PROVEN beyond a shadow of a doubt were hacks in to The Trump Tower Server and Russian Alpha Bank to plant false evidence (beacon pings) and try to frame The President and call in to question the whole Russian Collusion narrative.

Clinton & Jean Camp and her team, or someone from the Obama Regime probably did this dirty deed.

They planted fake evidence to try to justify an illegal investigation and manipulate the outcome of an election.

So who hacked The Election?

Clinton, Obama, Jean Camp, & The DNC.


Not baseless unprovable accusations...real proof.

  • Obama tried to hack in to voting machines 1,000s of times unsuccessfully because he wanted a Federal takeover of State Elections. Sounds like Joe Stalin, huh? Phucking Marxist Pig
  • The Left Hacked in to The Trump Tower Server & Russia Alpha Bank.
  • The Left Rigged Their Own Primary
  • The Left Colluded with Fake News Media and Social Media to push Fake News and False Accusations on the Public 24-7
  • The Left Rigged Fake Interviews, and had actors show up at press conferences to ask Fake Questions
  • The Left Stole Debate Questions and tried to rig The Debates
  • Two Leftist Scumbag Heads of The DNC were fired in the middle of Clinton's Campaign for Election Fraud, but only because they were caught, and were replaced by a Flaming Racist.
  • Multiple Dem Operatives running the Left's Biggest PACs were fired when they were exposed for carrying out orders by THE DNC to pay for thugs to assault and vandalize, harass and intimidate and bloody conservative voters.
  • Disgraced head of The IRS was busted for being ordered by Obama for using The IRS as a weapon but she only got off because Comey covered for her.
  • Clinton by Law should have been Indicted for Felonies and barred for life for running for office, but Comey covered for her.
  • Holder, Lynch, Koskinen should all be in jail for Perjury, Obstruction of Justice, Misappropriation of Funds, Corruption, and other Treasonous acts, but Comey covered for them.
  • Rice and Valerie Jarret should also be under investigation the same with Powers, and Farkas for Crimes they committed, but Comey covered for them.
  • And then there is Comey himself who should be investigated for granting the entire Clinton team immunity, then sealing their testimonies, sweeping it all under the rug and washing his hands of it.

The only evidence of anyone hacking the election is on The LEFT....and it's real hard tangible evidence, that a man Loyal and Honest to The United States would have pursued and done the right thing....but Comey isn't that man.

I don't believe the russian state hacked. At least until I see proof.
Technically, by law, the person should be punished. But that also defies civic duty IMO. Like I said, The govt works for us and Flynn was the govt..
We the People, deserve to know when our employees are fucking up.
This person didn't leak military plans or put our country in danger. They told us our govt was lying. I just cant jump on board with that. I am a grumpy, insatiable opponent of overstepping government.
Shock claim about FBI's Michael Flynn interview raises questions

Fast-forward to December, after the probe takeover by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, and Flynn would plead guilty to one count of making false statements to the FBI during that meeting.

So what changed? The Examiner reported that those briefed by Comey are now “baffled by the turn of events.”

The revelation is likely to increase the scrutiny of Mueller, whose team already has faced accusations of bias in the wake of anti-Trump text messages from Peter Strzok and Lisa Page -- two FBI officials who once served on his team.

Incidentally, Mueller’s team postponed Flynn’s sentencing last month, citing the “status” of the investigation -- a move that also added to speculation about the direction of the Russia probe.


“Due to the status of the Special Counsel’s investigation, the parties do not believe that this matter is ready to be scheduled for a sentencing hearing at this time,” the document, signed by Mueller and Flynn attorneys Robert Kelner and Stephen Anthony, said.

And on Wednesday, Mueller's team filed a protective order "governing the production of discovery."

The Comey revelation also could raise questions about the involvement of Obama appointees, specifically fomer Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates who briefly served as acting attorney general at the end of January 2017. She would later be fired by Trump for refusing to defend his travel ban -- making her a hero of the anti-Trump left.

The Examiner also reported that the FBI apparently did not tell White House officials in advance that agents would be interviewing Flynn over a potentially criminal matter, and that Flynn did not have a lawyer present.

Further, the report questioned whether the DOJ relied on the obscure Logan Act as a mere pretext to question Flynn -- a law restricting discussions with foreign governments that has never been used to successfully prosecute anyone.

A spokesman with the special counsel's office declined to comment on the latest claims, referring back to the original plea documents.

J. Christian Adams, president of the Public Interest Legal Foundation and a former DOJ lawyer, questioned Yates' role.

“Yates represents [former Obama attorney general] Eric Holder’s most enduring legacy -- normalization of political law enforcement,” Adams told Fox News.

“She saw it as her mission to sabotage the incoming administration. We know she did it on the travel ban. Now we know she did it to screw over General Flynn," he added.

Attempts to contact Yates for comment were unsuccessful.

Shock claim about FBI's Michael Flynn interview raises questions
Multiple Felonies were committed AGAINST him.
So when are the people that committed these crimes going to get prosecuted?
Flynn has not committed any crimes. In fact, the illegal surveillance conducted against him actually exonerated him from the accusations leveled by The Leftist Fascists.
When he is hung from a lampost.
So do other criminals that get narked on.
WTF he was a GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL. Have some standards. Saying he needs justice is a load of crap
Felonies were committed against him and he is an American Citizen, therefore he deserves equal protection under the law, and due process.
He committed no crimes, but he was a victim of crime. He deserves to see the criminal Obama Administration punished for their Felonious Acts.
I understand he didn't get charged with anything. Him breaking a law is debatable. I have seen some decent arguments..
The fact of the matter is, he deserved what he got. We should know when our govt is lying. They work for US.
Not to mention, there are a few SC cases that outline how government officials don't have complete constitutional authority because they ARE the govt. The COTUS is a LIMIT to their power.

Let me ask you this, because you seem reasonable. Do you think at least someone should be prosecuted for anything I am listing below?

What The Left is doing is treasonous. They know that The Russian Allegations are false. It's their only play after losing election after election. America is so sick of The Left, that you can literally body slam a DemNazi reporter and still get elected. The whole "Russian" narrative was dreamed up by Hillary Clinton's friend and Cyber Security Advisor, Dr. Jean Camp soic.indiana.edu/all-people/profile.html?profile_id=178

And the only Hacking that was PROVEN beyond a shadow of a doubt were hacks in to The Trump Tower Server and Russian Alpha Bank to plant false evidence (beacon pings) and try to frame The President and call in to question the whole Russian Collusion narrative.

Clinton & Jean Camp and her team, or someone from the Obama Regime probably did this dirty deed.

They planted fake evidence to try to justify illegal surveillance and manipulate the outcome of an election.

So who hacked The Election?

Clinton, Obama, Jean Camp, & The DNC.


Not baseless unprovable accusations...real proof.

  • Obama tried to hack in to voting machines 1,000s of times unsuccessfully because he wanted a Federal takeover of State Elections. Sounds like Joe Stalin, huh? Phucking Marxist Pig
  • The Left Hacked in to The Trump Tower Server & Russia Alpha Bank to plant false evidence in the form of a beacon ping
  • The Left Rigged Their Own Primary
  • The Left Colluded with Fake News Media and Social Media to push Fake News and False Accusations on the Public 24-7
  • The Left Rigged Fake Interviews, and had actors show up at press conferences to ask Fake Questions
  • The Left leaked classified information specifically for the purpose of altering the outcome of our election
  • The Left Stole Debate Questions and tried to rig The Debates
  • Two Leftist Scumbag Heads of The DNC were fired in the middle of Clinton's Campaign for Election Fraud, but only because they were caught, and were replaced by a Flaming Racist.
  • Multiple Dem Operatives running the Left's Biggest PACs were fired when they were exposed for carrying out orders by THE DNC to pay for thugs to assault and vandalize, harass and intimidate and bloody conservative voters.
  • Disgraced head of The IRS was busted for being ordered by Obama for using The IRS as a weapon but she only got off because Comey covered for her.
  • Clinton by Law should have been Indicted for Felonies and barred for life for running for office, but Comey covered for her.
  • Holder, Lynch, Koskinen should all be in jail for Perjury, Obstruction of Justice, Misappropriation of Funds, Corruption, and other Treasonous acts, but Comey covered for them.
  • Rice and Valerie Jarret should also be under investigation & the same with Powers, and Farkas for Crimes they committed, but Comey covered for them.
  • Clinton should be in jail for running a money laundering operation but Comey and Lynch covered for her.
  • And then there is Comey himself who should be investigated for granting the entire Clinton team immunity, even their IT staff, then sealing their testimonies, sweeping it all under the rug and washing his hands of it.
The only evidence of anyone hacking the election is on The LEFT....and it's real hard tangible evidence, that a man Loyal and Honest to The United States would have pursued and done the right thing....but Comey isn't that man.

TOT, your posts get right to the heart of the matter. This post of yours has some proven points, some speculative ones as well. But, when you add together what has been proven and is common knowledge, using any standard of reasonable logic, it is highly MORE likely, that the Obama administration.........or people in it.........did some really nefarious things in this election.

Now, I have stated in multiple threads, and I hope that YOU will join the chorus; that all of this means NOTHING, IF people are not indicted. Innuendo will not make it this time. Americans have had to listen for at least 2 decades, to the Left insist nothing ever happened, because nobody was ever charged when dealing with the Clintons. They are so arrogant about it, that they made her their standard bearer, and were it not for 300,000 people in a few states, she and Bill would have been back in the White House!

The Trump Administration had better realize, that IF they are telling the truth, this country will end up being run by people cut from the same cloth as the Clinton machine, if they do not charge at least some of these people so as it all comes out. If they do not charge and prosecute people ruining their reputations and political careers, then what would be the reason to dissuade people from doing such things?

Leftists on this board are really silly, they are TOT. They fight for BIG GOVERNMENT. That is what they want. And yet, everything they rail against has been caused by BIG GOVERNMENT!


1. Who created and enforced slavery? ANSWER: government!

2. Who created and enforced poll taxes? ANSWER: government.

3. Who enforced segregation?

4. Who creates the carve outs for certain corporations by lobbyists?

5. Who insists you give money in taxes for schools, then demands that if you want it back, you MUST send your children to the school that THEY choose for them?

With all of these examples, and many more we could list, why would Leftists think that EITHER party would not be so inclined if in power, to decide who/whom the next President will be, regardless of who we the citizens want, and use the power of the state to make it happen?

This is exactly why the Trump Administration has GOT TO prosecute. If they do that, they will not only dissuade others from doing the same thing, but it will wake up Democrats (not Leftists) that our government is out of control. It has to much power over the citizens, and the states. You see, that is the difference between us and the Leftists. We want to shrink the government down somewhat, they want to keep it just as it is, and keep it growing larger, as long as THEY CAN CONTROL IT!
Multiple Felonies were committed AGAINST him.
So when are the people that committed these crimes going to get prosecuted?
Flynn has not committed any crimes. In fact, the illegal surveillance conducted against him actually exonerated him from the accusations leveled by The Leftist Fascists.
I doubt any of these goons are going to get what they deserve until Trump replaces that spineless Sessions with someone willing to do the job.
Multiple Felonies were committed AGAINST him.
So when are the people that committed these crimes going to get prosecuted?
Flynn has not committed any crimes. In fact, the illegal surveillance conducted against him actually exonerated him from the accusations leveled by The Leftist Fascists.

You're either stupid, crazy, or a Russian bot.

General Flynn should be raped in prison while his son watches.

That would be justice.
"Comey reportedly told lawmakers at the time that agents who interviewed Flynn did not believe he lied to them in that Jan. 24 meeting, and that any inaccuracies in his account were unintentional."

So much for Mueller's / Strzok's BS about Flynn lying to the FBI!

This is more example of Rosenstein's and Mueller's (past) prosecutorial misconduct!

As they have done in the past, they created false charges to try to get evidence from their target.

Shut down the circus.
Fire the clowns.
Then indict THEM!

Shock claim about FBI's Michael Flynn interview raises questions
Multiple Felonies were committed AGAINST him.
So when are the people that committed these crimes going to get prosecuted?
Flynn has not committed any crimes. In fact, the illegal surveillance conducted against him actually exonerated him from the accusations leveled by The Leftist Fascists.

You Russian bots are getting ridiculous.

Flynn is lucky he’s not going to spend the rest of his life in jail for treason.
"Comey reportedly told lawmakers at the time that agents who interviewed Flynn did not believe he lied to them in that Jan. 24 meeting, and that any inaccuracies in his account were unintentional."

So much for Mueller's / Strzok's BS about Flynn lying to the FBI!

This is more example of Rosenstein's and Mueller's (past) prosecutorial misconduct!

As they have done in the past, they created false charges to try to get evidence from their target.

Shut down the circus.
Fire the clowns.
Then indict THEM!

Shock claim about FBI's Michael Flynn interview raises questions
I think Flynn knows what he has done that was illegal, and Flynn knows what he said to the FBI

AND Flynn has made the decision to plead guilty to the lesser crime, lying to the FBI, in order to not be charged with the bigger crimes that he KNOWS he has committed...
"Comey reportedly told lawmakers at the time that agents who interviewed Flynn did not believe he lied to them in that Jan. 24 meeting, and that any inaccuracies in his account were unintentional."

So much for Mueller's / Strzok's BS about Flynn lying to the FBI!

This is more example of Rosenstein's and Mueller's (past) prosecutorial misconduct!

As they have done in the past, they created false charges to try to get evidence from their target.

Shut down the circus.
Fire the clowns.
Then indict THEM!

Shock claim about FBI's Michael Flynn interview raises questions
I think Flynn knows what he has done that was illegal, and Flynn knows what he said to the FBI

AND Flynn has made the decision to plead guilty to the lesser crime, lying to the FBI, in order to not be charged with the bigger crimes that he KNOWS he has committed...
You're obviously an idiot, so what you believe is not important. You want Flynn to be guilty, hence you conclude he is guilty. That's how your "thought process" works. Your mind works the same as the mind of a stone age savage. You're a perfect snowflake.
Multiple Felonies were committed AGAINST him.
So when are the people that committed these crimes going to get prosecuted?
Flynn has not committed any crimes. In fact, the illegal surveillance conducted against him actually exonerated him from the accusations leveled by The Leftist Fascists.

If I call a local drug dealer about buying drugs and the police (who have been watching the dealer to gather evidence of his drug dealing) come to my house and arrest me for trying buy drugs, can I claim innocence because they illegally tapped my drug solicitation call?
So do other criminals that get narked on.
WTF he was a GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL. Have some standards. Saying he needs justice is a load of crap
Felonies were committed against him and he is an American Citizen, therefore he deserves equal protection under the law, and due process.
He committed no crimes, but he was a victim of crime. He deserves to see the criminal Obama Administration punished for their Felonious Acts.
I understand he didn't get charged with anything. Him breaking a law is debatable. I have seen some decent arguments..
The fact of the matter is, he deserved what he got. We should know when our govt is lying. They work for US.
Not to mention, there are a few SC cases that outline how government officials don't have complete constitutional authority because they ARE the govt. The COTUS is a LIMIT to their power.

Let me ask you this, because you seem reasonable. Do you think at least someone should be prosecuted for anything I am listing below?

What The Left is doing is treasonous. They know that The Russian Allegations are false. It's their only play after losing election after election. America is so sick of The Left, that you can literally body slam a DemNazi reporter and still get elected. The whole "Russian" narrative was dreamed up by Hillary Clinton's friend and Cyber Security Advisor, Dr. Jean Camp soic.indiana.edu/all-people/profile.html?profile_id=178

And the only Hacking that was PROVEN beyond a shadow of a doubt were hacks in to The Trump Tower Server and Russian Alpha Bank to plant false evidence (beacon pings) and try to frame The President and call in to question the whole Russian Collusion narrative.

Clinton & Jean Camp and her team, or someone from the Obama Regime probably did this dirty deed.

They planted fake evidence to try to justify illegal surveillance and manipulate the outcome of an election.

So who hacked The Election?

Clinton, Obama, Jean Camp, & The DNC.


Not baseless unprovable accusations...real proof.

  • Obama tried to hack in to voting machines 1,000s of times unsuccessfully because he wanted a Federal takeover of State Elections. Sounds like Joe Stalin, huh? Phucking Marxist Pig
  • The Left Hacked in to The Trump Tower Server & Russia Alpha Bank to plant false evidence in the form of a beacon ping
  • The Left Rigged Their Own Primary
  • The Left Colluded with Fake News Media and Social Media to push Fake News and False Accusations on the Public 24-7
  • The Left Rigged Fake Interviews, and had actors show up at press conferences to ask Fake Questions
  • The Left leaked classified information specifically for the purpose of altering the outcome of our election
  • The Left Stole Debate Questions and tried to rig The Debates
  • Two Leftist Scumbag Heads of The DNC were fired in the middle of Clinton's Campaign for Election Fraud, but only because they were caught, and were replaced by a Flaming Racist.
  • Multiple Dem Operatives running the Left's Biggest PACs were fired when they were exposed for carrying out orders by THE DNC to pay for thugs to assault and vandalize, harass and intimidate and bloody conservative voters.
  • Disgraced head of The IRS was busted for being ordered by Obama for using The IRS as a weapon but she only got off because Comey covered for her.
  • Clinton by Law should have been Indicted for Felonies and barred for life for running for office, but Comey covered for her.
  • Holder, Lynch, Koskinen should all be in jail for Perjury, Obstruction of Justice, Misappropriation of Funds, Corruption, and other Treasonous acts, but Comey covered for them.
  • Rice and Valerie Jarret should also be under investigation & the same with Powers, and Farkas for Crimes they committed, but Comey covered for them.
  • Clinton should be in jail for running a money laundering operation but Comey and Lynch covered for her.
  • And then there is Comey himself who should be investigated for granting the entire Clinton team immunity, even their IT staff, then sealing their testimonies, sweeping it all under the rug and washing his hands of it.
The only evidence of anyone hacking the election is on The LEFT....and it's real hard tangible evidence, that a man Loyal and Honest to The United States would have pursued and done the right thing....but Comey isn't that man.

TOT, your posts get right to the heart of the matter. This post of yours has some proven points, some speculative ones as well. But, when you add together what has been proven and is common knowledge, using any standard of reasonable logic, it is highly MORE likely, that the Obama administration.........or people in it.........did some really nefarious things in this election.

Now, I have stated in multiple threads, and I hope that YOU will join the chorus; that all of this means NOTHING, IF people are not indicted. Innuendo will not make it this time. Americans have had to listen for at least 2 decades, to the Left insist nothing ever happened, because nobody was ever charged when dealing with the Clintons. They are so arrogant about it, that they made her their standard bearer, and were it not for 300,000 people in a few states, she and Bill would have been back in the White House!

The Trump Administration had better realize, that IF they are telling the truth, this country will end up being run by people cut from the same cloth as the Clinton machine, if they do not charge at least some of these people so as it all comes out. If they do not charge and prosecute people ruining their reputations and political careers, then what would be the reason to dissuade people from doing such things?

Leftists on this board are really silly, they are TOT. They fight for BIG GOVERNMENT. That is what they want. And yet, everything they rail against has been caused by BIG GOVERNMENT!


1. Who created and enforced slavery? ANSWER: government!

2. Who created and enforced poll taxes? ANSWER: government.

3. Who enforced segregation?

4. Who creates the carve outs for certain corporations by lobbyists?

5. Who insists you give money in taxes for schools, then demands that if you want it back, you MUST send your children to the school that THEY choose for them?

With all of these examples, and many more we could list, why would Leftists think that EITHER party would not be so inclined if in power, to decide who/whom the next President will be, regardless of who we the citizens want, and use the power of the state to make it happen?

This is exactly why the Trump Administration has GOT TO prosecute. If they do that, they will not only dissuade others from doing the same thing, but it will wake up Democrats (not Leftists) that our government is out of control. It has to much power over the citizens, and the states. You see, that is the difference between us and the Leftists. We want to shrink the government down somewhat, they want to keep it just as it is, and keep it growing larger, as long as THEY CAN CONTROL IT!

Can you point to a functioning country on this planet which has the bathtub size government that you advocate for?

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