When I mailed 2 bricks to Paul Ryan's office, here's what happened


Gold Member
Oct 11, 2016
Washington, DC
I wrapped two bricks in plain brown paper, addressed them to Paul Ryan, 1233 Longworth H.O.B. Washington, DC 20515 and took them to the post office. The surly postal employee took them and as she is weighing them and affixing the postage she says, "You a mess." At first, I thought she was talking to her co-worker because she was laughing. Then she laughed harder. "you a mess", she said again. Then she laughed even harder, "You sending him TWO bricks," she said laughing even harder and shaking her head. "You a MESS!"

This post office is across Massachusetts Ave from the Capitol, so she was well aware of the significance of sending bricks to the Speaker of the House--the same guy who included no funding for a wall on the southern border in the last budget. The same Republican who tried to sabotage Trump's campaign. The same cuck who was signaling his willingness to get on board the Dems' impeachment treason.

I've sent three bricks so far. If other Americans will send just 441 more, it will land in the office of the Speaker of the House like a ton of bricks!

Just think how that would hijack all the MSM subversive narrative. It would be like a giant hammer blow from the American people: This is our country, and our president. Now build the fucking wall.

Pass this around. Mail a brick. Send me a pic and I'll post it on a virtual wall with your name and location. Stand up for America. It takes less than an hour, costs less than ten dollars, helps throw your support behind Donald Trump to protect him from the traitors in the Democratic Party and MSM, and could be the coolest thing you do this summer.

Here's the details: Brix4Prix

Take an active role in saving our country from the mainstream media. Take a few minutes and repost this everywhere: in your hometown newspaper, Twitter, Gab, Facecrook, Yahoo News, ESPN, etc.,
I wrapped two bricks in plain brown paper, addressed them to Paul Ryan, 1233 Longworth H.O.B. Washington, DC 20515 and took them to the post office. The surly postal employee took them and as she is weighing them and affixing the postage she says, "You a mess." At first, I thought she was talking to her co-worker because she was laughing. Then she laughed harder. "you a mess", she said again. Then she laughed even harder, "You sending him TWO bricks," she said laughing even harder and shaking her head. "You a MESS!"

This post office is across Massachusetts Ave from the Capitol, so she was well aware of the significance of sending bricks to the Speaker of the House--the same guy who included no funding for a wall on the southern border in the last budget. The same Republican who tried to sabotage Trump's campaign. The same cuck who was signaling his willingness to get on board the Dems' impeachment treason.

I've sent three bricks so far. If other Americans will send just 441 more, it will land in the office of the Speaker of the House like a ton of bricks!

Just think how that would hijack all the MSM subversive narrative. It would be like a giant hammer blow from the American people: This is our country, and our president. Now build the fucking wall.

Pass this around. Mail a brick. Send me a pic and I'll post it on a virtual wall with your name and location. Stand up for America. It takes less than an hour, costs less than ten dollars, helps throw your support behind Donald Trump to protect him from the traitors in the Democratic Party and MSM, and could be the coolest thing you do this summer.

Here's the details: Brix4Prix

Take an active role in saving our country from the mainstream media. Take a few minutes and repost this everywhere: in your hometown newspaper, Twitter, Gab, Facecrook, Yahoo News, ESPN, etc.,
You should send him even more.
This post office is across Massachusetts Ave from the Capitol, so she was well aware of the significance of sending bricks to the Speaker of the House--the same guy who included no funding for a wall on the southern border in the last budget. The same Republican who tried to sabotage Trump's campaign. The same cuck who was signaling his willingness to get on board the Dems' impeachment treason.

You mean he's the grown up in the room? Well, maybe, but the grownup who indulges a tantrum isn't doing anyone any good.
The cost of bricks isn't shit, it's the cost of labor. And the fact that the person used the word "cuck" as a description... yeah that just shows what kind of idiot he is.
What a stupid stunt

Who the fuck cares?

its a dumbass chain email that only dumbasses pass around trying to hook other dumbasses.

and this place is the breeding ground for RW dumbasses.
I could use a brick------A NEW ONE------unused. I have a recipe for "brick chicken"----one cuts the
chicken "spatchcock" places it on the grill and weighs it down with a nice CLEAN brick.....so while
you are MAILING bricks--------consider the needs of my kitchen
What a stupid stunt

Who the fuck cares?

its a dumbass chain email that only dumbasses pass around trying to hook other dumbasses.

and this place is the breeding ground for RW dumbasses.

Only a moron would mail a brick

Costs a shitload of money and they will just discard it as soon as it arrives. More trouble and expense for you than it is for them
I could use a brick------A NEW ONE------unused. I have a recipe for "brick chicken"----one cuts the
chicken "spatchcock" places it on the grill and weighs it down with a nice CLEAN brick.....so while
you are MAILING bricks--------consider the needs of my kitchen

soap and water works wonders on used bricks ....
Good idea, but one which needs embellishment: Send Ryan a Gold (painted) Brick, i.e. a thing that looks valuable but is in fact worthless (which in fact describes the current Speaker of the House).

Q. Why could Speaker Pelosi and Leader Reid pass a new health care bill in two years, and Ryan / McConnell promise to do so and not been able to in seven years

A. The D's are competent and know how to govern, the R's are incompetent and don't know how to govern.
I wrapped two bricks in plain brown paper, addressed them to Paul Ryan, 1233 Longworth H.O.B. Washington, DC 20515 and took them to the post office. The surly postal employee took them and as she is weighing them and affixing the postage she says, "You a mess." At first, I thought she was talking to her co-worker because she was laughing. Then she laughed harder. "you a mess", she said again. Then she laughed even harder, "You sending him TWO bricks," she said laughing even harder and shaking her head. "You a MESS!"

This post office is across Massachusetts Ave from the Capitol, so she was well aware of the significance of sending bricks to the Speaker of the House--the same guy who included no funding for a wall on the southern border in the last budget. The same Republican who tried to sabotage Trump's campaign. The same cuck who was signaling his willingness to get on board the Dems' impeachment treason.

I've sent three bricks so far. If other Americans will send just 441 more, it will land in the office of the Speaker of the House like a ton of bricks!

Just think how that would hijack all the MSM subversive narrative. It would be like a giant hammer blow from the American people: This is our country, and our president. Now build the fucking wall.

Pass this around. Mail a brick. Send me a pic and I'll post it on a virtual wall with your name and location. Stand up for America. It takes less than an hour, costs less than ten dollars, helps throw your support behind Donald Trump to protect him from the traitors in the Democratic Party and MSM, and could be the coolest thing you do this summer.

Here's the details: Brix4Prix

Take an active role in saving our country from the mainstream media. Take a few minutes and repost this everywhere: in your hometown newspaper, Twitter, Gab, Facecrook, Yahoo News, ESPN, etc.,
Mail a brick? You should have mailed yourself then.
Gave my youngest grandson a brick 2 weeks ago for his 16th birthday.

same as I gave a brick to his older brother, and my granddaughter on their 16th birthdays.

I teased them for months about what they were getting, and matrioshkaed (?) them.

(One box inside another, inside another)

They obviously thought I was joking, after all, who would give them a brick?

But, you should have seen their faces when they finally dug thru all the boxes, and found the brick.

sitting on 16 $100 bills.
I could use a brick------A NEW ONE------unused. I have a recipe for "brick chicken"----one cuts the
chicken "spatchcock" places it on the grill and weighs it down with a nice CLEAN brick.....so while
you are MAILING bricks--------consider the needs of my kitchen

soap and water works wonders on used bricks ....

I don't like to wash dishes and YOU have me washing BRICKS
Gave my youngest grandson a brick 2 weeks ago for his 16th birthday.

same as I gave a brick to his older brother, and my granddaughter on their 16th birthdays.

I teased them for months about what they were getting, and matrioshkaed (?) them.

(One box inside another, inside another)

They obviously thought I was joking, after all, who would give them a brick?

But, you should have seen their faces when they finally dug thru all the boxes, and found the brick.

sitting on 16 $100 bills.

Well I just turned 41... so you can give me a brick too.

sitting on 41 $100 bills. :muahaha:
Gave my youngest grandson a brick 2 weeks ago for his 16th birthday.

same as I gave a brick to his older brother, and my granddaughter on their 16th birthdays.

I teased them for months about what they were getting, and matrioshkaed (?) them.

(One box inside another, inside another)

They obviously thought I was joking, after all, who would give them a brick?

But, you should have seen their faces when they finally dug thru all the boxes, and found the brick.

sitting on 16 $100 bills.

Well I just turned 41... so you can give me a brick too.

sitting on 41 $100 bills. :muahaha:

Sorry, all out of bricks
I could use a brick------A NEW ONE------unused. I have a recipe for "brick chicken"----one cuts the
chicken "spatchcock" places it on the grill and weighs it down with a nice CLEAN brick.....so while
you are MAILING bricks--------consider the needs of my kitchen

soap and water works wonders on used bricks ....

I don't like to wash dishes and YOU have me washing BRICKS

bet ya wash off a new one too before you use it ...

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