When feminists supported Clinton despite his abuse of women it really ended the feminist movement...


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
...for all intents and purposes. Women knew they could not trust the feminist movement to support them when the rapist was a powerful Democrat or liberal.

That's why Harvey Weinstein got away with it for so long, the feminist movement did not go after him because he donated money generously to liberal and Democrat causes. He bought himself an immunity deal from the feminist movement.

Now, the metoo movement is trying to go after all these men retroactively, but who they should really go after is the feminists who knew about what these men were doing and didn't stop it. Those feminists, if anything, are worse than the men.
...for all intents and purposes. Women knew they could not trust the feminist movement to support them when the rapist was a powerful Democrat or liberal.

That's why Harvey Weinstein got away with it for so long, the feminist movement did not go after him because he donated money generously to liberal and Democrat causes. He bought himself an immunity deal from the feminist movement.

Now, the metoo movement is trying to go after all these men retroactively, but who they should really go after is the feminists who knew about what these men were doing and didn't stop it. Those feminists, if anything, are worse than the men.

I'll agree.

The bigger problem with feminist, is that the majority of the die-hards are very lliberal. Thus when a liberal does something improper,
they tone down their rhetoric. They can't win people over to their movement, when they are trying to base it on politics, instead
of the actual issue at hand.
Since feminists can't be counted on to defend women against liberal and Democrat sex offenders, the feminist movement is totally worthless to women.

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