When did the Leftist movement take hold of American government?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
My daughter is writing a paper and asking.
At what point did Leftist ideals infect U.S. politicians? Who was/were the first to really push them?
I don't think she wants to write much about FDR level leftism....She wants to write about the REAL new age AOC level Leftism.
The Democrats have been slowly publicly outing themselves since the Eugene McCarthy era. They finally removed the masks completely following Al Gore's loss in 2000.

Now they're openly Communist nuisances. They are useless to the Republic.
My daughter is writing a paper and asking.
At what point did Leftist ideals infect U.S. politicians? Who was/were the first to really push them?
I don't think she wants to write much about FDR level leftism....She wants to write about the REAL new age AOC level Leftism.

The Gilded Age.
My daughter is writing a paper and asking.
At what point did Leftist ideals infect U.S. politicians? Who was/were the first to really push them?
I don't think she wants to write much about FDR level leftism....She wants to write about the REAL new age AOC level Leftism.

The 1965 Immigration Act is where the foundation was laid but I really think it was the fall of the Berlin Wall. With the external threat gone people were willing to overlook the treasonous aspects of leftism and they took great advantage of it. Where they had to lie befor they could now gradually open up their true beliefs. What was waiting for them was a population of millions imported from socialist countries whose natural state was peasantry.
The Democrats have been slowly publicly outing themselves since the Eugene McCarthy era. They finally removed the masks completely following Al Gore's loss in 2000.

Now they're openly Communist nuisances. They are useless to the Republic.

I forgot about Al Gore. Yes that was their first open attack on the American electoral system. But they were still pretty timid in comparison. Not quite ready for the full frontal attack on America we see today.
My daughter is writing a paper and asking.
At what point did Leftist ideals infect U.S. politicians? Who was/were the first to really push them?
I don't think she wants to write much about FDR level leftism....She wants to write about the REAL new age AOC level Leftism.

The 1965 Immigration Act is where the foundation was laid but I really think it was the fall of the Berlin Wall. With the external threat gone people were willing to overlook the treasonous aspects of leftism and they took great advantage of it. Where they had to lie befor they could now gradually open up their true beliefs. What was waiting for them was a population of millions imported from socialist countries whose natural state was peasantry.

WTF dude.
My daughter is writing a paper and asking.
At what point did Leftist ideals infect U.S. politicians? Who was/were the first to really push them?
I don't think she wants to write much about FDR level leftism....She wants to write about the REAL new age AOC level Leftism.
You mean all the corporate socialism? I don't see much else going on. We sure don't have healthcare, paid college, good retirement... We get way more corporate socialism.
My daughter is writing a paper and asking.
At what point did Leftist ideals infect U.S. politicians? Who was/were the first to really push them?
I don't think she wants to write much about FDR level leftism....She wants to write about the REAL new age AOC level Leftism.

Watch out, at some point she will grow up and figure out her daddy has been drinking a lot of Cool Aid.
The Democrats have been slowly publicly outing themselves since the Eugene McCarthy era. They finally removed the masks completely following Al Gore's loss in 2000.

Now they're openly Communist nuisances. They are useless to the Republic.

I forgot about Al Gore. Yes that was their first open attack on the American electoral system. But they were still pretty timid in comparison. Not quite ready for the full frontal attack on America we see today.

The full frontal attack on America today is from the trump stupid.
My daughter is writing a paper and asking.
At what point did Leftist ideals infect U.S. politicians? Who was/were the first to really push them?
I don't think she wants to write much about FDR level leftism....She wants to write about the REAL new age AOC level Leftism.
You mean all the corporate socialism? I don't see much else going on. We sure don't have healthcare, paid college, good retirement... We get way more corporate socialism.
Shit happens from the top down...that's my guess. Until ShaQuita and Guadalupe start putting people to work it'll probably stay a top down system.
But for now we're discussing Leftism which goes hand in hand with socialism...I'm sure we'll get to that as we dig deeper. Stay tuned.
My daughter is writing a paper and asking.
At what point did Leftist ideals infect U.S. politicians? Who was/were the first to really push them?
I don't think she wants to write much about FDR level leftism....She wants to write about the REAL new age AOC level Leftism.

Watch out, at some point she will grow up and figure out her daddy has been drinking a lot of Cool Aid.

True...I'm sure she hopes to develop opposing positions to mine as she leaves the beach house in her brand new BMW headed to USC.
Staying on topic...can you offer anything related to the OP?
My daughter is writing a paper and asking.
At what point did Leftist ideals infect U.S. politicians? Who was/were the first to really push them?
I don't think she wants to write much about FDR level leftism....She wants to write about the REAL new age AOC level Leftism.

The 1965 Immigration Act is where the foundation was laid but I really think it was the fall of the Berlin Wall. With the external threat gone people were willing to overlook the treasonous aspects of leftism and they took great advantage of it. Where they had to lie befor they could now gradually open up their true beliefs. What was waiting for them was a population of millions imported from socialist countries whose natural state was peasantry.

I'd agree with that...Leftism / Socialism / Globalism...all gateways to failure
My daughter is writing a paper and asking.
At what point did Leftist ideals infect U.S. politicians? Who was/were the first to really push them?
I don't think she wants to write much about FDR level leftism....She wants to write about the REAL new age AOC level Leftism.
It launched in 1960 with Joe Kennedy and mayor Daily stealing the election [JFK was not involved personally] but the 68 convention was when liberalism infected the party and country...the 60's were Americas dark days...trump is in no way my kind of president but he is giving liberals a taste of what they did back in the 60's and it is just so enjoyable to watch them writhe like a salted slug, to me he is removing the alien from the countries gut, it aint pretty and is going to feel unpleasant at times but must be done to save the patient.
Moldbug gives a detailed, almost tediously detailed, examination of the rise of Marxist thought in the west. I don’t know if she is interested enough to plow through that.
My daughter is writing a paper and asking. At what point did Leftist ideals infect U.S. politicians? Who was/were the first to really push them?
I don't think she wants to write much about FDR level leftism....She wants to write about the REAL new age AOC level Leftism.
Well, Comrade Sanders takes full credit for what he calls his Democratic Socialist movement and indeed much of what he proposed in 2016 has become the mantra of the "new & improved" Democrat Socialist Party. The fact is we have had a "more free stuff" movement for nearly a century but thanks to social media it is out of the closet and squealing like a dying pig.
Watch out, at some point she will grow up and figure out her daddy has been drinking a lot of Cool Aid.
True...I'm sure she hopes to develop opposing positions to mine as she leaves the beach house in her brand new BMW headed to USC. Staying on topic...can you offer anything related to the OP?
USC?? How much did it cost you to get her in?
My daughter is writing a paper and asking.
At what point did Leftist ideals infect U.S. politicians? Who was/were the first to really push them?
I don't think she wants to write much about FDR level leftism....She wants to write about the REAL new age AOC level Leftism.

Watch out, at some point she will grow up and figure out her daddy has been drinking a lot of Cool Aid.

True...I'm sure she hopes to develop opposing positions to mine as she leaves the beach house in her brand new BMW headed to USC.
Staying on topic...can you offer anything related to the OP?

No. What the hell is "leftism"? Current 2 trillion dollar give-aways and bailouts IS NOT "leftism"? And what is it you think AOC advocates that FDR didn't DO?
The Democrats have been slowly publicly outing themselves since the Eugene McCarthy era. They finally removed the masks completely following Al Gore's loss in 2000.

Now they're openly Communist nuisances. They are useless to the Republic.

I forgot about Al Gore. Yes that was their first open attack on the American electoral system. But they were still pretty timid in comparison. Not quite ready for the full frontal attack on America we see today.

They came out fully at the Paul Wellstone Memorial.
My daughter is writing a paper and asking.
At what point did Leftist ideals infect U.S. politicians? Who was/were the first to really push them?
I don't think she wants to write much about FDR level leftism....She wants to write about the REAL new age AOC level Leftism.

Somewhere around 1910. The "movement" was always foremost cultural versus political, until about a decade ago when Cultural Marxist ideology went mainstream on the U.S. political scene. However, the Cultural Marxists have been injecting their ideology into our social lives via higher education (social sciences in particular), entertainment, and left wing propaganda since before 1900. Many, many social and "natural" scientists—including Darwin and Freud—have been endless sources of radical leftist brainwashing.

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